Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Both Red and Eddie tore into the plates of food like a pair of starving animals, once I'd finished I flushed realizing I was so focused on eating I hadn't noticed the mixed reactions of pain and anger affecting the now rather silent group. Taking the water bottles that Joyce had left on the table for the both of us and handing one back to Eddie, I downed the water greedily not realizing how thirsty I was.

Catching my breath after nearly inhaling the entire bottle of water I looked over the pained and haunted expressions of those around me. Shit..way to bring down the room.. Swallowing down the guilt at burdening them with my pain I turned my focus towards Eddie knowing it couldn't be easy to hear about it again.

Smiling as I spotted Eddie's equally empty plate beside me, I was grateful that he'd at least eaten as quickly as I had. I moved to set the plates aside before looking up to see Argyle had come over and was holding out his gift. "Thank you so much Argyle, that sounds wonderfulabout now." Taking the lit joint in hand I placed it to my lips and greedily inhaled, soaking in the calm it gave before releasing the smoke into the air. I handed the joint over my shoulder to Eddie "here you go baby, know you could use some too."

Eddie nodded, one arm gathering me close, his fingers lacing with my own as his other took the joint held it to his lips taking an equally large puff holding the blissful smoke inside, feeling his muscles relax at the welcoming relief. Letting the puff of smoke go he sighed "fuck.." it was the perfect way to sum up all that I'd said and I couldn't help but agree. "Yep..Fuck.." I said with an equally heavy sigh.

Allowing the calm to settle and ease his nerves he squeezed our joined hands holding them close pulling them to his lips, kissing my rings his other hand offering the joint back over to Argyle who nodded taking a puff himself before bowing and heading back to his seat.

Nancy was next to break the silence, guilt still clear across her features she knew it was her question that led to his development. "Shit..I...I'm sorry.." her hand blindly reaching out for comfort as she struggled to find the words she grazed Steves who took it and squeezed it before releasing it with a nervous glance towards Jonathan who rested his hand at her lower back protectively his own hand lacing with hers.

Swallowing down her stammering and shaking her head Nancy continued "..I..I don't know what to say except I'm sorry and..what can we do to help? I know that Vecna clearly has a new strategy with the barrier..I won't pretend to fully understand how it works but is there anything we can do to strengthen it?"

A wry smile crossed my lips as I nodded mind racing trying to work out a plan, I couldn't help but be impressed at Nancy's continued ability to bounce back and start working the problem. Tilting my head back I noted that my metalhead was still rather subdued even for having smoked a bit, I nuzzled against Eddie's cheek before murmuring against his skin. "you alright, love? I know that story isn't exactly a boatload of laughs.."

Shaking his head once again marveling at my sense of humor he nodded turning to kiss my cheek as his arms hugged me close "yea, I'll be alright sweetheart..are you?"

Shrugging even as I could -feel- him narrowing his eyes at me for dismissing my own suffering I cuddled back into his arms pulling them closer around me "I will be... still worn out as fuck but got a full stomach so there's that. Either way we gotta go over the plan for the barrier.."

Robin had a similar expression a mix of concern and guilt, sitting forward and reaching out she offered her hand before dropping it against her leg, clearly unsure how to help but offering all the same. " the barrier..can we recharge it? I mean a thing that can get drained can be recharged..right?"

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now