Pt2Ch72: Starship XIII

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"Yujin you have guests!" Yunjin shouted from the first floor.

The puppy rushed down the stairs, opening the front door to find Eunwoo and Seoyoung. The former wore casual clothes, bringing Yunjin's attention to the athleticwear Seoyoung wore. "What's up?" she asked.

"Seoyoung was talking about training, and you were the only person I thought about," Eunwoo replied.

Yujin scratched her pink cheek. "Daeun left this morning though. You won't be able to get any information from her."

"Ah, that's okay," Eunwoo smiled. "She actually just wanted training--to see what it's like to be in the military."

"Oh. Okay." Yujin paused, thinking about the uniform sitting on her bed. She weighed going to the sparring sessions against staying with the two in front of her.

Maybe I can make something out of this.

Yujin guided the pair to her backyard, still wearing the black t-shirt and gray dolphin shorts she answered the door in.

I didn't ask Daeun what Seoyoung's allele is... I guess I can start off with the basics Mr. Shin taught me.

"Seoyoung, can you throw a punch for me?" Yujin asked.

"Like this?" Seoyoung extended her fist. Following a confirmational nod, Seoyoung threw what she deemed to be a real punch earning an intrigued eyebrow raise from Yujin and an embarrassed head shake from Eunwoo.

'She punches like a girl,' they thought in unison.

"Don't shake your head, Sunbae!! I've never thrown a real punch!" Seoyoung shouted.

Yujin walked behind Seoyoung. She reached from behind the girl, fixing her posture with her own hands. With Seoyoung's posture fixed, a gentle layer of psionic energy wrapped around Seoyoung's arm, carefully pulling it back while rotating her wrist. "You want to move like this."

Seoyoung allowed her body to move behest of Yujin's allele. In spite of the uncertainty in her voice, she took note of how her arm and body moved. "O-Okay..."

"Okay, try it yourself," Yujin said as she stepped away.

Bae, Gaeul, and Riwon stared in awe as the brown mass of energy took form of a three meter tall man covered in a tapestry of tattoos. Every muscle on his body appeared toned beyond human limits. Long hair extended from the top of his head in a gradient of black and gray with his dense facial hair mirroring the hair atop his head. Additionally, the man's tattered shorts and hair gave him a rugged look--one of a barbarian.

"Oh-Oh my god..." Gaeul stuttered, a tinge of pink in her cheeks.

"Do you have a name?" Bae asked the man.

The man gave Bae a simple headshake prompting Bae to cross his arms. "You'll be Seungho then."

Following an approving head nod, Seungho's physical form dissipate. The brown hues coated Bae's body, permeating off his skin like smoke before dimming down and integrating with his body.

"Why'd you do that?" Riwon asked.

"I can't have these kinds of summons out for too long. It's taxing to keep them out, and I was planning on having Jiyeon--my sauropod summon--watch over us while we sleep," Bae explained with his eyes locked onto Riwon's.

Daeun and Gaeul worked in tandem with the former approaching Riwon while Gaeul turned Bae's head away from the older swordswoman. "Unnie, your boobs are hanging out again."

A simple gray glyph lit up from Daeun's palm. As she placed it on Riwon's clothes the fibers of her outfit slowly extended and wove together until Riwon's clothes had restored to their original state.

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