Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Knowing where Dustins mind was going I shoved down my anxiety over the conversation I knew had to happen aside and focused on the other story I'd promised to tell.

"So about the lightsaber fights..yea I've had quite a few lightsaber battles. One of the very few positive bits I got from the terrible relationship with.."

I full body cringed as I remembered him before speaking further, earning more than a few confused looks, and Eddie's hands stroking my arms encouraging me to continue "..the relationship with my ex fiancé... was a replica lightsaber. The handle is steel and blade is solid heavy duty plastic, like can handle actual's got all the sound effects when you hit it, and of course it lights up and looks real."

Glancing around at the excited looks of the younger people in the group I continued,

"It's Lukes blade, the first one.. I mean I wish it could've been Mara Jades...who..fuck..she hasn't been written spoiler yea long story short she's the right hand of the emperor but not evil, and has the force...becomes an incredible Jedi and gets with Luke eventually..this is all in the books never got a movie which is a total crime.."

Eddie was delighting in nearly every word, he had noticed how much Red stammered over mentioning her ex and planned to ask about it later, for now he hoped to find more moments like this to see her completely nerd out. Her passion for Star Wars and other nerdy things both made him utterly proud and was a definite turn on.

Dustin and Mike's patience was wearing thin, even Lucas and Will were perking up eager to hear more. "Ok so you got the lightsaber, you actually had fights with it!? Like it can handle the hits??" Dustin called out his impatience clear.

Chuckling as Dustin was all but rocking where he sat, so I continued "Yes, it handled the hits.. the people I sparred with they had less sturdy lightsabers than mine...and I kicked their left bruising.. shit one even had a tree limb..never did get to try it against another one built like it but I know they were made to handle actual sparring. Did kick the crap out of a possum with it too once.."

Nancy was quick to ask her gaze skeptical "I'm sorry but did you just say you beat up a possum...with a lightsaber? I'm going to need details please.."

Eddie nodded in agreement against Red's neck kissing her as he did, his curiosity piqued, the others watched along waiting for her to explain.

Sighing I hung my head forward as I nodded, "see..the first thing you gotta know is that the possum was like 60 pounds at was fucking huge! It used to get into my trash cans on a regular basis back when I lived in a trailer-"

Eddie blurted out hugging me tightly as he did, "You lived in a trailer too?" He hadn't expected us to have that in common of all things.

Nodding I turned to nuzzle into him with a smile "yep, after my cheating asshole of an ex fiancé left me with barely my clothes and the cat I'd left home with I had nothing. I worked my ass off to save up but finally rented a trailer, it was a double bigger than the one you had Eddie but similar. Even had the whole porch thing...and a horrible landlord"

While the others may have let the information about Red's ex fiancé and landlord slide, Eddie did not. He shook his head softly as his arms tightened around her. His protective nature left him wanting nothing more than to find said assholes and have words, knowing full well she'd never allow it. Making a note to ask her about it later he settled with stroking her arms softly tracing invisible patterns on her pale skin.

Sighing happily at Eddie's gentle touch I tilted my head back to rest on his shoulder before I resumed my story. "oh yea the possum.. so yea it was fucking huge and made a big mess of my trash on a regular basis so I tried to chase it off, nudge it away with random things cause I didn't want to get bit..but it wouldn't leave.. so I used my lightsaber to hit it and try to scare it off."

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