Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

After a while I went boneless against him, my panting breaths matching his own as he cuddled me close nuzzling into the crook of my neck. "Mmm I will never get tired of watching you lose yourself like that..wish we could stay like this forever but I think we should try to sneak a shower before we have to go and spar.."

I blinked blearily my brain slowly managing to process his words, a shower sounds nice since we were both utterly soaked in sweat and other fluids but moving sounded like a terrible idea. Turning my head just slightly I nuzzled into his cheek kissing him "wish the hot tub wasn't so far away...would be so nice to soak but I don't want to try sneaking past the kids to do that."

Eddie chuckled and nodded wishing for the very same as he withdrew from Red's warmth drawing a soft moan from the both of us at the separation and exposure of cooler air to their still tender parts. Tossing the condom aside he moved to sit up, pulling her along with him into the cradle of his arms, stroking her soft skin savoring the way she still shivered slightly still so sensitive.

Leaning back I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and sighed blissfully "do we really have to leave our nest? I mean sure..kicking those kids asses sounds fun but..comfy.." I pouted even as I knew the answer to my own question. Shaking my head I tilted back so I could kiss along Eddie's neck savoring how he leaned in before pulling away and trying to sit upright myself. "Alright c'mon you..if I keep kissing you I'm never gonna stop.."

Grinning, Eddie nodded sitting back waiting for Red to get up knowing that it would be interesting seeing her try to walk.

He wasn't far off as I wobbled like a deer learning to walk before sitting back on the edge of the bed grabbing my necklace and glasses off of the nightstand and putting them on blinking the blurriness the orgasms caused, away.

I could practically feel the grin on Eddie's face and sure enough turning around there he was practically cackling at me. "You and that are so lucky I love you so much..might have to spar against you out there at some point just to get you back for this.." the thought of seeing him out there in his element, muscles flexing.. fuck how the hell am I supposed to focus.

Chuckling at Red's ranting he couldn't help but savor the idea of sparring against her, he wouldn't mind it one bit. Watching her internal monologue pass across her face, the way her eyes lit up he knew she was picturing sparring together. Moving to sit beside her he pulled her once more into his arms, "So cute when you get mad..., c'mon lets get our clothes and take a shower before everyone comes back inside."

Getting up on his own slightly unsteady legs Eddie scooped up some clothes and tossed a set to me, "don't wanna risk someone walking in the front door seeing us naked getting to the bathroom.." giggling I nodded as I slipped on just the pants and shirt.

After a while the two of us managed to stumble our way to the bathroom sighing in relief as we managed to shut the door and lean against it. "Definitely gonna need some caffeine before I spar.. you wore me out. Not that I'm complaining"

Eddie chuckled pulling me into his arms holding me close kissing my hair before whispering against my ear "I mean you did beg me for it.."

Sucking my tongue against my teeth I swatted him on the ass "" my words faded as I grumbled and sputtered before huffing and narrowing my green eyes as I looked up to see the pure amusement sparkling in his brown ones "...are so lucky that you're cute.."

Shaking my head at him I took my glasses off and set them aside along with my Apple Watch and necklace then pulled my shirt over my head enjoying the way his eyes and pupils widened, his breath caught as I undid the pants and let them slide off of my hips before doing my best saunter over to the shower trying not to trip over my own two feet. Turning on the taps I glanced over at Eddie who continued to eye me hungrily as if the two of us hadn't spent so many hours worshiping one another.

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