Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It was too much to hope for to think that the joint would keep nightmares away.

*in the dream*

Fiery wings against a sky of blood, Vecna 's gravely voice

"It will end, you will all fall in the end"

Blood.. covered in blood.. vacant brown eyes staring into my soul, bones snapping, bodies of my friends.. my wife... everyone I ever cared for rose suspended in the smog filled air by the same cursed vines that had taken sweet Chrissy and his other victims away

"You will fail... you can 't save them... can 't save are NOTHING"

Closing my eyes firmly I clenched my hands over my ears screaming my spell, the one I always used when I felt unsafe.. my last effort

I call upon the highest power, goddess surround me within this hour...

Over and over I chanted the words, screamed them over his threats as I focused on the bright glow of light spreading from my body in a wide halo that continued to spread covering the ground and surrounding me until everything was blinding white light.

*outside the dream*

Shaking, trembling I woke with firm arms around me, heart racing in my ears as I continued to chant softly the dream hanging on clinging to my skin covered in sweat.

"Hey.. Red... easy it's ok, you're ok...I mean you kinda were glowing a bit there but you're safe, you're ok"

Nuzzling into his chest I hugged him back allowing my heart rate to settle while I listened to his soothing voice, processing his words..

Glowing?? The fuck??

"I was glowing??"

Eddie laughed nervously adjusting me in his arms so he could meet my confused gaze with his own.

"uh yea, is that normal for you? I mean you did kinda mention the whole magic thing but this is.. hell I don't know what it is, my knowledge of magic is kinda limited to D&D.. was that a spell you were saying?"

My eyes widened.. I'd been saying that spell when I was scared since I was a kid and while I always felt safer when I did so, it never before had a visible physical manifestation.

"Fuck so this universe is full of all sorts of surprises, I mean with One's and Eleven's abilities.. and the other kids.. I guess this makes as much sense as anything else.. wait if that glowing really happened..gods no..NO...!"

Sitting up with a pained grunt, healing wounds stiff from inactivity, the calm mood gone Eddie moved to help me sit beside him so he could gather me in his arms.

"Easy.. Red, easy what did you see? Don't tell me that asshole tried to get to you, do you need some music??!"

Shaking my head I pulled his arms into my own hugging them tightly

"I don't think it's the same as what he did to Max and the others.. but I do think it might have been like what he did to Nancy, his way of letting me know he wasn't done with us.."

Taking a deep breath to ground myself I grabbed my glasses and put them back on trying to focus on anything other than the lingering images from that damned nightmare.

Turning my attention to Eddie I got up and eased him back on the bed confusion clear on his drowsy expression.

"We gotta take a look at those wounds of yours, sorry you gotta suffer the touch of Dr. Red again"

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now