Chapter 96

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Notes:Thank you all for being patient with me, I'm working on trying to keep my writing up. This new job is unstable and difficult so it's been very difficult to write. Not giving up though so please keep up with me because I still adore the story and am never giving up.

Please continue with the comments and kudos the feedback means so much to me.

Chapter 96

Eleven's eyes were wide as she processed the theory, her knowledge from her time with Brenner racing through her mind, that combined with what she'd learned from Dustin and the others in their time of dealing with the Upside Down and all of those it had kidnapped and harmed. Her nod was slow and even "That makes sense I guess. As far as the cord? No I haven't seen anything like that.. But if you are focused in on it, I could.. through piggybacking try to use it to allow me to help get you back there, I just hope that we can keep both you and Eddie together, maybe if you use your barrier? Or through using the cord itself?" Her voice stuttered and cracked as doubt crept in once more "I.. don't know...we can't even really...test it ahead of time. If it worked we couldn't get you back and I don't think we can take Vecna out without any of the group.."

As I processed the ideas, her theories I sighed to myself, hating to see the guilt and pain on her face, and I couldn't blame her. I had my own guilt to contend with.

There was a small part of me that wanted to have her open that gate and shove Eddie and I through right now. Just let us live our lives with Jin and away from this shit.

But I couldn't do that, not to these kids...not to this group of people.

All of them, they were important members of my family, as important to me as Jin and my furbabies are and I couldn't abandon them, we couldn't leave til I knew that they were safe.

I opened my mouth to speak up and address these feelings when familiar shuffling footsteps came down the hall. Sure enough Eddie's dark curly haired head poked itself around the doorway, his ringed fingers drumming idly on the frame as his brow arched as he assessed the two of us.

"Everything alright? You two plotting to take over the world or something? Cause I'm pretty sure Vecna's cornered the market.."

I couldn't hold back the giggle-snort that escaped, shaking my head at his antics. I patted the bed beside me and he eagerly flopped down, his arm came around my waist pulling me closer to his side, his other hand extended towards Eleven.

"You doin alright over there El? You two look pretty damn somber for someone about to play D&D with me as the dungeon master, or did you forget?"

It didn't take a genius to figure out that the stress filled atmosphere had nothing to do with D&D but I knew Eddie was trying to ask without forcing anything.

Nuzzling closer into his embrace, my cheek resting against his shoulder I took a moment to soak up the comfort he offered before turning and nudging Eleven gently encouraging her to speak up. Looking up into those brown eyes something clicked, turning back to my right I quickly looked back and forth between the both of them and my eyes widened. They look so much alike, the eyes..the curls, well when Eleven's grows back that is... My thoughts raced as Eleven finally after a few stutters began to explain what we'd already discussed, even exposing her own self inflicted guilt to him.

Eddie's heart sunk to the pit of his stomach at the chosen topic, the more Eleven said, the more it hit home. He knew now, why the two of them had gone somewhere private to talk about this. They didn't want to bring the rest of the group down with the very real stress and fears that he now felt twisting his gut.

He'd been trying and failing for a while now not to think about those two big questions. 'How the fuck he and Red would get home to her reality, and the ever favorite what about those they'd be leaving behind.'

Now his former freak loner self had him just itching to say 'nah I'm fine..gonna get the hell out of this town and neverlook back' but he knew damn well that wasn't the person he was anymore.

Noticing that Eleven was watching him, nervously waiting for his response he sighed and nodded. "I get it. It's a big deal. We knew this shit was gonna have to come up sometime.. I wanna go as much as I wanna stay. This group...these kids.. they started off as little sheep that I'd help to be strong enough not to need me..."

Remembering the fears that Eleven had mentioned about not being able to successfully open the door that would make this all possible he smirked his other hand finding hers and squeezing it gently. "Hey, are a super powered badass, don't worry about if you can do it. You managed to shove that bastard through a wall into another fucking reality when you were just a little kid! You can do this, we believe in you."

My heart clenched at the reminder of just how he saw himself, my fingers found his and laced with them our rings clinking together as I squeezed his hand. I knew full well just what he wasn't saying, that he'd never valued himself as someone that was needed or and would be missed, he'd never really contemplated a long term future with this group or much of anyone.

Taking comfort from Red's touch Eddie continued, his smile soft as he leaned to rest his head against hers. "It's so fucking weird... like I blinked and before I fucking noticed it they'd become a family that I love and rely on. But I know that I can't not go. I won't be without the future I want for me and my wives, which still feels so fucking weird to say or even think.." he shook his head at himself. He chuckled when Red bumped her hip against his playfully, her hand squeezing his.

"Hey. It's not that weird babe. Just ask Suzie the next time we radio her, she'll tell you about a whole state full of polyamorous couples. And those are just the legally married ones. Believe it or not polyamory is not that far out there like you think. I actually have a friend who's polyamorous with like 3 or 4 people. Sure they have awkward conversations with oblivious non poly people occasionally but they live the same way. They just have people who are 'boyfriends' but really husbands, 'girlfriends' that are really the equivalent of wives. To avoid the whole stupid bigamy laws. There are whole communities of us out there."

Brow arched at Red's surprising comment his ears rung a bit echoing those words, mind blow at the fact of just howmany people outside of the Mormon religion that were like them. He looked over at Red and he pictured what his life could look like in that future, and nodded. "Hell fucking yea, I want that. Us, to see what it would be like with the three of us together. Don't care what we call it as long as we're together" 'Want it so bad it hurts' he added silently.

Still smirking over his comments and reaction to the truth about polyamory I marveled at how well he was handling this. How they both were. I was proud that Eleven had decided to open up to more than just me, knowing after all that she'd been through, that trusting anyone outside the initial group was no small feat.

As Eleven and Eddie continued going over the plans, I studied their similarities and a theory emerged. Not much was known about Eddie's mother and Eleven's mother had an interesting past of drug use prior to her birth so there was plenty of unknown variables. Could they be the same person?? Without a DNA test it would be impossible to be sure.. My train of thought was cut off when Eddie's cool hands cupped my cheek stroking along the lines of my jaw as he tried to get my attention.

"Hey you alright there sweetheart? You got all lost in thought for a second there.."

I hesitated, worrying my lip in my teeth, the temptation to hold back and keep my theory to myself was strong; but I knew Eddie, he knew me well enough to see right through me so I sighed heavily and spoke up. "I was thinking... seeing the two of you side by side..I don't know if you've ever noticed... but the both of you look so much alike. Between your jaw lines, and face shape, your hair color and eye color, the curls..when yours grow back that is El..and I wondered if it was possible that the two of you were related."

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