Pt2Ch73: Starship XIV

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Bae held his breath with each step backward. He glanced toward Riwon and Daeun, biting the inside of his lip.

They know we're stepping back, right...?

A faint but crisp snap echoed through the trees from under Bae's foot causing the owl to whisk its head toward the group. In the same instance, Bae, Riwon and the owl acted. Bae opened the shadowfell underneath Gaeul, dropping her inside. Before he could take a breath of relief, shooting pain branched out from his chest, and blood seeped into his uniform. His ears heard the whistle of a feather, but his eyes didn't register one--even though he hadn't taken his eyes off the beast.


Through the reflex of her interception skill Riwon swung her katana, parrying a feather aimed for Daeun's head. Spectral tendrils sprouted from Riwon's sliced neck, rebinding her head to her body, and allowing her to pour energy into regenerating her neck before her spine could sever completely.

This thing's fast!!

"Stop it from moving!!" Bae shouted.

Jiyeon raised her arms, forming a canopy of vines as the owl flapped its wings. Roots broke from the ground below, wrapping around the owls legs, and branches enclosed onto the owl causing it to swipe its wings toward the group. Gusts of wind strong enough to uproot smaller trees swept through the area forcing Riwon to dig her katana into the ground. She grabbed Daeun's wrist as the young girl was swept off her feet, gritting her teeth.

Roots bound Jiyeon to the soil while the woman caught Bae as his feet lifted off the ground. Jiyeon pulled Bae down before wrapping him in a wooden dome. Suddenly, a swarm of feathers swallowed Riwon, Daeun and Jiyeon. Though slower than the initial three it shot, the heavy winds drastically increased the storm's piercing power.

Riwon pooled energy into her conduit, hyperclocking her body. Lightning crackled around her as she snapped through the forest. The tip of Riwon's blade dug into the owl's body, warping the flesh around it.

Breath of the Star, Eighth Form: Quasar

At a ratio of two-to-one Riwon poured her energy into the owl, turning its own energy against it. The energy pooled at the tip of Riwon's blade, condensing the owl's flesh, but also draining Riwon's of her energy.

How much energy does this thing have?! I can't reach any of its vital organs...!

A large chunk of the owl's body imploded flinging Riwon across the forest. Daeun tugged at the space Riwon flew through, altering her course until Riwon ended at Daeun's side. With the press of her palm against Riwon's body she refilled her wellspring, restoring the color to Riwon's body.

"We need to kill it with one hit," Riwon huffed.

The pair watched Jiyeon wrap vines and roots around the owl, keeping it grounded and in place. They sensed the dryad spread roots through the owl's flesh--constricting even its bones.

"I cannot hold it for long!!" Jiyeon shouted.

"Do it," Riwon commanded. "Go all out."

Daeun gulped. "But... Unnie..."

"Just do it!" Riwon cupped Daeun's face with a soft smile. "I'll keep you safe. I promise."

With a low deep breath Daeun took a wide stance. Stardust rose from the ground as she drew her sword, illuminating the small space around her body. Motes of energy spawned around Daeun, taking the form of stars until an entire galaxy surrounded her. Gusts of wind billowed around Daeun in response to the heat permeating from her body.

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