Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Dustin and the other teens were very relieved when both Eddie and Red finally left the bedroom and looked to be in decent spirits. He couldn't help but sit up proudly knowing that his idea had worked, that the guitar had done the trick to help erase the trauma of the day before.

After a bit of shuffling and what looked like a round of rock paper scissors presumably to decide who would sit next to the couple, Robin patted an open space between her and Lucas, and Steve then Jonathan and Nancy sat beside her, and Erica beside Lucas on the other side.

Clearly both Eddie and I were on the same page as he sat first and didn't hesitate to pull me into the shelter of his lap his arms holding me close.

Looking like she might burst if she didn't say anything Robin nudged my knee with hers, trying to get my attention, waving her hands back and forth she gestured to Eddie her jaw dropped as she pantomimed the scene from earlier.

Steve looked like he couldn't decide between being embarrassed or impressed as he shook his head at Robins antics. Nancy glanced between Eddie and I and back at Robin her cheeks pink, clearly it was still on her mind as well, Jonathan shook his head a similar expression to Steve's on his face, Argyle was utterly bemused and gave a makeshift salute in Eddie's direction.

Joyce chose the path of subtly even as a warm smile lit her face "so we might need to try to wash some clothes today, don't want to run out especially after yesterday.."

Giggling and shaking my head at the older teen's various reactions and Joyce's diplomatic response I hugged Eddie's arms closer to myself leaning back cuddling my head on his shoulder, nuzzling my cheek against his, offering little reminders of love and support as I knew he might be flustered from the attention and still have my earlier conversation weighing on his mind.

Sitting slightly more upright I alternated between toying with both mine and Eddie's rings as I glanced about the rest of the room curious to see the others reactions. I cackled at the smirk on Uncle Wayne's and Dmitri's face and apparently enjoying the bit of chaos as a pleasant respite from all of the stress lately. Murray gave the both of us a pointed look, a smirk and an arched brow not that I was surprised in the slightest.

Eddie's mind wandered even as he held me closer in the shelter of his lap, my earlier confession still played in the back of his thoughts. He tried so fucking hard not to picture a younger version of Red, so shy and quiet, barely older than half of the teens in the room with them, being assaulted by someone his own age. Fuck he did NOT want to picture that..the fact that she was too scared to even fight back..Why did nobody come to help her..shit..why in the fucking hell did her own family side with that fucking monsters family?! and the biggest question yet, how in the fuck did Red come out the other side of that hell as the person he'd come to know and love.

Her laughter pulled him from his thoughts once more, leaning into her touch allowing the feeling of her soft skin to calm his racing mind. He nuzzled his cheek against Red's as he saw what she'd been giggling at he gave a soft smirk at the looks and gestures being sent his way, once more proving her theory that clearly his shirtless adventure had caused quite a stir.

Erica looked worlds better today, still not fully back to her usual spitfire self, but she'd been cleaned up and wearing similar clothes to the others, a variety of comfortable cargo pants and a t-shirt, she seemed to be talking to Lucas and Dustin about something presumably D&D related from what we could both overhear.

Eleven was still slightly pink cheeked when she glanced in mine and Eddie's direction but she appeared to be more interested in talking about D&D with Dustin and the others, even Will had joined in, reminding me of when he was younger and more carefree with how animated he was.

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