Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Allowing his mind to wander over the memories of the day he carded his fingers through Red's hair carefully minding the bandages on her back. Finding more than a few snarls in her curls from dried blood he winced making a note to help her wash it later, not wanting to wake her up he tucked her hair aside for the time being.

He knew that he was grateful that she'd successfully brought back Lucas and that he was actually Lucas and not something else; but that didn't take away from the fact that he couldn't get the image out of his head of her bloody and unconscious in his arms.

Closing his eyes he focused on Red and where he was right now, the warmth of her body on his own, her steady heartbeat against his chest, her breath slow and even tickling the hair against his neck. It was so calming and hypnotic having her melted on him like this, he couldn't help but remember what felt like forever ago even though it was just yesterday when she'd laid on him and told him about weighted blankets.

Hours later

It was the sound of the kitten that had startled and woken the two of them, the little one was scratching and yowling to get in before the hushed voice of Dustin interrupted her, there was a squeak as the kitten was clearly picked up and carried away from her alarm clock mission.

"Th..fuck s'that?" Eddie mumbled groggily as I murmured sleepily in reply "hmm?'I..guess...fuck...mor..sleep..please.." I winced as my body slowly started to wake up and the desire to stretch out became irresistible. Doing my best to stretch downwards, arms to fingertips, legs to toes, stretching in this direction instead of up, as I did I released a purring yowl of a moan from my lips; a sound that left Eddie wide eyed, confused and a little turned on if he was being honest. I went limp against him once more with a sigh, I was still in a lot of pain but the stretch had eased quite a bit of the tension.

Eddie gave it a few minutes before he disturbed me, running his hands through my hair and looking over my face, I looked relaxed and peaceful so he looked at my shoulders and didn't see any blood on the bandages. "You alright, princess? That was a new noise..haven't heard that one before.."

Blinking sleepily I gave a jaw cracking yawn and nuzzled his neck another softer purred moan escaping my lips. "Mhmm..slept so good and needed to stretch..usually stretch all the time but..haven't..didn't want to hurt myself worse..or get teased..."

Eddie kissed my forehead softly nudging me to continue, his curiosity piqued.

"er...I..kinda make noises when I do's involuntary..and people always tease me about it.." nuzzling closer into where his neck and shoulder met I continued my cheeks flushed. "I've..uh.. always related to.. cats..the long nails...flexibility..agility.. and stretching...." I added with a flush "purring..when motivated.."

Brows high Eddie mulled over the possibilities of this information. Thinking back to their few times they'd fooled around or even when they'd had sex he thought of Red's nails raking down his back and the way she'd bit and nipped at him. She were more than a little feral so it made sense and was hot as hell. Seeing that she was burrowing further down huddling into his chest, cheeks flaming he smirked reaching down to cup her warm cheeks in his hands. "Hey..sweetheart..hey..don't hide that beautiful face from me.."

Cheeks still flaming I did as he asked and tilted my chin up so I could meet his warm chocolate brown eyes with my green.

His long fingers traced my cheeks as he stared into Red's green eyes, he knew she was still sore but it looked like nervousness and fluster had replaced pain. "What's going on in that head of yours Red..? You worried that I'll make fun of you? Think your weird? A freak?"

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