Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

Chuckling softly at the way Red burrowed in as closely as she could, he kissed her shoulder his arms gathering her even closer. He loved that she was always just as desperate for his touch as he was hers. "Thank you you too so very much sweetheart...I can't believe Dustin found a guitar... it's fucking miracle...that kid.. it's not electric..but still.."

Placing soft kisses on his neck before I pulled back to prop myself up so I could look into his eyes. I shook my head at him with a smirk "Hey..I've heard some really neat acoustic versions of Black Sabbath songs, hell of lots of songs...wish I had some way for you to learn how to play Animate but I don't know how to read music. I can memorize lyrics to pretty much any song I've heard and can learn the tunes but never learned to read it..even when I played an instrument I still couldn't read the shit.." I huffed disappointed in myself and the memory as I moved to curl back up against his chest.

Eddie's brow rose his hand reaching down to stroke her cheek from where she'd nestled herself on his chest. He could hear the excitement in her voice talking about those songs being played acoustically, at that moment he really hoped this guitar was in good shape because he wanted nothing more than to play as many song as as he could for her. Hearing the mention of her playing an instrument "Hey...I didn't know you used to play..could you tell me what it was?" He'd heard the sadness in her voice at the end so he figured it wasn't something she was happy about but he still wanted to know, he might even be able to help.

Kissing the black widow tattoo on his upper chest I idly stroked his patterns across the rest of his pale skin I nodded "yea..played a flute in middle school, unfortunately I wasn't very good at it, mostly because of asthma plus there was the whole reading music thing. I can play extremely basic piano...but only by tone.. my favorite uncle tried to teach me guitar and I tried so damn hard but the only guitar i've ever been able to play is in a video game...and while the controller looks similar it's not the same."

Frowning he nodded, even more determined to teach her to play guitar a some point if only to help her see that she could.

He moved to sit up, pulling her along with him until he'd arranged her comfortably in the nest of his lap similar to how she usually sat in his arms.

Reaching his arms around her he tugged the guitar case close enough to grab and take out the guitar itself along with the small case of picks and pull it into her lap. He ran his fingers along the strings to see just how much it needed to be tuned as he spoke, "Reading music is hard as fuck...took me years and I still barely use it, I play by tone..hell many famous musicians can't read music..the fact that you can play by tone is actually the harder way to do it. So you've already got a leg up on learning how to play music, plus I've heard you sing sweetheart you know music."

I flushed under his praise wobbling my head back and forth a bit, "fair enough... even if I never learn an instrument properly I have my singing, used to be able to sing in a much higher range but had a band case of bronchitis years back that lasted for over a month, couldn't get to a doctor and did permanent damage to my vocal cords and lungs."

Eddie winced at the thought, his arms gathering her close he kissed the crown of her hair "I'm sorry baby..I've had that shit before and it's fucking far as never learning I'll teach you, that's not even a problem. As far as singing your voice sounds beautiful to me."

Tilting my head back I nodded eyes sparkling as I cupped his face in my palms "That sounds incredible..I've got the hottest guitar teacher ever" his cheeks flushed, his lip quirked in a shy smile and I grinned loving how flustered you could make him.

Thinking back I couldn't even remember when I'd fallen in love with singing, "Thank you love, I've been in love with singing ever since I first heard music..but always been shy about it, honestly when I saw you play guitar and how much you love it..I'm pretty sure you know which time it was...but when I did it made me fall for you even harder...and I was already in it pretty damn deep."

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