Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

A jaw cracking yawn was his first clue that Red was back and he chuckled warmly before wrapping himself around her even closer. "Welcome back my sleepy Red.."

I grinned like an idiot as I realized I was practically wearing Eddie at this point as tightly as he held me. Taking his arms in my own I hugged him back just as tightly with a happy sigh. "Thank you for your help in there..turns out part of my shoulder blade had broken..healing bone is a lot..."

Eddie's eyes widened, "shit..that explains why you yelled..healing bone is never fun the normal way..wouldn't want to even imagine doing it quickly like that."

Waynes brows rose at learning about the broken bone, "damn, I'm sorry that I didn't see that in the first's a good thing you fixed it before it'd healed wrong."

Nodding as I sighed tiredly melting into Eddies arms savoring his warmth, glancing up at Uncle Wayne "I'm all healed now it's fine Uncle Wayne..Eddie had me covered.."

Nuzzling into his warmth with a blissful sigh I added "and Eddie can still carry me around..if you want"

He smirked nibbling my neck and ear "mm definitely will once I get some strength back..could use another waffle..and a good nights sleep.."

I couldn't agree more as I arched into his touch, my stomach growled echoing through the quiet of the room. Yawning once more I nodded at the thought of food, I closed my eyes releasing the barrier over the small circle taking the energy back within myself, my jaw fell as I blinked in surprise, a gasp escaping my lips.

It felt like a double shot of espresso and fireball whisky, the pure heat and energy left my skin tingling "Holy Shit..that's.. strong!" I shivered slightly as the strength of it continued to hit me, realizing I should explain noticing the shocked looks around me, "the energy you gave..Eddie you've got a powerhouse in there, was taking this little barrier down..when we connected you recharged it..the energy felt like touching a live wire with my whole body."

Realizing the best course of action not only to rejuvenate Eddie who still sat resting his head in the crook of my neck, but to ease the strain of my overflowed reserves was to give some back. I once more twined a single ribbon of energy from the now overflowing pool inside of me and sent it flowing back to him wrapping it lovingly around his own threads and holding him close before stopping the flow on the connection once more.

Eddie started a bit as he felt that crisp autumn air filled with Red's scent, her love flowed through him this time touching and caressing him so intimately he shivered even as he held her closer sighing with disappointment as the connection had gone back to normal.

Giggling softly I kissed Eddie's hand hugging his arms tight as I felt him coming down from the slight high this last exchange had given.

Looking over at the teens who watched unsure of what to do. "You all did an incredible job, thank you for the help..I mean it. Tomorrow we're going to do some good sparring together..I figure we can practice some sword work and archery. I've gotta get my muscles ready for it, it's been a good while since I've done either..shit it's been years since I've even had a lightsaber fight.."

The eyes of the teenagers around us were the sizes of saucers as they stared in shock, it took me a few minutes to realize what I'd said and I couldn't hold back the cackle and snort that followed.

The others that had been defending the perimeter had been called in by Joyce who'd overheard the changes and that the spell had been done. Curious looks came from all directions as they waited..well all but Dustin who'd had enough waiting. "Come on Dungeon Mama.. You can't just say you had a lightsaber fight and not explain!"

Eddie nodded, his head still cradled in my shoulder his words muffled as he rode the high I'd set him on, "Henderson's got a point.." placing open mouthed kisses on my newly healed skin "I wanna hear about these lightsaber fights too..didn't know I married a Jedi..or is it a Sith?"

I shook my head and swatted him, between him just dumping the throuple out in the open and implying that I could be a Sith.

Sighing as the questioning looks doubled from Eddie's little reveal, "so which question do you want answered first? Lightsaber fight or throuple marriage?"

I figured I may as well have some fun with the torment, giggling as I heard Eddie's voice rise in a curse once he'd realized the situation he'd exposed. Turning to nuzzle into him I smiled and whispered, "Eddie love.. it's ok, I may not have planned to tell them quite like this, but they are family and should know."

Much to both Dustins and Lucas's dismay the throuple curiosity won out, it didn't help his odds when Murray voted, though to Uncle Waynes credit he did try to help those that wanted to know about the lightsaber fight.

Sighing heavily I leaned back in Eddie's lap, stretching out my legs trying to loosen a few knots as I did. Seeing the impatient toe taps and sighs I started to tell the story,

"Alright alright..ya vultures.. so as most if not all of you know I am and have been happily married to my wife, Jin for 5 years back in the reality I fell out of. Well my wife and I who knew about all of you and this reality, we cared for this group immensely and fell utterly in love with Eddie.."

Eddie's arms tightened around my middle, his legs stretched out alongside my own. I didn't need eyes in the back of my head to see that he was blushing and grinning as he tucked himself closer around me.

Grinning myself as I tilted my head back to rest against him as I continued, "so we had a deal, that if we ever managed to find and meet Eddie and he felt the same way he'd become a third in our marriage. Luckily for us..he did and he's our husband now.. not legally cause laws are stupid.. but we're hand-fasted and that's more than enough for us. It was enough for my wife and I until we could afford to get married in the court house."

Turning towards Dustin who watched with a mixture of disappointment at the implications this news had and not hearing the explanation he wanted and impatience I grinned "so you've technically got 3 dungeon parents, aren't you lucky!"

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now