Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Swallowing hard Lucas answered "somewhere safe, don't worry Erica we can help you..where are you? Is a guy named Dmitri with you?"

Her indignant response was quick after even more static, clearly the spreading of the Upside Down was making the connection worse. "How the hell do you know Dmitri? Never mind yea he's here, crashed his helicopter.. those bats are everywhere now and they shredded it.. the whole towns gone to hell..where are you at?! If we don't get out of here soon...Goddamnit Lucas everyone's dead or just gone!"

My heart clenched hearing my suspicions confirmed of exactly how bad it had gotten in Hawkins, squeezing our joined hands I tried to focus on my breathing as my mind raced desperately formulating the rest of the plan.

Eddie's other hand that wasn't laced with Red's own stroked across the base of her wrist and up under the open leather sleeve of her jacket to her forearm reminding him that she was here, by his side providing comfort and support for the both as them as they processed this alarming development.

Lucas stammered shaking his head in denial and horror at the news but he managed to reply "you know the old cabin where El and Hop used to stay?"

Her reply was quick and irritated for what was clearly to her, a stupid question "NO how the fuck would I know that? I-" her rant was cut off by a firm request to take the walkie before Dmitri's voice came clearly across "American! Are you there? Is it the place where we left you?" Jim took the walkie from Lucas and pressed the button to reply "yea that's the place. Get there safe, we'll see you soon."

The members of the groups eyes were wide, more than a few damp with unshed tears as they processed this bomb of information, a muffled sob was heard as well as a few curses. So many of them had family members still out there somewhere who could now either be dead or missing, neither thought was appealing.

Turning in Eddie's embrace until I could face him catching the worried look in his brown eyes that I knew matched my own I nuzzled into his neck. His arms felt like my own little hideaway soaking in the comfort his scent and the feel of his skin under my cheek as my hands worked their way under his jacket and around his waist. I shook my head as images raced behind my eyes, visions came unbidden of what I feared was becoming a reality in town right now. Clearly my gifts of foresight were just as enhanced as the others since coming to this reality.

Eddie frowned as his mind racing to process this latest development, his arms automatically wrapping around Red in return savoring the fact that he was able to be her anchor when she felt like this, her touch..her presence was such a balm on his frazzled nerves in return.

Fucking figures that this bit of peace wouldn't last. He wasn't delusional, he know that Hawkins was going straight to hell in a hand basket outside the safety of the barrier; and if Vecna and the Mindflayer weren't stopped soon the rest of the world would follow.

Hell he knew that Vecna seemed to have a special interest in Red, most likely due to her powers or the fact that she came from another world, another reality. He remembered that Vecna and the Mindflayer wanted to take over the world so having access to her her reality would make them even more powerful. These thoughts made him want to find some way, anything he could do to hide her and keep her safe but he knew damn well she wasn't going to hide away while others fought and died.

Turning slightly in Eddie's arms I looked over at Jim, plans racing through my mind, "you said we have some spare metal from an old shed? What do you think about cutting it into what amounts to an open topped box to reinforce the top of the car, we put someone up there covered in Kevlar and a helmet armed with a flamethrower in case things get dicey, then we have 2 drivers..I'm thinking myself and Eddie, leaves room in the back for Dmitri and Erica"

I breathed a small sigh of relief as Eddie nodded against my cheek kissing my neck, "you know I'll follow you into hell sweetheart.." flushing I leaned into his touch knowing how grateful he was not to be left behind this time.

"I figure we drive over there and clean up this mess, and bring those two back safe while the rest of you keeps home base secure. The barrier should hold but I think we'll be stirring the hornets nest by doing this so it doesn't hurt to be ready for anything."

Nancy, Steve and the other older teens looked ready to protest that I was running into danger again, a mix of worry and disapproval across their faces, I sighed seeing Dustin, Mike and Lucas in similar straights not wanting to be left behind or see me get hurt again. "Ok first of all this is nothing like the mission to the hospital. That day we weren't going looking for a fight, so we weren't as ready for a fight, that day was entirely about stealth and blending in." The group begrudgingly nodded as I continued.

"Second the demobats are triggered by noise, so if we have too big of a group which wouldn't fit the car anyway, and if we used the van they'd hear us with that engine and then we're going to have to fight an entire army AND rescue our friends. Shit that's one of the reasons I'm practicing using a bow, so I could use it or a crossbow so we don't have all the noise." Eddie nodded absently as he held Red close his mind racing, both he and Dustin remembered vividly just how quickly they came to the sound of him playing his guitar that day.

Addressing Dustin and my other adopted kids, Eleven and Mike watched me, worry clear on their faces, I knew Eleven felt she should go and fix it herself, feeling as if she failed utterly. "Dusty...all of've seen me fight today, I'm not defenseless am I? You've seen and fought with Eddie, he's not defenseless either. And whoever our third will be, I'm thinking Jim or Murray if either are up for it since you both know Dmitri and are good with the flamethrower."

The looks shared between Joyce and Jim spelled out just how they felt about being separated. I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't say a thing against them as I had no intention of allowing Eddie out of my sight until I was back in my own reality at the very least. Looking over at Murray my brows rose in silent question and he nodded clearly ready to be the hero once more, though I knew it helped that the odds were more in his favor this time.

"So if I haven't lost my touch it seems like Murray has volunteered?" His smirk and nod was clear "I get to barbecue those assholes if they come near us? Sure I'm in."

Cackling I nodded, grateful for his enthusiasm "See this is why we get along, can't help but appreciate a fellow pyromaniac.." I felt Eddie tense in my arms slightly as I said that. Unsure if it was jealousy or the upcoming fight I moved to reassure him tilting my head to kiss his neck and ear "I love fire but nowhere as much as I love you and Jin, Eddie my love you are my husband..I just love blowing things up..especially you know I have a grudge against those flying assholes for hurting you."

Eddie nodded idly even as he arched into Red's touch, his own rage towards the Demobats was similar. He knew he trusted her even if he'd felt a spark of jealousy at her tone he loved that she noticed it and wasn't upset. As it was he knew it was going to be an adjustment to share Red with Jin when that time came, it did help that with all of her descriptions of his other wife, as much as they each loved one another jealousy should be easily overcome.

Turning my attention back to the group who was equally lost in thought their worries once more taking over I continued "we won't have to go too far if all goes according to plan, just to the old cabin and back. I know it won't be a me I know whats out there..I've.." I hesitated not wanting to add to their fears "I've seen what I think the endgame is and...well we won't be facing that today. But first we gotta get the car ready, who wants to do some metalwork?"

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