Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

As the two of us pulled apart I couldn't stop the proud smirk as he had to adjust the fortunately wide pants to cover his excitement.

Reaching up I cupped his cheek running my thumb across his lips savoring how he kissed it his dark brown eyes locked onto my green. "I love seeing you like c'mon my love let's leave the bathroom before Robin explodes.. and tonight if we have any energy left you can have your way with me, as if there was any doubt of that happening.."

Nodding he licked his lips as his eyes widened clearly picturing all that he would do with me tonight and how he'd have to work to keep the both of us quiet while he did.

Swallowing hard, his mouth suddenly dry he realized just how much of an affect she had on him, that if he didn't get out of here he'd have her up against the wall and she'd welcome it, and him even knowing that they'd be overheard.

He'd never wanted someone so fiercely before this..especially someone that wanted him back with the same intensity. He knew it would only double once he met Jin and the three of them were finally together. He was utterly lost in the love and desire of the both of them and wouldn't have it any other way, as overwhelming as it is.

Seeing the faraway look in Eddie's eyes I grinned, I was more than a little curious at what he had planned for the two of us. Lacing my fingers with his I pulled him along gently, opening the door as I did to a bemused albeit wobbly Robin who quickly hurried past the two of us into the bathroom and shut the door behind us once clear.

Sniffing the air as the two of us entered the living room I sighed blissfully the warm scent of roasted coffee beans foremost in the air as well as waffles and something else "Not sure what type it is but that coffee smells incredible..if Jin was here she could probably tell.." Smiling softly as I pictured her there with the two of us, grateful for how Eddie squeezed my hand gently, offering his silent support. I knew if it wasn't for him and the talks I'd had with him about her, I wouldn't even be able to bring her up as much as I missed her.

The scent of coffee and her comment having made it's way through as lost in his thoughts as he was Eddie inhaled as she did and smiled nodding "does smell good, kinda like cinnamon maybe?"

Impressed that he'd picked those subtle hints of cinnamon up, I nodded as I walked over to the makeshift buffet they'd set up and began fixing the both of us a plate of the still warm waffles and some scrambled eggs as Eddie grabbed cups of coffee, fortunately it appeared he liked it the same way I did, sweet with some cream.

Walking over the two of us navigated the group of teens before settling on the couch beside Robin and Steve, Nancy and Jonathan on the opposite side. Snuggling eagerly into Eddie's side, soaking in his scent and how it combined with the ambiance of the crackling fireplace and idle chatter. Taking the warm mug in my hands I sipped the coffee with a happy sigh, it's warmth soaked into my bones "mmm it's perfect..good job babe.." Looking around at the others I saw that they were pink cheeked still from their sparring but otherwise didn't look too exhausted.

Taking a few bites of waffle humming in delight that they were still soft and delicious as if they were fresh, I asked no one in particular "so how'd the staves hold up? Are they any good for sparring?"

Steve was first to answer nodding and waving his hand back and forth "yea, pretty good..Dustin showed us the spot where you cut them from and we got a few more to make swords as well..since not everyone's good with a staff."

I nodded, pleasantly surprised "not bad, if they're balanced I'll probably try one myself. Gotta see how my muscles are after all these years, that and try some of the bows we have because I'm not sure what weight of draw they're made for...and restringing is such a bitch.."

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon