Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

Grinning utterly impressed at that he nodded as the road became even bumpier he had to take his hand from hers and placed it on the wheel. Looking down he saw why it was getting rougher and his heart skipped a beat, the vines were spread across the road now and the shrieks of demobats had gotten louder. "Looks like we might have some company.." he glanced over to see that Red already had her crossbow in hand and was dipping a bolt in the explosive paste before loading it into the bow.

Quirking a brow I spared him a glance before spotting a demobat in the distance "not a problem babe.." I waited until the demobat had spotted the car and started swooping towards it and released the bolt barely restraining the squeal by biting my lip as it erupted into flames and the explosion was barely audible as the flaming corpse splattered onto the ground.

"Fuck yea.." we both said nearly in sync and I grinned as I reloaded my crossbow with a freshly dipped bolt. I saw the cabin driveway up ahead and my heart pounded in my chest knowing what could be waiting. I moved to point it out but Eddie was already pulling onto the long road that led to the cabin.

Glancing over to him I reached out and stroked his forearm "love you Eddie.." taking the same hand off the wheel for a second he laced it with mine and squeezed it gently "love you too so fucking much Red."

Focusing on his words I took a deep breath and resumed my guard, watching the surroundings carefully as I spotted the cabin in the distance. It took a bit but the closer we got the more my fear grew. Clearly Vecna or the mindflayer had gotten our invitation, at this point we could only hope that Dmitri and Erica were inside and alive. The cabin roof was utterly covered in demobats and I could hear the cries of demodogs and demogorgons in the distance.

Eddie finally reached the end of the driveway and was looking over the cabin trying and failing to count the horde of demobats covering the building. Looking around inside the car he took a minute to distract himself and calm his heart rate by taking account of the weapons the two of them had.

It wasn't long before he spotted a box that he knew wasn't there the last time the car had been used. Clearly a gift from Jim or the others, inside he found several Molotov cocktails, lighters and a rifle with a large box of rounds. Gently touching Red's hand to get her attention he pointed down at the gifts.

Blinking I looked away from my watch out the front of the car to spare a glance at Eddie at his touch before looking to where he pointed and nodded, a gift basket of explosives. That could be very helpful. Returning my gaze to the front of the car as I spoke "If we need to get out to fight at any point carefully pour some of the Molotov on my blade and light it, 'poof' instant flaming sword." Eddie nodded impressed and intrigued as he pocketed a lighter and a bottle of fuel.

Slowly picking up the walkie I switched to the local channel speaking softly "ok..I'm sure you see them, let's not engage them yet..there's way too fucking many..I'm gonna reach out and see if they're inside." Switching to the main channel I pressed the button and crossed my fingers, "Applejack..Dmitri..please tell me you're there..if you are, step very carefully and quietly outside.." my voice was soft and as clear as I could make it, so much so I could barely hear myself over the sound of my heart racing.

The sounds of demodogs got louder and closer "ok Eddie..dunno if you know but demodogs, they hunt like velociraptors..don't know if you learned about dinosaurs much in school with how fucking small minded Hawkins is..but they're pack hunters. For every 1 you see theres 3 or more you don't. And the demogorgons...well let's just hope we don't run across any of those. So keep your eyes peeled."

Eddie could have gone the rest of his life without that mental image, he'd only seen 1 demodog the day that Red had gotten impaled by the demobats and that had been brief. He had no interest in seeing a full pack of them, let alone something terrifying enough to be named after a demogorgon, they were bad enough in D&D.

There was still no response either over the radio nor anyone walking out of the cabin. Thoughts racing I tried to think of any way to check if they were inside without one or both of us going inside to check, which was basically suicide. "...I have an idea on how to see if they're inside but it will probably trigger the bats at the very up for that? Because our alternative is either leaving them which I don't think we could do or one of us going inside to check on them which is definitely a bad idea."

Hearing the slew of options each sounding worse than the last, Eddie sighed "what's the least horrible way..?"

Sighing I nodded, "yea I'd pick that one too. I'm going to try to reach out with my reiki and see if I can tell if they're inside, if they are we either give em a shout in case their walkie is broken or we go with plan b and run in and get them, at least then we'd know for sure that the trip wouldn't be a waste."

His worried brown eyes met mine however briefly as we still glanced about nervously waiting for the calm to break and chaos to begin. "You know I don't like any of these ideas but yea, lets try the reiki. While you're doing that I'm gonna try the walkie again."

Nodding I closed my eyes "keep an eye out for any movement" I whispered as I pictured Erica and Dmitri, thinking of all that made them who they were, there was so much going on with all of the bats and the vines it was like trying to look into a pitch black room, the darkness consuming everything, it called to me and I quickly retracted my energy cleansing it as I did, and closing off the connection.

Panting I braced my hand on the dash "fuck...too damn many...can't see through it..goddamn it's terrifying...felt like staring into the eye of Sauron." Glancing through the windshield area I was pleasantly surprised that they hadn't attacked yet, I knew that the mindflayer had felt me. It had to be another fucking trap.

Looking over I saw Eddie holding the walkie looking clearly disappointed and we both knew that all good options had been exhausted. Taking his hand in my own I sighed nearly melting into the warmth, clearly the darkness inside had tried to feed on me, as I felt weaker than I had before. "'re down to the shitty options.. How fast can you run inside check the rooms and run back out? I think that little peek inside the cabin fed on me, and I don't want to end up needing rescuing myself."

When he looked up at me the familiar look of concern and determination chilled my very blood, sapping the last bit of warmth I had left. "I think you know the answer...I can run pretty goddamn fast...will you be ok out here?"

I nodded trying and failing to stop the tears that fell from my eyes as the last time I'd seen that look played behind my eyes. Swallowing hard I finally spoke "yea...I'll cover you baby, and you'd better come back out to me I fucking mean it. Don't make me become a necromancer..just to kick your ass."

He chuckled and nodded leaning forward and pulling me into a kiss, his hand holding my nape keeping me close, I felt him giving me a bit of energy as his tongue moved with mine slowly and softly before the two of us parted.

His little energy boost helped significantly, I felt warmer to be sure as I stroked his cheek glad that he hadn't overdone it, he was getting better and better at these energy transfers. "I know this doesn't quite fit the situation but it's always brought Jin back to me when I've said it, Love you Eddie, drive safe no murder..."

His brows furrowed utterly confused but he nodded trust overriding his confusion "love you too so fucking goddamn much Red, I'll be back in a few." I nodded even as the tears fell, turning my attention briefly to the walkie, switching it to local "Major Tom get ready, ground control is sending in the rescue crew so we might need some cover fire." The reply was simple "understood."

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