Pt2Ch93: Hybe XIII

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Bae crouched next to the base of a tree at the edge of the forest with his bow and arrow in hand. He watched the sphere encasing Minho and Zico rise into the air, signaling the pair behind him to move forward. While Gaeul and Rei moved forward Bae continued around the perimeter. With the shadows concealing his presence, Bae slipped deeper and deeper into enemy territory--his sights set on the flag.

Nightmarish monstrosities broke through the tree line sending chills down the trio's spines. Gaeul slammed her fist against her chest, expelling a pulse of energy and snapping herself from her shock. She charged into the field where the few numbers turned into masses. Energy rushed through Gaeul's system, bringing her to greater heights than she could have pictured herself just months prior. With just a single punch, she tore a hole through the nightmares.

Small fractures in the ground formed from her steps, and shockwaves shook the battlefield. The weight of the monster island lifted off her shoulders as she basked in the thrill of her overwhelming power. With one less arm, Gaeul shifted her combat style to focus on kicks. Days of nonstop training and meditation condensed into these few moments where Gaeul expressed herself and the energy control she honed to surpass that of Ahn Y/n and Kim Minho.

Waves of energy swept through the fields, freezing the nightmares in time briefly enough to allow Gaeul to plow through their numbers. In the midst of the dissipating nightmares, a humanoid figure slipped into Gaeul's range. Jimin slammed his fist into Gaeul's guard, furrowing his eyes as she stood her ground.

Shadowy tendrils sprung from the ground and Gaeul's own shadow, restraining her in place. Arrows whistled past Jimin as a shadow tendril pulled him back, and a forest of brambles separated Gaeul from the approaching wave of nightmares. The blades of grass around Gaeul's feet sliced at her shadowy restraints prompting Gaeul to turn toward the woman behind her.

Jiyeon gave an assuring smile before turning her sights back to the shadowy masses. Tremors rumbled from below causing Gaeul, Jiyeon, and Rei to brace themselves. Magma broke through the grass, spewing into the air as the harbinger of the towering wave to come. Rei swiped her hand through the air, giving Jiyeon enough time to pull Gaeul out of the way before the wave inevitably crashed into the grass.

"Keep pushing them!!" Jimin shouted. Energy pulsed from his hands, burning the brambles for the nightmares. Shadow tendrils sprung from the masses, pushing the debris out of the way for Jimin and Taehyung to follow in suit. From deeper into the masses, Hoseok raised his staff into the sky, launching a swarm of light missiles.

As Gaeul, Jiyeon, and Rei began to prepare for the onslaught, the raging flames spawned from the lava's touch bent and contorted as if bowing to a higher power. They rose into the air, a swirling mass, spreading wide enough to intercept the missiles.

Chaewon leapt off Hyeyoon's back prompting the summon to take her human form and descend. Flames erupted from Chaewon's uniform, bending around her body until it took the form of her crimson robes. As the twin flames landed, a wave of fire swept through the field. Chaewon spread her hands like wings, taking a deep breath before clapping. A thunderous boom swept through the nightmarish army eviscerating those that didn't burn from Hyeyoon's flames.

Taehyung charged through the roaring flames with a halberd in hand and a stoic expression on his face. Cracks in his skin glowed as if his veins flowed with magma. A ball of light shot into the air, splitting into fragments before raining down on onto Jimin, Yoongi, and Taehyung. Hoseok spun his staff around his body, channeling his energy through its crystal while muttering verse after verse. With the flick of his staff a second, larger ball of light flew into the air spreading radiant light throughout the field.

Chaewon clicked her tongue as she watched Hoseok stack buff after buff onto not only his teammates, but the nightmares. She raised her hand next to her head with her ring finger down, signaling for Gaeul, Rei, and Jiyeon to flee. Vibrant flames ignited around Chaewon's body, wrapping tightly around her figure as she rose into the air. Strips of light seeped from between her fingers, and heat waves distorted the air around her hand.

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