Chapter Forty-Four: Nameless Blood

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"Hey, Red Rabbit!"

Kami hummed in response. He kept his eyes glued to the misty text before him, dodging Sumin's gaze.

"Let's go do something!!" Sumin sat up. She tugged at the instructor's pant leg like a toddler pulling at their parent's leg. "I'm bored!"

"What did you do before you met me?" Kami asked.

Sumin crossed her arms, "I worked on medicine--but that's because I didn't have anyone to do anything with before!!"

Jinju eyed Kami's stance cautiously. She pinpointed his openings, yet they didn't feel like openings. Any normal person standing with their guard down would have a myriad of openings just as Kami does. However, these openings didn't truly feel like openings.

Whether it was just in her head or not, each opening the woman thought of ended in a counterattack and her death.

What is this...? He's just a level three... There's no reason I should be feeling like this.

"Well, what about family?" Kami inquired. "I'm sure they're willing to teach you something, or entertain you."

As Jinju inched closer, she watched Kami brandish his knife behind his back. Her eyes widened at the sight of his weapon seemingly materializing in the air.

He's that fast with his menu?! No- He didn't move his hands at all... How did he summon his weapon?!?!

"My family... uh..." Sumin grew quiet leading to a heavy silence falling onto the group. "They're all crazy. 'You're the chosen one' this, 'chosen one' that. It has nothing with what I want to do..."

Kami furrowed his eyebrows, "Chosen one...? What does that mean?"

Sumin scanned the room as if looking for eavesdroppers. She stood on her feet before leaning into the instructor's ear. "The truth is, I'm not just a healer."

The room's atmosphere shifted. Kami closed his menu, instead turning his attention to Sumin. Jinju turned her eyes to the youngest as well.

"Are you a multiclass at level one?" Kami mouthed.

Sumin shook her head, "My bloodline is... cursed. I can use class stuff without a catalog."

Kami furrowed an eyebrow. He blinked rapidly, rushing a train of thoughts through his head.

People need a catalog to use their supernatural powers... That's unusual. Is she not from this world?

"Can you show me what this... class stuff looks like?"

"I can't." Sumin frowned. She glanced behind Kami, biting her lip, eventually lowering her gaze to her feet. "Last time I tried to use them, Unnie got hurt."

Jinju stepped around Kami. She placed her hand on Sumin's shoulder, parting the young woman. "I think he can take it."

"But Unnie-"

"Let's go."

The three moved into Jinju's backyard. The spacious grassy plane separated the two younger parties with Jinju standing between.

If he can deal with this, then...

Sumin raised her finger, taking a deep breath. She scanned Kami's face for a hint of uncertainty to no avail. As she focused her thoughts a small flame bubbled at the tip of her finger. It flickered like a candle before condensing into a small mote.

Beads of sweat budded on Jinju's icy skin, drawing her back to her last encounter with the unknown power.

"Unnie!!" Sumin shouted across the room, "Look! I can control it!!"

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