Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Heading inside I all but fell into the couch, it's soft cushions felt like a featherbed as I watched the group unpack the supplies. Closing my eyes for a moment I pinched the bridge of my nose to stop the migraine brewing as my energy continued to wane.

Eddie placed the box on the table, ruffling Dustins hair as he passed him and the others unloading the supplies. Spotting a hair brush and other toiletries in one of them he smiled knowing it was a simple thing but wouldn't go unnoticed with the longer haired members of the group.

Jim unzipped one of the duffel bags, pulling out a few pairs of military like cargo pants and plain t-shirts and underclothes in varying sizes, some adults some kids. A box beside them contained a pile of military grade boots, another held some jackets in varying thickness's and sizes as well.

"Here's some clothes for whenever you'd like to change, the boots will be easier in a fight. Hopefully we got enough options since we didn't know what sizes to get."

Grinning he made a pile of what he knew would fit him before calling back towards Red on the couch. "Red...beautiful.." soft snores were his only reply and he couldn't help but laugh. Turning back towards the others unloading the haul "Red..fell asleep, I'm gonna help her to bed." He started to explain what he figured out about the healing when Nancy walked over with a smile and placed her hand on his arm.

"Hey it's fine, we've got this covered. The kids told me how she helped you, that and everything else is a lot for anyone to handle... she must be exhausted. Why don't you two get cleaned up and get some sleep. I'm guessing you wont mind sharing one of the rooms?"

She flushed at his quick reply.

"You guessed right m'lady, if you guys need us we'll be in the room at the end of the hall"

Bowing dramatically he walked over to the couch trying to figure out how to get Red up without waking her, that is until he remembered that the two of them hadn't showered in days. Reaching out he stroked her arm,

"Sweetheart.. wake up...come on beautiful..lets get cleaned up so we can sleep in a bed"

Blinking the sleep out of my eyes I yawned widely, as my eyes finally focused I smiled drowsily up at him

"Hm? A bed? Sounds good to me.. you sure they don't need help getting everything sorted out?"

A chorus of varying voices responded "Go to bed damnit!"

Blinking sleepily I glanced over at the others too tired to be irritated at being bossed around by a group mostly consisting of people half my age.

Taking Eddie's hand in mine I allowed him to help pull me to my feet. The earlier statement finally processing in my tired brain

"Wait you said cleaned up? Does that mean they brought clothes? Stuff to clean up with? Cause I saw a shower but not much else in that bathroom."

Joyce walked over with a grin and handed me my own pile of clothes as well as some shampoo, conditioner and body wash.

Taking the gifts in hand I released Eddie's hand to give her a one armed hug

"Thank you, Joyce thank you -thank you- it'l be incredible to feel clean again"

Nodding as she hugged me back "you are very welcome my dear, and you can call me Mom if you'd like. I know you're a bit older but I'm everyone's mom already." Reaching past me she grabbed Eddie's sleeve in hand giving him a smile "you too Eddie, I'm here for you too if you need me"

Giggling as I noticed his stunned expression I nodded back at Joyce hugging her tight so grateful for her support and acceptance as I looked back at the others "so I guess that makes her Dungeon Grandma?"

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now