Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

A knock on the door had both of us jumping, I felt like a teenager being caught by my parents even though that had never happened before. Eddie held my hips firmly as he smirked up at me.

"Shhhh maybe they'll go away and think we're asleep" he whispered.

Murrays voice was quick to answer "We know you're not asleep..if you don't come out soon you two aren't getting any lunch"

As if my stomach heard them it growled, followed by Eddie's echoing the same sentiment. Giggling I shook my head "well if they aren't going to save us any leftovers..we have no choice but to get up."

Trying to sit up again I sighed smirking as Eddie held me tight. Biting my lip I pouted at him and batted my eyelashes "come onnnnn love..please..we will have -us- time later ok? I'll even be your weighted blanket later if you's kind of addictive.."

Eddie groaned, sighing dramatically, he tried to resist but the promise of more time together with just the two of them was more than a fair trade, especially since he liked having Red so close to him. "Fiiine" he clapped his hand against her ass enjoying the echoing slap as he released her.

Leaning forward as I straddled his lap once more I pulled him into a kiss grinding against him as I did before backing away out of reach and giggling as he sat up and darted after me. "You little minx" he hissed his eyes dark with desire.

Cackling as I darted away from another attempt to grab me by the belt loop caught one of the pockets instead causing me to trip and landed on my bad knee

"Fuck..." I hissed as I breathed through the pain, spotting Eddie's curls in my periphery I smiled wryly as he checked in, worry written all over his face,

"Shit..sweetheart you alright? That's your bad knee isn't it?" Nodding as I took his offered hand to stand back up, slowly straightening "yea..I'm a little out of shape..gonna have to do some good sparring so I don't fall on my face in in a real fight"

Cuddling up to him as I stood I hugged him tightly nuzzling into his neck enjoying the way his arms locked around me holding me just as close "see, you fall down I help you up..I fall down and you help me up we'll be fine as long as we stick together."

Nodding in her hair as he tried not to envision Red falling in the battles to come knowing he couldn't and wouldn't let that happen, so he wasn't letting her out of his sight. "Damn straight..we stick together and we'll be fine" he said to himself as much as to Red.

The two finally left what they'd started considering as their nest, their little safe place in this crazy world they'd fallen into.

Raising a brow as I spotted Murray who appeared to be waiting in the hallway I thought of a plan. Squeezing Eddie's hand I gestured towards the kitchen "Hey love could you fix us both a plate? I need to talk to Murray for a second and then I'll join you."

Eddie nodded making a note to talk to Red about it later, he still hadn't asked about the conversation with Robin and he was more than a little curious to know what it was about.

Heading off into the kitchen his senses where overloaded with the smell of what looked like a thanksgiving dinner.. in the middle of spring cause that makes total sense.

Looking over at the clearly curious Murray I gestured towards the end of the hall, well out of earshot of the others.

Murrays brows rose he was curious as he waited to see what was so important she would wait to go eat what he knew was delicious smelling and probably tasting food, and what she wanted to keep secret from her lover. "What can I help you with Red" he asked enunciating her nickname.

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