Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Uncle Wayne surprisingly volunteered to do the metalwork creating the box on top of the car and attaching the two together, mentioning experience from working at the plant. I couldn't help the shiver of excitement at the idea of metalworking, even in this base format and admittedly less fun reason to do so.

Stroking Eddie's cheek to get his attention "love, got a favor to ask..can you get rid of the windshield in the car? Visibility is shit on it at this point it's going to do us more harm than good. If anything tries to get in through the front of the vehicle we'll need to shoot em or fend them off somehow."

Worrying my lip with my teeth I tried to think how to keep the area clear especially since I couldn't shoot while driving "we can attach some spike strips to the hood, kind of like the way you and Dustin made the shields? That should help keep the fuckers off of us, what do you think?"

Noticing the lack of reply I looked into Eddie's brown eyes my own soft with concern, I could see the anxiety shimmering below the surface as he nodded stiffly "yea..that could work.." his voice a pale whisper of it's usual timbre.

Sighing I knew this whole plan, and another rescue so soon..had been too much for him, and he needed more than the time the others and I had been given to process this shit. Clearly the trauma of everything til now had finally decided to rear it's ugly head.

Nodding I detangled from his embrace and waved to the others "we'll be back in a few.." taking Eddie's hand in my own I tugged him along until he finally caught on and followed without prompting, confusion clear on his face as the both of us walked into the mostly empty cabin and to the room that the two of us shared before shutting the door.

Pulling him over to the bed I patted the mattress "alright love, sit" his brow arched at my tone even as he did as I'd asked and sat beside me. Turning so my knees was touching his, I took his ringed hands in my own and stroked them,

"Ok, so I get that this is a lot..I get's another rescue mission that brings us that much closer to Vecna and all of his bullshit, it's fucking scary and risky and everything but it's also necessary." Turning his hand in my own I traced the lines of his palms as I continued hoping he'd join in and let me know what was going on inside his head.

"If either of them are hurt.. I'm the only one with the knowledge to help them on the fly and not just here with our decently sized supply cabinet."

"Also we need a balance between who we send and who watches all of these kids here, we can't have all of any type of fighter running out on a mission...shit I brought you here to talk and I'm the one rambling..sorry love..Eddie talk to me..please?" Panting softly to catch my breath as I looked up trying to meet his gaze and failing, his bangs were falling forward covering his brown eyes, keeping him from me, it broke my heart to have this distance between us..I hated the silence.

Eddie nodded idly but didn't say a word. His hands tracing the scars on the backs of my hands as he sat there in silence. I worried that he was just going to shut down until he sighed heavily his mouth opening and closing clearly unsure of where to start.

"No, I don't like the mission..necessary or not. I mean I'm glad that I'm not having to leave your side again..that's something and I'm grateful for it."

"It's just what you said out there, you've seen the endgame to do you mean what Nancy saw?? You've nevermentioned it before..and I mean that's fair I guess, based off her reaction it looked scary as fuck.." his voice faded as he tried to find the words, he was grateful that Red didn't push as her hand stroked his, a simple reminder that she was listening.

"It's just..fuck I..I want to help..and you didn't even tell me about that..but then how would I even help? I play guitar, I can write I guess...I'm not a warrior...I mean fuck I'm the DM notthe fighter, yea I can fight..have had to..too damn much in my life...and for you and Jin I'll fight til I can't...I guess I'm just terrified I don't have what it takes..that I'll let you down..let them down and it'l be that damn plan all over again with the demobats.."

Taking a deep breath I sighed shaking my head, I couldn't even be mad at him for feeling this way because I wasn't some fucking warrior or even a rogue in real life.

I'm a nerd who does tech support who got thrown into this shit. Hearing his insecurities spread out like this, seeing how closely they matched my own I had to hold back a laugh ironic or not.

"Oh my dear sweet love, you couldn't be a better match for Jin and I if you tried so many ways a perfect match...even matching set of insecurities kind of perfect match, You are so much more than what you see of yourself."

"You don't have to be a mighty warrior trained and primed for battle ok? None of us are. Shit the only reason Nancy and Steve and Robin and them 'look' prepared is because this is not their first attack from The Upside Down. None of themare warriors or prepared for this."

"We're a bunch of nerds, adults and teenagers doing the best we fucking can in an impossible situation. You think you'reout of your depth, I do tech support! I simper and beg while I help idiots to follow basic steps struggling to keep my surveys good and keep a paycheck on a regular basis and now here I am about to prepare for battle against demobats and worse."

That finally got a response, his eyes wide and brows high as he heard about my job for the first time. I saw that same protective look that I loved when he worried over me. It made me smile to see him climbing out of his own thoughts again so I continued my ramble.

"Sure I've got my reiki and other witchy abilities but trust me they are not something I've ever used for anything like this strategy skills and everything is from books and video games, my archery from gym class as you know. Eddie my love, you are no more unprepared than any of us."

"You don't have to have some innate skill or divine gift. No sword drawn from a stone. As far as that first plan you and the kids did the best you could."

Swallowing down the pain this memory would cause me, I continued knowing it needed to be addressed. "Sure I screamed til I was fucking hoarse seeing you run out to distract the bats feeling like it was what you -had- to do...that you were a failure and this was your only recourse..that left a fucking wound on my soul that was barely healed by saving you...but it's a wound and wounds do eventually heal and I did save you and that day doesn't make you a failure." I felt him flinch at those words and sighed before detangling my hands and wrapping my arms around him as I spoke further I really hoped I didn't make the situation worse.

"Jin and I fell in love with you Eddie Munson exactly as you are, nobody else. Be that person, the husband we chose and stand by my side. The only way you could fail or disappoint either of us is if you aren't your damn self."

"As far as me seeing the endgame..well fuck, Eddie my love I can barely process what I saw.. I don't know if it's just my fears and not an actual hint at what will be but I think he's creating some Cthulhu-escque THING the same way that demodogs and those other creatures can be born out of the vines."

"I haven't brought it up yet because I'm trying to stuff that image in a hole til I can fix it. That's how I handle my anxiety, my fear. With action. I'm not some magical rogue goddess warrior I'm a witch with a temper who's good with some weaponry and strategy's. I'm nothing special, and yet somehow you and Jin love me... and that is everything."

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now