Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

*Back at the cabin*

The atmosphere was tense and that was an understatement of the century, fear of alerting the creatures they knew could overhear had prevented further radio communication.

Once the group in the car had left the others had spread out in various postings across the perimeter, Each in groups of 2 or more. Those that were best with ranged weapons were divided amongst the groups. Jonathan was in the front left with Will, Nancy and Steve were in the front right, Uncle Wayne had worked with Dustin to get a ladder to allow them on the roof and they patrolled it together, Lucas, Mike and Eleven patrolled together along the sides of the cabin while Robin, Jim and Joyce watched over the back half.

The bats had begun gathering at the outermost edges of the barrier swirling and dancing just out of reach like they were waiting for something. Their cries becoming louder as a sizable flock accumulated. The demodogs cries echoed in the woods just outside the reach of the barrier as well, the atmosphere an ominous cacophony of unearthly cries.

Jim climbed the ladder to get a view from a better vantage point as he joined Uncle Wayne and Dustin, while Joyce joined up with Lucas, Mike and Eleven to patrol the back and sides. Tried as he might Jim couldn't see what had changed but he knew that something had to have gone wrong with the mission and the creatures were gearing up for an attack.

*back at the car and dilapidated cabin*

Eddie had his machete in hand, having poured some fuel over it as he slipped the Kevlar vest over top of his jacket, leaving Red in the car, he ran towards the broken cabin, his heart pounding as he carefully avoided the vines making his way inside. His eyes wide as he blinked a few times frantically trying to adjust to the dim light every sense trained as he looked around for their two friends. Reaching the backside of the cabin he spotted something in the bathroom, a frantic waving of arms and pointing behind him.

My heart was doing it's damndest to pound it's way out of my chest as I watched Eddie race into the cabin, I'd been on a constant swivel watching every inch of the yard as I was able. My crossbow was loaded and ready, the container open beside me so I could easily dip and reload if need be. I hummed Animate under my breath knowing that the terror clenching my heart made me a tasty mindflayer/Vecna sandwich.

Turning on his heel Eddie narrowly avoided being slashed by the impressive claws of a demogorgon as it shrieked an eldritch scream that was quickly followed by countless others. Clearly this fucker had been waiting to set off the alarm. Knowing that stealth was no longer an option Eddie reached into his pocket and flicked the lighter igniting his machete and swung it out in front of him, he was grateful for the light.

Glancing behind him he shouted at the huddled forms in the bathroom, "get the fuck out of here, run straight for the damn car and avoid the spikes!" Seeing their utter lack of movement he shook his head about to lose his fucking mind as he blocked another swipe from those claws and screamed "FLY YOU FOOLS! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"

Erica nodded numbly and tugged Dmitri into action the both of them bloodied and bruised they made their way limping for the door and out into the explosion of demobats, screaming and burning.

*back home at the cabin*

It was like someone had flipped a switch, suddenly the demobats, demodogs even a demogorgon were actively flinging themselves into the barrier. It was like velociraptors being fed, they were testing the fences.

Of course they were igniting as soon as their bodies touched the powerful barrier but they didn't seem dissuaded in the slightest. Jim called out to the others "burn these assholes up, I don't know if they can use up the barrier but let's not give em a chance!"

The group launched into action, the sounds of gunfire and crossbow bolts being released and bodies of demobats rained down that only fell through the barrier once dead. Elevenstretched the extent of her abilities as she flung a wave of demodogs away that was racing towards the barrier, slamming their bodies into the tree line as the others continued their attacks.

Argyle and the others were fighting a group of demodogs just outside the front barrier as Joyce and the others did the same with a demogorgon in the back side of the perimeter.

Hearing the scream of the demogorgon Jim climbed down the ladder as fast as he could and raced over, his machete drenched in fuel he ignited it and swung it at the creature that was smashing itself at the barrier while those inside were stabbing and slashing right back at it.

*back at the car and dilapidated cabin*

The scream had certainly set off the demobats as they swarmed the area just like 'Hitchcock's The Birds', both Murray and I worked to burn and kill as many as I could, my eyes still wandering hopefully towards the door desperate for sight of Eddie and the others.

It felt like years before the bloodied forms of Erica and Dmitri made their way to the car, opening the spike covered doors and diving into the backseats to lay there, panting utterly exhausted.

Unable to spare a glance backwards as an opportunistic demobat dove towards the windshield and I was forced to grab the rifle and shoot it as I shouted "WHERE'S EDDIE!?"

The backseat was too damn silent as I set the rifle aside, lit and tossed a Molotov at a demodog that was darting around in the yard, now engulfing it in flames. "Not gonna ask again damnit SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE MY HUSBAND IS!? WHERE'S EDDIE?!"

Glancing to the side I saw more movement coming from the cabin and my heart caught in my chest as Eddie was flung out of the door by a bleeding and slightly burnt demogorgon.

My eyes filled with tears and I frantically blinked them away as I reloaded and fired as fast as I could, nearly forgetting to load the explosive compound on my bolts I continued firing on the demogorgon careful not to hit Eddie. Finally it staggered and I called out "Eddie!! GET UP DAMNIT! GET YOUR BEAUTIFUL ASS OVER HER!"

Panting Eddie spat the dirt from his mouth and chuckled hearing Red shouting at him from the car, using his machete to push himself up he managed to shove himself back just in time as the demogorgon gave one final desperate lunge and slash at him, pulling his machete from the ground he aimed it upwards and stabbed it through the chest of the demogorgon. Blinking blearily through the blood dripping down his face and the fading adrenaline he heard more demodogs screaming and their cries were getting louder.

Watching Eddie finally kill the demogorgon was a relief but I wasn't a fool, we were far from done, I needed to get Eddie back in the damn car and get the fuck out of here. "EDDIE! GET UP NOW! Please baby!"

Smirking Eddie nodded pulling the machete from the demogorgons chest and used it to shove himself upright and made a fast paced limp towards the car. He felt a breeze and moved to dodge whatever attack was coming his way but Red's rifle was faster and the demodog fell dead behind him

"Damnit EDDIE HURRY!" Chuckling he turned his attention back towards her and limped the rest of the way to the car wrenching the door open before sliding into the drivers seat beside her.

He wasn't prepared for the ferocity at which Red wrapped myself around him not that he minded in the least, wounds be damned he was glad to hold her again. He glanced over her shoulder worried that the lack of firing would make them vulnerable until he saw the thick ring of fire that was surrounding the car. Clearly Murray had taken cover fire quite literally.

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