Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Eddie's eyes widened surprised and more than a little aroused seeing Red in this new look: her hair up, stray curls falling to frame her face, her ears filled with her hoops and other piercings, her necklace sat at the base of her cleavage hanging over his hellfire shirt. While he missed seeing her hair down he loved seeing her like this and in his shirt, all she needed now was a battle vest and her jacket and the look would be complete.

My brows rose as I finished brushing my teeth and spat in the sink seeing the way Eddie's eyes wandered over me clearly taking in the difference of having my hair up. His calloused fingertips stroked and teased the nape of my neck, tracing his marks on my fair skin, I couldn't stop the humming purr as I'd arched into his touch "fuck.. that'd better not do that while we're sparring..not fair.." I whined softly stammering, just picturing turning into a melted heap of want in the middle of sparring in the yard with the teens staring at me.

Eddie chuckled warmly kissing along my now exposed nape before pulling me into his arms savoring how I'd melted into him. "Don't worry I won't do that..I'll save that for later..just can't decide which I like with your hair up or down.."

Tilting my head back I nuzzled into his neck grinning "if I'd known it was going to be this exciting for you I'd've put my hair up a while back..." thinking back to before we'd met, which felt so long ago..

"I usually keep it up in a ponytail but with the cooler weather it's a good blanket, plus if I put it up a lot the curls fall and then my hair is a mix of wavy and straight.."

My voice faded off as I worried my lip between my teeth. Seeing the raised eyebrow on Eddie's face in the mirror as he held me comfortably in the circle of his arms, I continued always grateful for his patience when I struggled with saying anything.

"It was seeing your beautiful curls that actually inspired me to work harder to get try again mine to stay.." I reached back to twine some of his hair around my finger tugging the curl gently before releasing it giggling softly as it bounced back and at the resulting smile that crossed his lips.

"When you have borderline curly wavy hair as long as mine is, you have to work at it. Literally had to train my hair...I like it better curly..makes me feel pretty, when I was really little I looked like goldilocks..then when I was 3.. my birthmom cut it super fucking short..looked like a boy..." I spat the last word before swallowing down the memory that came with it.

"....Years later..when it finally grew back I swore never to cut it again..and never really did....and as it grew the curls didn't hold..even wanted a perm at one point.. but that was before I knew how to take care of my hair to make the curls stay."

Eddie nodded as Red explained, noticing the way she talked about her hair having been cut short when she was little. He hadn't missed the fire and pain in her eyes as she described it. He knew it had to be a part of the abuse she'd mentioned but he wasn't going to push. He'd give her time, let her tell him when she felt up to it.

He'd hadn't given his own hair much thought before today..well not since it was growing out years ago from when he'd shaved it. The abuse..the freak hunts..keeping it short had seemed safer then, as he'd gotten older he couldn't remember what specifically changed..which musician or moment inspired it but he grew it out, deciding to make being a freak his armor.

Sure it had helped quite a bit for the rocker look and he loved it but it wasn't much work to maintain, and wasn't the same as Red's. He just washed it and sort of finger combed it and poof there it was. Having never seen a woman with hair as long as hers except maybe Leia in Star Wars.. and her hair was longer than even Leia's. He was soaking up all the new information, trying to learn.

As Eddie stood there clearly lost in thought, I thought about his hair and what I knew about his lore, lore like he was a comic book character and not my husband standing behind me. Shaking my head at myself I thought back, I knew he'd kept his hair short in middle school but didn't know of any particular reason. Well I could think of one especially knowing his history with bullies but I hoped I was wrong.

A knock on the door made the both of us jump, jarred from our thoughts as Joyce called out " two almost done in there? We've got some breakfast leftovers for you, if your hungry. Also...some of the kids need to use the bathroom..everyone's inside taking a break."

Giggling as the surprise faded through our system I took Eddie's arms in my hands and pulled him closer "looks like we gotta leave our cozy bubble again, shall we my love? Go get some fuel and then go kick some ass? Still can't wait to see you move out there.."

Smirking Eddie nodded as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck, kissing his way up my nape "you want to see me move, huh? You've already seen me move quite a bit..was there something in particular you wanted to see?" His voice was soft, and had that tone..the one that had me utterly forgetting that we really needed to get the both of us out of the bathroom.

Turning in his embrace I nipped his ear before whispering "...that day in the boathouse when you slammed Steve into the wall..seeing that power..even as afraid as you was so incredibly fucking hot." I kissed his neck "hope I didn't trigger any bad memories..I know it was beyond hell.."

His arms held Red close, stroking her back and sides as he shook his head softly where it rested against hers swallowing hard before replying "no..not really.. honestly sometimes I forget all that you know..that you've'll try to think about how that turned you on seeing me like that instead of everything else.."

Smiling softly I hugged him even tighter, "that's my badass husband..don't worry sometime soon, when your ready..we'll sit down..probably smoke some weed or delta 8 and process this whole Vecna shit, together. For now though please try to focus instead on the fact that I watched and rewatched you tackle him at least a dozen times and it drove me insane with just how hot it was."

Blood rushing south at those thoughts he grabbed Red's ass pulling her closer nipping her neck as he did "mmm those are definitely better thoughts to have..picturing you writhing there..soaking wet watching me-"

The gentle knock on the door came again, this time it was Robin "umm hey...sorry for interrupting..but uh..people..including me..need to use the bathroom.."

Cackling I smothered my giggles in Eddie's shoulder as I shook unable to stop laughing at the situation or his suffering sigh as he rested his forehead against my shoulder in return before replying blandly "...yea we'll be out in a sec.."

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