Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

An ear to ear smile was looking down at me from the spreading cracks as both Eddie and Dustin reached down to pull me up. I climbed the unstable pile and barely got out before the crack widened and the trailer shuddered around the group.

Dustin stood up and helped Eddie to his feet before helping me alongside him.

"We gotta get out of here, the towns got bigger problems than chasing after you Eddie. We gotta get a car and try to get somewhere safe"

The three nodded in agreement as I frantically looked around hoping to find any vehicles intact. Somehow the fates or deities were listening because Eddie's Uncles car was still there.

"Eddie, dear you up for some hotwiring?"

He must be feeling a bit better because he managed a chivalrous flourish

"As you wish my Warrior Goddess"

I flushed before switching my focus to trying to unlock the door, failing that I grabbed a rock

"Sorry Uncle Wayne!"

Smashing the window I cleared out the glass and opened the door, sweeping the glass off the seat I held the door for Eddie

"After you my Dungeon Master" I somehow managed to purr out smooth as silk like I wasn't playing with fire flirting with him like this.

If it weren't for the recent injuries and blood loss Eddie might've had an uncomfortable situation as he moved to sit in the car and working to get the wires together to start the car. This little seductress knew so much about him, as soon as the world isn't ending he has got to start asking some questions because this is unreal even compared to everything happening lately.

The roar of the engine cleared his thoughts as he slid into the passengers seat.

"Your chariot awaits my lady!"

I flushed once more as I sat down behind the wheel reaching behind me to unlock the back door I called to Dustin who sat on the hood

"Come on!"

Dustin was lost in thought, his analytical mind racing to process the day and plan his next move. Nodding he slid into the back seat glancing into the rearview mirror to see Eddie settling in, looking worlds better than he had earlier today. Looking around in the backseat he shouted,

"Jackpot! Your Uncle keeps snacks and water in his car!"

Taking a swig of the bottle of water he found he tossed it to Eddie who drank heavily from it, the cool water a balm on his throat. Waiting as Red backed out of the space avoiding the spreading cracks in the earth she drove towards what was left of the road.

"Thirsty my lady?"

Flushing for what felt like the thousandth time today I nodded as he held the bottle for me to take a drink, the car hit a bump sending water down my front

"Well that was refreshing"

Eddie laughed and the warmth of it felt wonderful, like we weren't driving to escape giant cracks in the earth, like it was just a nice road trip.

Dustin rummaged through the remaining snacks he found some pop tarts and handed them forward taking some for himself.

Taking a bite of the offered pop tart I moaned around the flaky pastry earning a raised eyebrow and smirk from Eddie

"Hungry are you my lady?" I grinned as I chewed and swallowed nodding

"Fuck yes, starving.. feels like I haven't eaten in days. Now, I am just driving here anyone got directions or are we goin til we run out of gas cause that's a plan too but I'd really like to check on the others.."

Eddie fortunately knew the area well seeing as he'd lived there and between his and Dustins help, the group found their way to the cabin.

To say it was neglected... is an understatement, broken windows and cracks in the roof it was dilapidated at best. Luckily this also meant it was not a place were others were likely to visit.

Turning off and getting out of the car I opened Eddie's door to his surprise I moved to help him out of the car.

"Come on, I know things must've stiffened up and it wont be easy to get up"

Flushing as my words and their other interpretations sunk in I bit my lip as he took my hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet

"After you my Lady Warrior"

"Ya know I'm actually... a rogue-sorceress usually, archery is more my style"

If he wasn't being held up by her he might've swooned, she really was the perfect woman for him.

"Thou hast shot thine arrow into my heart fair lady"

I grinned as I helped him across the yard and up the steps, opening the door to guide him inside

"You keep flirting like this a girl will fall in love with you"

I wasn't quite prepared for the low purred response tickling my ear, sending goosebumps across my skin

"That a promise?"

I was glad that Dustin was working to gather the food and remaining water from the car before coming inside. Helping Eddie to what remained of the couch I sat beside him.

"You really are perfect aren't you?"

His brows disappeared into his hairline and any witty retort was gone.

"Who are you, Really?"

I was prepared for his usual self deprecating comments.. but not this very serious response, he was so surprised by my genuine compliment that it overrode the flirt.

Bracing myself I tried to brainstorm on just what I could and would say, after all I did promise some answers.

Before I could speak the door opened again and slammed shut roughly as Dustin came in and began looking around before shouting in victory he ran over to the CB radio on the table.


Raising an eyebrow I was about to ask him what was going on before I remembered the others.

"Fuck almost forgot, Ok Dustin can you see if you can get that to work? I'm going to see what I can do to clean up Eddie's wounds and check his bandages"

Nodding he began to radio the others while I went to the sink, gathered some water and supplies and helped Eddie into one of the bedrooms.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now