Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Reds Dream:

Vines strangled and spread over my dreams...silently creeping over the peaceful scene.. I was kissing Eddie in an old school make out session in the theater where they played D&D my fingers tangled in his hair, his hands holding me tight.. I whispered words of love against his lips between kisses...I felt so safe...

Until something his brown eyes met mine gone was the warmth I'd come to love..they were cold and dark and filled with disgust as he shoved me away then flung me into the wall

"How dare you touch me! You -love- me? You 're disgusting, who do you think you are? Stupid Witch! Nobody loves you! You abandoned your family for nothing! You are -nothing- you vile creature, have you looked in a mirror lately?"

Each verbal jab was punctuated with a tightening of vines that had crept up my legs and began to tangle themselves up my body as I begged him to stop.

Heartbroken sobs echoed in the dark the vines creeping over my prone form crushing me as the room began to shake.

Eddie's Dream:

Screams...he didn't know if he was running towards them away it was so dark as he ran forward ..that black void surrounding him grew brighter slowly, the light taking on a blood red hue that reminded him of the Upside Down.

Looking around to see if he could see a way out...bile rose in his throat as the light shone in the room around him... bodies.. broken bodies.. everyone... his Uncle Wayne, Red, the whole group... everyone he knew..and he was unscathed not a cut on him..

Red stood up, like a marionette on strings and walked brokenly over towards him "you weren 't there.." falling into a heap like her strings were cut she cried "why weren 't you there??"

End of dream

Eddie was woken in a cold sweat to the sound of broken sobs looking for the source he glanced down and noticed Red was shaking violently as she lay against him, her tears punctuated by cries of "please stop..!" against his chest.

Shoving his own dream aside for this new living nightmare he pulled her tight in his arms, when her skin touched his, his heart nearly stopped, she was ice cold. Praying that she'd just had a bad dream and that this wasn't Vecna, he smoothed her hair away from her face pulling the blankets up over the both of them, he gathered her close desperate to warm her up.

Cupping her cheeks in his hands he called to her softly "come on now Red, baby.. wake up..please Tinuviel -WAKE- up.." as she still continued to cry, unresponsive to his touch he sat up; pulling her into his lap rocking back and forth, his tone now desperate

"Please baby...Red..wake up.." tears tracked down his cheeks..thinking of any song that might bring her out of this in case it -was- Vecna he sang softly a song he'd heard on the radio.

"In my life, there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life"

It felt like I was drowning, vines crushing me as I gasped for breath..struggling with my last bit of strength wriggled and fought the vines..they didn't budge and I truly thought that this was the end until I heard him..his voice sounded like music.. I clung to that music with all that I was.

Eddies heart pounded as he continued to hold Red rocking her back and forth singing through his tears, he struggled and flailed in his embrace and he sang louder hoping that meant she was fighting whatever she saw..fighting to come back to him.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz