Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Eddie's laugh was warm as he nodded against Red's flushed skin delighting in just how much he could rile her up, the way she ground her hips against his as he spoke. He knew he was more than tempted to do just that, and let the rest of the world burn just to be with her.

With a panting sigh I shook your head trying to clear my mind and pushed against his chest "alright you..behave.."

"Talking to me or you?"

Biting my lip I glared at him through my lashes "...both"

He laughed openly at that, I looked up and saw that wonderful smile crossing his face, his brown eyes sparkling with it, and couldn't resist grinning in kind. "You are a terribleinfluence.."

Trying to focus on anything other than his smile and my libido I reached out and straightened his jacket and vest. "You wore this the first time I saw you, in the show I mean, with this hellfire shirt" I gestured down to his chest as I continued. "I fell so fucking hard for you, seeing you reading that stupid article from Time magazine with that voice tearing those morons a new one. Walking all over the table, just utterly commanding the room."

His eyes widened, she really had seen a lot..he loved that she'd gotten to see him before all of this mess happened though. Back when he wasn't in hiding and utterly exhausted..overloaded with trauma. "So you loved me... even then.."

I nodded enthusiastically, grinning as I adjusted each pocket eyes widening as I felt something tangled there, reaching inside I squealed as I felt the cool texture of smooth resin attached to a chain. Pulling it out I held up the necklace victoriously "look what I found!"

Eddie glanced down to see the chain in Red's hand and his heart skipped a beat. His favorite guitar pick still on it's chain, he'd almost forgotten about it after that felt like forever ago now. Part of him wanted to hold it in his hands, to put the chain around his neck and wear it again like he had for so long. But another part of him remembers the days before she'd arrived and all of the darkness and fear attached...the song he played using that very pick...His hand reached out to it frozen in indecision.

Watching the myriad of emotions crossing Eddie's face I frowned, of course finding his necklace and wearing it again may not be such a simple thing. I knew all of the memories attached to the last days he wore this simple piece of resin on a silver chain.

Glancing down at my own necklace I smiled "I have an idea.." Eddie watched me intently as I reached behind myself to undo my chain. After some careful work to undo the tiny ring that held one of the charms on my chain I held out my brass pentacle to him.

" love? I know that your guitar pick has some...emotional baggage... I love it because of what I see when I look at it, all of the pieces of you it I propose a trade. I never did get to give you a ring for our hand-fasting, so how about you wear my star? After all I'm represented by the moon, always have's a part of me; And the moon is nothing without the stars to light them. So you can wear my star instead, be my star. How does that sound?"

He was speechless, looking down at the small star pendant in her hand before taking it into his own. It was intricate, filled with tiny pentacles and the points were dagger sharp.

"How the fuck have you not cut yourself wearing this? It's so sharp!" He pictured how close it was regularly to her breasts and throat.

I giggled as I traced the points myself as he held it. "It is, I've been wearing it forever and while it's stabbed me a bit more than a few times it's never hurt me..not really. It's made out of brass so it won't turn your skin green or anything, it's enchanted for protection, I don't even remember when I got it but I think it would be perfect for you to wear...would you?"

His nod was slow as his smile spread across his lips "Yes, my wife..I'd love to wear it and be your star, for the both of you. Keep you and Jin safe..and you can wear my pick..if you want to."

I nodded eagerly bouncing on my heels as I stood "damn straight I do, someday I want to learn how to play guitar and when I do..if I could find a handsome teacher...I'd like to use it." My eyes caught his, my brow arched playfully.

His eyes widened smile even wider as he nodded picturing that day, as he kissed her forehead and cheeks before finally capturing her lips, his hand stroking the loose curls around Red's face as he pulled back to admire her.

"Will you help me put it on?" I was already carefully putting the tiny ring that held the pendant on the silver chain and holding it out to him before he'd asked "of course I will." Twirling my finger I silently urged him to turn around smirking as he did and reached up holding his hair out of the way for me.

Wrapping my arms around his shoulders I hugged him briefly enjoying the way he nuzzled into my touch before I gently draped the chain around his neck and clasped it. The star glimmered where it rested a few inches below his collarbones as I chanted my protection spell encouraging it and bonding it to him, adding in some energy to connect him to both Jin and I, intertwining the three of us even further.

He felt the warmth at his collarbone as the necklace settled when I clasped it. Releasing his curls to fall down the back of his neck he looked down at the star sitting there marveling at how it shone so brightly before returning to it's usual shimmering brass.

Hearing her whispers fade to nothing Eddie knew that she'd cast additional protection on it and sighed the warmth of knowing how much he meant to her, filled him erasing the hints of fear and pain both from their earlier conversation and seeing his guitar pick again.

Turning in my embrace as my hands still lingered on his shoulders after draping his chain on him. He reached out palm extended in silent request to take my own chain in his hands as well as the guitar pick and other loose pendants.

I nodded handing them to him, smiling as he gently placed the pick on the chain his deft fingers worked to slide it beside the moon pendant and slid the others back in their former home beside it. "Here, I'll help you put it on, if you're going to wear it, I want to do my part to make sure it keeps you safe as well."

Cheeks flushed, feeling utterly loved and cared for with his desire to keep me safe, I nodded and turned so he could place my necklace back in it's home around my neck.

As I felt the cool metal of the chain against my skin I closed my eyes focusing on the bond that we both shared, that the three of us held together and allowed that energy to cleanse any darkness that may have crept into the small piece of resin leaving it pure and filled with love as I placed the same protection on it once more bonding the three of us closely together.

The necklace finally settled on my chest amongst the lettering of the hellfire shirt I sighed happily, it felt warm to the touch...the spell clearly taking after Eddie's energy as warm as it felt. "always feel better when I have this on, makes me feel like I'm missing a part of myself without it. And now it's just as enchanted as before. We'll keep each other safe, no matter what now."

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