Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Tears of heartbreak and fury poured from my eyes as I saw him there; swarmed, surrounded by demobats tearing at him as he fought valiantly, his spear and shield slashing and stabbing against them until he couldn't anymore and fell.

"No... no NO he can't die this way, this is not happening!" My wife and I both shouted as we were both forced to relive childhood trauma, it felt like The Lion King all over again!

Turning off the tv I tossed the remote aside to head to bed alongside my wife Jin who's expression mirrored my own of rage and sadness at seeing Eddie Munson fall to the ground, the screen fading to black as he was reported dead.

As my head hit the pillow thoughts raced through my mind, different rescue plans how I would've saved him. Kissing Jin goodnight I cuddled beside her as I continued to run through different scenarios starting with the first hurdle of how to get to the Upside Down in the first place.

Through a portal? Nah...those things are unreliable as fuck and could end up anywhere..

Infinity stones? Nope Captain America took those out of I doubt the sorcerer supreme is about to give those to me if I could even time travel to when those I may be a witch but my abilities are limited to protection spells, fortune spells, some foreknowledge and mid level healing... active thoughts faded as sleep claimed me

My dreams were stranger than usual, which was saying something with my active imagination. First of all I was more aware of and could feel the texture of my clothing, which is such a strange and odd concept that we don't often pay attention to, but I certainly noticed it now especially considering I didn't dress for bed.

Looking down at my clothes my brows rose, I was not wearing what I typically would for hanging around the house. I wore a pair of my favorite jeans that I hadn't worn in forever and my Rush t-shirt, even had on my sneakers which was even more shocking considering I was more of a flip flops type of gal lately. Looking around at my surroundings I noticed another thing out of the ordinary, I wore my glasses which explained how I could clearly see around me, my jewelry and even my Apple watch and bracelets lined my wrists. Studying the area around me things began to make even less sense, it was a pitch black, soundless void no up or down, just eerie cloying silence.

"Well this is fucking creepy..where the hell am I?"

It was like a soundproof box, my voice didn't even echo which sent goose bumps across myfair skin.

"The fuck?? How am I getting goosebumps in my dreams? Dreams never have this much clarity.. that's it no more smoking delta 8 before bed.."

Before I could form another coherent thought my feet dropped out from underneath me and my senses were inundated with toxic nearly rotten fumes causing me to choke and gag gasping for breath; Falling for what felt like forever I landed gracelessly on the cracked ground. Getting up I brushed the red dirt off and rocks off my jeans, adjusted my glasses grateful that they didn't fall off or crack, I began to look around.

"Ok this is reaching a new level of creepy..I'm ready to wake up now!"

Glancing around my brows rose and jaw dropped.. I knew where I was...where I could be...where I hoped to whichever deity happened to be listening that I wasn't..

The Upside Down

Sounds I never wanted to hear in person Demobats.. their screams sharp, cutting like blades as they echoed in my head, I glanced around frantically until I saw the biggest source of the noise. hundreds of the creatures circled a figure that fell to the ground in front of me as they dove at him, more of them diving down to attack.. the scene in front of me sent chills across my spine.. it couldn't be.. I must just be reliving the episode off of Netflix last night.. that's what it was..

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now