Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

Tears gathered in my eyes as Eddie's words cut through the self hatred, slashing through each doubt, it didn't erase the thoughts but certainly shut them down for the moment. Squeezing our joined hands I pulled them to my lips kissing his knuckles softly, "Thank you so much sweetheart.. I hate that he got to me like that...doesn't fucking help that I've kinda uh heard things like that before...was kinda raised to not get excited about things and that no matter what I accomplished.." my voice trailed off unwilling to finish that thought. Eddie nodded, he hated the words he knew Red was planning to say because he'd heard and thought the same damn thing before about himself.

Thinking back to the history of abuse I knew we both shared I turned in his embrace and saw the matching anger and sorrow-filled look on his face. "'ve heard that same bullshit before haven't you.. I've said it before and I'll say it again if anyone said that shit about you around me.." I could feel my temper rising, adrenaline fueled rage replacing the heartache.

Eddie smirked wryly leaning in to place a kiss on Red's neck loving her protective nature over him. "Too many fucking times... but not as much since Uncle Wayne took me in, aside from assholes at school."

I clicked my tongue against my teeth sighing heavily before I spoke "..ok it absolutelyterrible that my first thought was that most of those assholes are probably toast now?..gods I know I'm awful...." I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips as I detangled one of my hands from his hiding my face with my palm shaking my head at myself for letting some of my twisted humor out.

Eddie snorted unable to stop the laughter that escaped and reverberated in his chest, it took a few minutes for him to catch his breath "well shit...glad I wasn't the only one that thought it..."

My cheeks flamed as my brain tried to process his reaction, I managed to stammer "I'm sorry...but did you just..? Fuck! I mean I figured you might have a bit of a dark sense of humor but I wasn't expecting just keep making me fall more in love with you every day.."

Still chuckling warmly Eddie hugged me closer in his arms still shaking his head marveling at me. "Love you too sweetheart, and dark humor? Kinda comes with being a Dungeon Master, gotta be a little twisted to come up with the really good campaigns." His eyes sparkled with promise as he said that and I knew damn well he wasn't just taking about D&D.

Stroking his calloused fingertips along Red's hands, he traced the lines along her palms as she'd done for him earlier as he continued. "It's not terrible..not really, especially since there isn't shit you could do about it." His voice faded to a more somber tone, "You aren't wrong though, with all the people either missing or zombies the chances of those assholes being dead is pretty damn high, just so fucking glad you got Uncle Wayne out safe when you did."

I nodded trying and failing to keep thoughts of 'what if' out of my mind shaking my head as I did, unable to hold back the shivers those thoughts sent down my spine "I Really don't want to think about that.." turning in his arms my eyes soft and pleading, "Eddie, could you show me how to play guitar now? I need to stop picturing the shit that's going on out there..."

Knowing how much we both loved music he nodded and hugged me closer in his arms placing a warm kiss on the crown of my hair "sounds like a good idea sweetheart, I'll be right back gotta grab the guitar." Detangling himself from where I was cuddled in the cradle of his lap he left me on the couch and hurried to their bedroom.

Turning my attentions back towards Ianna who'd wandered her way back over after her cuddle drive-by earlier. She nuzzled and butted her head into my hands "Aww sweet kitty.." running my nails down her back smiling as she arched eagerly into my touch in much the same way as a certain metalhead, her purrs cutting through the silence. "You're just like Eddie.. can't resist a good back scratch.." I was so distracted by the happy kitten bunting into my hands I didn't hear the door open and close, finally the footsteps cut through and I looked up startled, expecting to see Eddie and instead found a much shorter contrite figure.

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