Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

As our group piled into Uncle Wayne's car both Eddie and I in the front, shotgun from earlier in my hand a spear in his the two of them settled into the front seats, I'd agreed to drive being the only adult of the group that was uninjured, not in hiding and had a license.

"If I had known that I'd be spending so much time driving in another dimension I would've stayed home." I joked, the anxiety of being on the road non withstanding the fact that I didn't know what I'd find at the cabin wasn't helping.

Eddie reached over to rest his hand on my thigh squeezing it gently as I'd grabbed the wires he'd shown me earlier and used them to jumpstart the car again and began driving,

"Red it's gonna be fine, we're not exactly gonna hit heavy traffic on these backroads.."

Nodding I reached a hand down to squeeze his as I glanced into the backseat,

"You kids alright back there? Ready for a fun roadtrip?"

Mike who had the map that Jim had drawn up nodded as he studied the page, at the ready with directions. I couldn't help the smile as I saw he and Eleven cuddled up together.

"You two are just adorable together, I know it sounds weird but I've been rooting for you kids for years." A blush came across both of their faces as they looked at the map together.

Dustin side eyed Red watching carefully, even with her backstory out on the table he still seemed like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sighing I pulled over and looked back at him my need for resolution overriding my desire to get to the cabin and be done driving already.

"Dustin look I know that you don't really trust me, you've barely said two words to me since we left the Upside Down.. come on, nows your chance let me have it, what's on your mind?"

Eddie watched very closely, he'd noticed something was off but with everything else going on he hadn't had the time to sit down with the kid and ask him what the deal was. He knew he was upset with Eddie for his stunt that he pulled running back to fight the bats but he didn't want him taking that out on Red, it wasn't her fault and she had done everything she could to be nice and help the group.

Dustin had been trying to hold it in, they didn't have time for bullshit fights right now and he knew that wasn't about to change anytime soon. Looking up into Red's green eyes he sighed he knew that look, he'd seen it on Eddie more than a few times.. a dog with a bone when he saw that look there was no way either of them were letting it go. Turning his attention towards Eddie his eyes filled with tears of anger and frustration.

"You left me there! You cut that damn rope, left me there and nearly fucking died! You could have died! We had a plan! Don't be a hero! Remember that?! You aren't disposable! You are my friend, our friend and we need you! Don't you ever do that again..!"

Taking a breath he furiously wiped the tears from his eyes, turning towards Red he sighed,

"I'm not mad at you Red... you saved him, you saved Eddie where I couldn't..where I wouldn't have if you hadn't been there in time.. you swooped in and took care of him and don't get me wrong I'm glad he found you.. but I don't want to lose my friend.." he glanced over at Mike and Jane clearly referring to how things had changed since they got together.

Mike was surprised to say the least, he hadn't seen Dustin like this since he and El and first gotten together but he knew that Dustin might've felt like a third wheel, especially since his girlfriend was so far away. Before he could respond Eddie beat him to it

"Hey...Henderson, you do know that you and the others are always gonna be my friends, we're the Hellfire Club remember? That's as close to family as we can get. And Red? Yea sure we're together but that just means you get a Dungeon Mama not that you lose me!"

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