Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

It didn't take long for the yawning to spread as the group started discussing who'd get the shower first, the others getting ready for bed. Fortunately thanks to the hot spring both Eddie and I were doing alright plus I didn't shower everyday it was too much sensory overload.

As I was helping put the plates away I remembered that I didn't have but the one shirt and pants I was wearing. Fortunately I spotted another cabinet near the hallway with even more clothes, grabbing the both of us a spare shirt I remembered the clothes from the last few days and popped in to grab them before the bathroom became occupied.

Walking over to Joyce I whispered in her ear making my request that she happily agreed to and surprised me with a gift in kind. A fairly decent sized box of condoms from what looked like a box of said boxes. Impressed with the fact that during an apocalypse she managed to get condoms I sputtered trying to think of anything to say.

Joyce was quick to put a stop that, she waved her hand shooing my concerns away "you are an adult Red, and I've seen you two together, nothing wrong with enjoying love. Plus you aren't the only couple in here.." she subtly grabbed Jim's ass and I could swear though nobody but me saw it, that Jim Hopper blushed.

Blinking owlishly I handed a set of shirts and underwear to Eddie who had been working to gather the rest of the plates. Joyce was quick to praise him as she took the plates "aww thank you Eddie, your such a sweetheart, now off to bed you two we've got this."

I was still sputtering like an old car as I managed to say goodnight to the others, Eddie kept giving me strange looks trying to figure out what the matter was until he spotted the box under the clothes I was carrying and then laughed as the two of us went into my room.

Walking over to the bed I sat on the edge and giggled shook my head as I set the box aside. It didn't take long for Eddie to join me his long arms pulled me close as he sat beside mestartling me when he finally spoke. "So did Mama Joyce give you the sex talk or something? You look spooked as fuck"

Shaking my head still laughing I sputtered "uh..nope not the sex talk..nope..I just saw her grab Jim Hoppers ass.. after handing the box of condoms over and telling me to have fun and saying we weren't the only ones that needed em" I shook my head laughing harder, tears falling from my eyes "telling my perverted and extremely imaginative ass that there's several other couples having sex in this cabin.. just what I need.."

Eddie's laughter added to my own as he nodded, agreeing that the mental image was certainly an interesting one, though he wasn't prepared for my afterthought.

"Oh and did I mention it was a bulk pack..of boxes? Like -I'm- a sex starved person and Iwas impressed... there had to be a couple hundred PER long does she think we're hiding out in this cabin?"

Seeing that Red was clearly spiraling Eddie had an idea that might help, getting up he dug through the pile of things he'd brought back with him and pulled out a sketchbook and pencil, they'd found some drawing things in the crawl space and he'd managed to snag a bit.

Walking over he nudged them into my lap until I looked up at him confused and then glanced down at the gift.

"Oh shit Eddie! Gods love, how did you manage to get one? Are you a witch too? Summoning sketchbooks?"

Flipping through the paper I was impressed at the quality, even the pencil wasn't bad at all. Setting the gift aside I tackled him, arms around his neck as I tangled one of my legs around his waist squeezing him til he oof'd slightly then giggling as I felt him hold me just as tightly.

"Mmm love this..being in your arms..thank you so much for my present, my wonderful Husband" his hands pulled me closer at that, his blunt nails digging into my ass.

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