Chapter Nineteen: Lower Tier Round One Cont.

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Minju took a deep breath, calming her reservoir into a stagnant pool.

"The match will end once one of you loses consciousness, suffers a fatal wound, or concedes. Begin!!"

Bae clasped his hands together, focusing his gaze onto Minju's neck. From behind her, two dogs materialized, training their jaws on the girl. She ducked below the beasts, dispersing the two with a backswing.

She's faster than I thought.

Bae clenched his jaw, relaxing the muscle with a deep breath as Minju disappeared. He strained his eyes and ears for a hint toward his peer's.

She's moving slowly. I have time.

The boy interlocked his thumbs, calling his falcon into the space before him. Bae signaled for the falcon to fly circles around himself before exhaling slowly once more.

"That's not going to work."

Bae whisked his head to the right, throwing a punch. To his surprise his hit didn't connect. Instead, Minju's foot slammed into his left ear.

She's behind me-

Bae spun on the balls of his right foot, planting his left foot into the ground as he threw a left jab into the air.

She's quick too...

Bae sighed, straightening his posture. He raised his hands, hanging his head low with pursed lips.

"I give up."


"Did I hear that right?" T questioned, "You said you give up?"

Bae nodded, "I concede."

The crowd erupted into a mass of contempt. Various objects flew through the air, yet as it enclosed on the border of the arena, the objects disappeared.

"I guess the barrier was good for things other than preventing attacks from reaching the crowd," Chaeyeon chuckled.

"You suck!!"

"Why did you enter this tournament if you were going to give up?!"

"Get out of here!!"

"Start the next match already!!!"

Minju appeared before Bae furrowing her eyebrows, "Why did you do that?"

"I don't have any answers to your Allele," Bae shrugged, "Since you're light on your feet and fast while moving, I can't find you."

Minju pursed her lips, nodding before parting ways with her peer. The two contestants walked through the arched hallways with Minju entering the locker rooms while Bae approached his brother in the crowd.

"That was a shame," Kami patted the boy's back, "But I'm proud of you nonetheless."

"I don't know what I could have done there," Bae sighed.

"Your dogs should be able to track her," Kami replied, "Then you can work from there. Alternatively, you could have locked her leg between your elbow when she kicked you. Then with just one movement, you could summon your dog to bite her. If it doesn't end the match there, it would definitely hinder her movement."

"You're right..."

Minju knocked on the door labeled with Y/n's name.

"Come in."

She walked through the door, smiling as she sat next to Y/n.

"Did you see my fight, Oppa?"

"Yeah," Y/n nodded, "That was a little sad to see."

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