Chapter 94

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Notes:So sorry for the lack of a chapter last week. I know I managed 2 the prior week but when I say this new job is a challenge I can't put just how much of a challenge it's been into words.

It's tech support for tax software so it's incredibly complicated. Regardless I'll work harder on getting more writing done.The fic's also nearing the big battle and end of book 1. Difficult times are coming so less fluff makes it a little harder to write because of feels. But we will get there and it will be worth the wait!As always Please leave comments and kudos, they really inspire me and give me the fuel to continue writing.

Chapter 94

Dustin gave both Red and Eddie a nudge in their collective sides, still shaking his head in disbelief at Red's plan. "Ok so maybe insane isn't the right word..but..Dungeon Mama...come's risky as hell even if it's a solid plan. But I mean... driving out for supplies again??"

I glared in response, huffing and sighing a bit, as I sat up in my spot in Eddie's lap, my ever supportive metalhead wasted no time trying to offer me comfort, his hands gently stroking my sides before taking my hands in his own and holding them as I ground my teeth together trying to calm my temper.

As much as I knew Dustin and the others were right it didn't mean that I had to like it, I knew the plan had it's risks but what plan didn't during an apocalypse?! Sighing heavily, I leaned forward, my head in my hands as I resigned myself to accepting that maybe it wasn't a good idea.

Finally I opened my mouth to speak when Steve spoke instead, cutting me off.

"Shit..I didn't even notice we grabbed paintball guns. We were just grabbing everything we could and stuffing it in the van. can fill those things with pepper spray?? Didn't even know you could put anything other than paint in em, but I guess it makes sense." Steve had turned his attention towards the weapons cabinet from where he sat beside Nancy who, like Dustin was lost in thought, his thinking cap clearly hard at work. Steve's brows rose as he finally spotted the aforementioned paintball supplies and nodded with a shrug "hm".

Dustin was staring intently at the cabinet as well, hands fidgeting, fingers tracing invisible patterns and numbers in the air, his analytical mind clearly at work trying to think of something, anything as an effective alternative.

Lucas glanced back and forth between the weapons cabinet and the kitchen, he'd noticed the others trying and failing to come up with an alternative to Red's risky if not inventive, plan. He tried to remember what he'd learned from his middle school science teacher and ran the mental math as he tried to figure out a solution. Turning back towards the group he called out "what about using a mix of bleach and ammonia, I mean that makes a should knock them out, right?"

My brows rose, eyes wide as I chuckled derisively. I couldn't help but be mildly offended at his suggestion, "I'm sorry but are you fucking kidding me? You want to use Chloramine Gas!? That's even more dangerous than ether! That shit spreads like crazy and can kill you if you breathe it in for too long! ...and people are saying I'm the insane one-"

"Alright STOP. This-" Erica gestured at the group "messy shit, isn't fucking fixing anything!"

I rolled my eyes at her, a traitorous smile on my lips. That little shit... having the gaul to cut me off mid rant. I mean I'm glad she's back to her old self but rude.

She continued, her finger pointed towards me, brow arched in challenge "Listen Red, you and these other nerds may know chemistry and shit, but we gotta fix this mess now! We don't have time to argue! We can't fucking wait! You didn't see how bad it is out there! Flayed or zombies or whatever the hell they are, we don't have a choice. It's not even safe to get supplies at this point, even the military all either died or gave up."

"Shit.. I figured the military would see this mess and either seal us off or just nuke Hawkins outright. I didn't think they'd actually fight.." Robin added a wry smirk across her lips.

I nodded chewing my lip thoughtfully, "Yea... me too. But ya know, good thing they didn't nuke us...cause ya know.. I doubt my barrier can block a fucking NUKE." Chuckling I shook my head at the utter insanity of the whole situation I sighed before continuing. "You're right Erica. We really don't have the time to waste debating this. I say we go with the pepper spray, and as a backup we can fill another color with some gasoline as a way to help spread the fire to make sure we cook all of those demobastards."

Dustin snorted at Red's new title for Vecna's creatures before nodding along as well "Sounds like a solid plan, only one other big thing we gotta do now."

My brow arched as I gestured for Dustin to continue.

"Play at least one D&D session together, all of us." Eddie and the others chuckled and nodded, their relief palpable that the topic had changed to one that was a bit more lighthearted especially after everything.

The group divided the tasks, Eddie, Will, Mike, Erica, Dustin and Lucas worked together to gather the supplies and write up the plan for a campaign, Jim, Steve, Robin, Nancy and I had chosen to work on filling the paintballs. The rest either watched along or talked amongst themselves.

As we settled in on the floor, the bags of paintballs and jugs of mace between us and a few of the syringes used to fill them divided amongst us, I couldn't help the cackle that escaped as I balanced and rolled one of the filled yellow spheres in my hand.

Jim and the others stopped their work to stare at me confusion clear on their faces, and after a few minutes I finally noticed and flushed "wondering what's so funny about filling paintballs?" At their nods I tilted my head back and forth a bit considering the memory the action had stirred up before continuing "I mean, that's fair. It normally wouldn't be that funny..except I had an..incident involving paintballs as a kid."

The mild concern and curiosity was palpable from the group so I sighed and told them the story, not noticing that the others in the room had slowed their own efforts and tilted their heads toward us to hear the story as well.

"So when I was like 4 or so, my cousins and I were left alone with a tea set and a few bags of paintballs while the adults were outside shooting. So we had a tea set, and were left unattended in our van that had nice velour seats and carpet...."

There was a knowing "uh oh" in the background and I chuckled nodding as I continued, "yea... so we were initially just playing like having a tea party or whatever until one of the paintballs got squished and burst.. and we saw the pretty colors inside... well after that we decided to redecorate the van... needless to say we got into a fair bit of trouble for that mess...couldn't sit down for a week.. though my dad did admit a few years back that it was their fault for leaving a bunch of kids with paintballs unattended..." There were more than a few empathetic winces and hisses of "yikes" and "shit.." at the punishment we'd receive echoing around the room as I finished my story.

Eddie walked over to her group his socks silent on the hardwood floor, Red hadn't noticed his approach as she'd finished telling her story. He knelt behind her, leaning forward he nuzzled his chin in the crook of her neck before placing a soft kiss on her cheek, his hands tracing the path around her waist and stroked the exposed skin along the edge of her shirt softly "Damn sweetheart, not sure if I'm more impressed that you got into as much trouble as I did when I was younger or mad that you got your ass beat so badly when you did, you alright?" His concern clear, knowing her history with abuse and the pain the memory may have triggered.

Tilting my head backwards to rest on his shoulder I nuzzled into his touch, a smile crossed my lips at his concern, reaching my free hand down to my middle I tangled my fingers with his, "it's alright Eddie my love, this was one of those rare times when it wasn't abuse. Just a good old fashioned ass whupping. We repainted the entire interior of that very nice van, with paintballs.. so I think a sore butt was a pretty fair punishment."

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