Chapter 95

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Notes: So sorry for the delay everyone. New job has been crazy. BUT my schedule is being switched to one that DOESN'T hate nocturnal people starting tomorrow so that should help!

Working on the next chapter and it's almost done as well so hoping to get to where I'm like 1 chapter ahead of release? That way I can make sure to release 1/wkThank you to all of the comments please keep it up you have been such a big help and motivator.I do want to address one comment about the tags, there are some tags that will be more prominent in the next book so don't worry they will ALLLLL happen.And these other books have a lot planned so please trust me.

Chapter 95

Uncle Wayne watched the interaction between them carefully, his brows furrowed in concern, he wasn't a fool. He could tell that Red didn't want the others to worry about her past and was putting a lighter tone to the story.

He'd be more concerned if Eddie hadn't walked over to check on her as he did. Clearly they must have talked about her childhood in more depth at some point when it was just the two of them alone.

Glancing over at the cabinet Uncle Wayne spotted gun clips, bandoliers and quivers sitting there and figured it would be a good idea to take this time to fill them, to prepare for the battle ahead.

As much as he'd rather the whole group stay here in the cabin where it was safe, he knew sometimes a well shot bullet or arrow as the case may be was the most effective path towards that goal. After all he'd nearly lost Eddie and Red, people he viewed as his son and daughter in law, to Vecna and his bullshit. Now he might be a fairly mellow person but he wouldn't stand for anyone hurting his family.

Noticing Waynes apparent goal of getting the other, more lethal weaponry ready, Dmitri, Argyle, Joyce and Jonathan stood from their respective spots and joined him. Each worked on various tasks, grabbing rags from the kitchen to clean some of the weapons used in the previous days battle and ammunition to load the bandoliers, clips and quivers.

Eleven watched the different groups at work, their little ragtag family, each member either preparing for what could be the final battle for them all, or for the last vestiges of fun they might all have together as a group. Sighing heavily she glanced towards Red, to where she sat with Eddie wrapped around her, his love and protective nature clear.

Eleven had been thinking about the two of them for a little while now, especially after the few conversations that involved a future for Red, Eddie and her wife, the three of them together back in their reality. She knew that the only way for that future to happen, would be to somehow not only get Red back there to her time and reality but to get Eddie there as well. Meaning that they would be separated from the rest of them, possibly forever; and with her abilities Eleven knew she'd be the only one that might have a chance of making it happen.

Melting further into Eddie's warm touch I tilted my head further back against his shoulder, quirking my brow as I spotted Eleven standing a few feet away, staring at me, her gaze intense and veiled with concern.

Knowing that a conversation was clearly in order I nuzzled into Eddie's cheek, kissing it before gesturing over towards Eleven. "Babe..I think El needs a word with me. I'll be back in a few.."

Eddie nodded even as his arms tightened around my waist pouting before he finally released me, his reluctance clear as he called out a soft demand of "Hurry back".

Giggling at his possessive request I nodded and grabbed his hand, taking it to my lips I kissing his ring covered fingers before giving his hand a squeeze and gratefully accepted his help to stand.

Smirking I couldn't help but appreciate the agile way he quickly settled into my spot as soon as I'd stood. His deft fingers already taking a syringe in hand as he worked to fill the paintballs before gently setting them aside.

Turning my attention back towards Eleven I walked towards her frowning as I noticed her fidgeting where she stood, fight or flight shimmering in her eyes, her nervousness clear. Sighing heavily I reached out to touch her shoulder intending to calm her even as she jumped. I shook my head as I spoke softly, "hey, easy..." my concern continued to grow at her obvious fear of whatever we were about to discuss. My arm came around her side gathering her close, unable to resist the urge to protect her, she was every bit the little sister I'd always wanted, "You alright there, El?"

Eleven shook her head imperceptibly and gave a telling nod towards the hall.

Picking up on her refusal to speak in front of the others I nodded and gently nudged her to turn as we both walked towards the room Eddie and I shared.

Eleven looked more and more nervous with each step until we finally reached the edge of the bed. As we both sat down her fidgeting got worse and I knew she might explode, and quite literally so, with her powers if she didn't speak soon. "Alright El..c'mon sweetheart I know something is bothering you. Please talk to me..I don't bite..much."

Eleven sighed, a soft smile crossing her lips. She'd learned in the time they'd spent together that Red was a hard person to argue with; stubborn, determined to care for and protect those she loves.

Reaching down to her own black Tripp pants to the chains and zippers hanging there, she twiddled and twirled them between her fingers for a few minutes before finally speaking, "I've been thinking..about after we stop Vecna.. I know you've talked about going home.....with Eddie.."

Glancing to her side she noticed the way Red nodded encouraging her to continue. Nodding idly herself she continued speaking, her eyes sliding shut as she worried over Red's possible reaction. "I'm not exactly sure how to get you both back..I mean maybe I can open a portal like whatever dropped you here in the first place, before we close the holes to the Upside Down? But I just don't know for sure! I don't want to fail you..I can't fail again...this whole mess is all my fault in the first place..." her voice faded as tears closed her throat, preventing from putting her guilt into words.

I shook my head hating to see her speak of herself that way. Refusing to allow it to continue, I gathered her in my arms and hugged her close, rocking her back and forth softly on the bed. "Hey, hey... none of that. You were so little when that bullshit happened with Henry, and you were defending yourself as he tried to crush you like a fucking tin can and suck your soul out! I mean shit, can't say that I wouldn't have done the same in your position if I had the power. Now as far as how to get us both home? I.. I've been thinking about it a lot too. The real question is, is this my actual body here, in Hawkins or am I just a copy?"

Eleven pulled back from my embrace to look at me, an eyebrow raised, her curiosity clear. "...a copy?"

I nodded, continuing "So theres a theory about a practice called reality shifting where you can shift your reality to another one where just your consciousness travels to a form of your body there leaving your body behind in your present reality.

The only problem with that theory in this situation is... I don't think I had a me here in Hawkins to hop into. So if my body and mind are here, the only tether I have to my reality is to my wife back home.

I mean I don't know if you can see reiki energy or anything like that, but I have a a cord that is a combination of my energy and Eddie's connecting us, and I've felt one connecting my wife, Jin and I as well so maybe if we used that.. it could help you to map a way back? Using the tears across reality as a weak spot to let us through?"

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