Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

Melting into his side I grinned cheeks flushed at him calling me a 'sexy artificer', I was really starting to adore the title. Nodding at his reassurances I tried to keep in mind that I really just needed to take it one thing at a time.

Reaching down to where his hand rested at my waist I laced my fingers with his, delighting at how he squeezed my hand in reply, never getting tired of the little bits of intimacy.

Leaning in closer I rested my cheek on his shoulder with a sigh, I hated to leave the comfortable bubble the room provided even as I tugged him alongside me towards the door, "c'mon Eddie my love, let's go get cleaned up, that way we can refuel and check on the others. Also gotta give Dustin a big hug for bringing that guitar by last night. Do you think you could teach me a few chords later? I really want to hear you play more..but I'm also dying to learn how to play.."

Hearing the way my voice changed, going from the dread and clear disappointment of leaving the peace the two of us had hidden in, to pure enthusiasm and excitement that nearly rivaled his own at the thought of playing guitar had Eddie grinning from ear to ear.

Nodding enthusiastically his body vibrated with excitement picturing the two of us playing together someday once we both each had a guitar. The image was as good as getting to have a full D&D campaign together.

Seeing how he bounced on his heels beside me had me giggling and bouncing about joining in on bit of stimming squeezing our joined hands as I opened the door and went into the hall.

The living room was filled with idle chitchat that echoed into the hallway, with the normalcy of it you could almost forget that the lot of us were hiding in what was essentially an oasis in an apocalypse. Looking over everyone I was glad to see that nobody seemed too worse for wear from the scare this morning.

Movement caught my eye I furrowed my brow in confusion at the pointing and stammering until I caught on and couldn't stop the giggle that escaped at the dropped jaws and raised eyebrows on both Robin, Nancy, Eleven and even Erica who where utterly staring at Eddie. Glancing to my side I flushed and squeaked my hand clapping over my mouth realizing that Eddie still hadn't put on a shirt before leaving the bedroom.

Grateful that the bathroom happened to be free I sputtered giggling madly at the situation shoving Eddie inside and hurried along after him shaking my head at the whistles that came from at least one of the girls.

Covering my mouth I couldn't stop laughing as Eddie looked at me utterly confused until he looked down and put 2 and 2 together. "Oh.." my laughter only increased as I nodded "yea, OH. Gods...that was perfect... you know you're going to give those other boys a complex.."

Eddie's cheeks were flaming between my compliments, the whistles and catcalls from Robin and the others his mind completely short circuited.

Seeing Eddie having a bit of a shutdown I sighed wrapping my arms around his middle hugged him tightly stroking his back enjoying how he shivered under my touch as I placed soft kisses on his cheeks and finally his lips dragging him away from his thoughts.

"Hey, you do know that you're gorgeous right? I mean your personality and who you are inside is wonderful there aren't words to describe how much I love it, love you.. but gods you are a beautiful man outside too. Goddess knows I've said it a few times..and shit..I know you struggle a bit with self confidence like I do even as good as you are at faking it. But I promise you Eddie, all that fuss out there is because they're seeing just how handsome you are outside too, and the girls just realized one of the many reasons I'm so damn lucky that you chose me."

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now