Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Flushing at the innuendo I took his arms in mine and hugged him enjoying the way that it felt, safe and secure even from myself when he held me like this. Remembering my list I addressed the others feeling a bit braver to lead them than I did before.

"So..I know I'm not the eldest and haven't been here with you all through the crazy shit you've been through so far but I've been watching this from the outside for a while before I got here and then Vecna decided to make it personal by trying to kill my man and the rest of you and me.. so I want to help..and I've got some ideas.."

Taking a breath my hands shook as I fidgeted with my rings, I hated public speaking and could feel my heart pounding but I pushed through.

Eddie ran his thumb across my pulse at my wrist slowly and calmly just trying to be there without taking away from my speech even as he delighted at being called mine.

"So.. I know we're missing a few, Max, Lucas and Erica is still at the we know... is Max waking up? El I know you tried to reach her right after with The Void in what I saw but I don't know if you were able to reach her.."

Eleven nodded but her eyes conveyed it wasn't as simple "Yes..I felt her but...I think that Vecna has her somehow.. he said that he takes those that he kills inside himself..I think he has her mind trapped.." the guilt of her self imposed failure weighed heavily on the tiny girl and my heart clenched to see it.

Shaking my head at her unsaid statement "El you didn't fail dear, she's not gone. Why else would he keep the people he's taken in the Upside Down like he is? They're more than trophies I think he's kind of like an energy vampire or something in the way he kills. I'm not saying we can save the others that he's taken but I think we can save Max because her body is still alive...if that made any sense.."

Those of the group that had played D&D nodded, the others not as much; Argyle, Steve, Eleven and Robin looked confused so I continued.

"And for those of the less nerdy variety I think Vecna has taken their spirit or energy or however you want to view it into himself or into the Upside Down and that's what he's using to open the huge cracks. Does that make more sense?"

Argyle and the others nodded and I made a note to meet up with him later to see what he had left of the weed because it wouldn't hurt to have that escape for later especially to help us sleep.

"So knowing that we need to do three things: We need to reinforce both this cabin as well as get some type of perimeter security up so that we aren't caught with our pants down if something or someone finds us."

Looking over at Jim "Now I know you handled reinforcing and securing the cabin that the both of you lived in before the fleshy mind flayed fucked it up try saying that 5 times fast to keep El safe and I know you've got some military history, would you be willing to reinforce this place and make it safe?"

Jim's brows rose he continued to be surprised by the amount Red knew about each of them and even after everything was a tiny bit suspicious. His personality of planning and watching everyone and everything around those he loved left him paranoid. Luckily with his daughter having her abilities back he knew she was less than defenseless so he didn't have to worry quite as much.

Realizing that Red was still waiting on his response he nodded "Yea I can do that, might need some help but we can make this place into a damn near fortress"

Nodding with a smile I looked over at the teens. "I'm sure we can divide up the cabin reinforcement tasks with as many of us as there are."I said looking around at the group who nodded eager to help, the guilt of the recent failure still weighed heavily on them.

"So now that we've got that part sorted we also need to get this group combat ready, and I don't just mean Home Alone.." at the confused looks I flushed sputtering "wait shit.. that movie doesn't exist yet...I just mean we can't expect traps made with toys and shit from the hardware store to work every time."

"We need better training and weapons and armor...things that aren't just baseball bats with nails and jackets for armor, we need protection that can hold up against anything that asshole tries cause I'm not losing anyone damnit."

I spat the last part vehemently my green eyes hardened as I dug my nails into my palms drawing blood at the thought of the last time this group had come up with a battle plan and what it had very nearly cost.. taking a deep breath I hoped Eddie didn't notice the blood on my hands as I continued.

"And the last and most important part of our success in this plan is both strategy and training, we've got to be able to physically handle a fight, have some basic instincts to survive hand to hand combat" narrowing my eyes at the one who tended to barely survive those situations by the seat of his pants "and yes even you Steve, it's all well and good to pull it out of your ass at the last minute but we gotta be able to handle things a lot better."

"I can spar somewhat thought I'm a bit rusty" I turned back towards Eddie with a grin remembering how he'd pinned Steve in the boathouse "I know you can fight and your strong" I bit my lip eyes sparkling remembering how incredibly hot it was seeing him nearly toss Steve around like he did.

Looking back towards the others I continued "and if I remember correctly Jonathan can fight decently." He gave a non committed shrug, a small smile on his lips.

Scoffing, Steve glared in response, muttering with a pout "I won a few fights.." sighing Icontinued "yes, you did but he hit you so hard he knocked the dumbass right out of you when you were in high school so he can't be that bad in a fight" Nancy snorted and quickly covered it with a cough.

Smirking I shook my head as I continued "now I'm decent with a sword as well though I'm better with ranged weapons so I can help those that aren't as experienced." cue Mulan's I'll Make a Man Out of You montage

Looking up I noticed Robin about to speak "Yes an oar counts but I'd like to help you find a bit better of a weapon, I think with a little training you'll be able to hold your own." She nodded pleasantly surprised that I'd had confidence in her abilities.

Eddie's thighs bunched as he sat back puffing up with pride seeing Red in her element, she was as fired up as her hair and he loved it, he knew that she struggled with confidence as he did so it made him so happy to see her like this.

Taking Red's hands in his he hugged her arms, pulling her closer towards him before raising a brow as he noticed her hands were wet. Glancing down he saw the blood on his hands from hers. His brows high with concern until he saw her nails had blood on them, clearly she'd been clenching her fists so tight that she'd cut herself with her nails.

Grabbing the spare cloth from the day before that sat on a nearby table he gently unfolded her hands and dabbed gently at her bleeding palms whispering in her ear "Hey.. easy..beautiful you're doing great, you've got this."

Looking back up he chuckled at Steve's flabbergasted expression when Red had put him in his place. When she mentioned his own fighting skills and he saw her bite her lip as she emphasized his own strength, that look in her eyes, he hadn't known that she liked seeing him like that. Once Red mentioned her own skills he was nearly growling with want at the image of her fighting with a sword. He couldn't wait until he could spar with her and see her move as she fought.

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