Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Eddie's eyes widened in fear and concern as Red let loose a near scream, cursed and launched the sprayer away. Now she trembled like a leaf in his arms..she was nearly hyperventilating as she desperately curled into a ball huddled in on herself in his embrace.

Pulling her tighter against his chest he held her close whispering into the crook of her neck "hey, you're ok..I'm right here...breathe and out..easy're safe're safe" it felt like forever as she shook in his arms before her breathing slowed to soft panting breaths, her hands found and clenched into his jacket.

"Easy're matter what's going on in your head you are're right here with me." Eventually his words sunk in, they wrapped around me almost as tightly as his arms and chased away the ice cold water that I felt in my very soul.

Releasing my death grip on his jacket I managed to weave my arms under his jacket and vest and around his middle hugging him as tightly as I could.

Feeling Red finally responding and clearly coming down from whatever horrors had grabbed her Eddie began breathing easier himself as his arms hugged her just as tightly "that's my girl...I'm right matter're safe."

After a while the terror faded leaving me frozen but not trapped in that space anymore. Looking down at the viscera that still covered the two of us, tears of frustration gathered in my eyes. "Damnit..need to get this sludge off but I can't..just can't handle the sprayer.."

Brows high Eddie hadn't expected Red to brush off whatever had happened so quickly but he knew it was bad whatever it was, so he'd give her a bit more time. Thinking of the struggle that their filthy clothes gave he had an idea, reaching back he rapped on the wall of the house and called out "hey..uh Uncle Wayne..anyone got a sec?"

Pulling back from my nest in his arms my brows furrowed in confusion.

Fortunately help was quick to arrive, Dustin was one of the few not busy with helping clean and dress Dmitri and Erica's wounds, that and fixing food or cleaning up weapons so he'd managed to overhear Eddie's call for help. Opening the cabin door he came around the corner curiosity piqued, he'd been waiting for his adoptive parents to get cleaned up and come inside so he could hear what all had happened and make sure that they weren't hurt since clearly the mission did not go as smoothly as planned.

Instead he saw Red curled up tears tracking down her face looking traumatized and Eddie clinging to her looking worried and exhausted. Quickly kneeling beside them "Hey, what's going on? Are you guys hurt? What can I do?" His heart pounded as he waited for a reply.

Eddie shook his head determination to care for Red overriding his normal frustration at Dustin's battery of questions, "Hey a favor to ask, could you get some clothes for both of us and bring them out to the shed? We're also going to need someone to help clean these ones later, Please?" Pleading brown eyes met Dustin's blue.

Dustins brows rose into his hairline as he nodded before jumping back to his feet and racing off to do as he'd been asked. In the entire time he'd known Eddie he had never seen him use that tone or fear in his eyes quite like this. It was more than that time in the boathouse where he was afraid for himself, clearly something had happened.

Grabbing the key from the hook by the door he hurried further into the cabin. He was so lost in thought he barely managed to stammer an answer to Joyce who'd asked him what was going on "uh..Eddie and Red need clothes..not sure what happened but that's what they asked for."

She nodded her brows high as she moved to help him gather everything in the right size and handed them over as well as a hairbrush, shampoo, body wash and conditioner. It was a sizable pile that Dustin somehow managed to carry as he hurried his way back out onto the porch. He was even more distressed to see that the both of them hadn't moved, Red still clung to Eddie silently, she hadn't even noticed him when he held out the clothes.

Eddie looked up at Dustin his smile warm and grateful "thank you so much, good job Dustin..could you set those down in the hot tub shed for me please?"

Nodding he carefully made his way down the porch and off towards the shed, it took a little work to balance everything but he managed it so he could unlock and open the shed. Setting everything down on a nearby cabinet he realized it was pitch black in the room and there was no light switch. Remembering the hoard of candles that they'd used and set aside in the generator shed he ran out and hurried over there before coming back and setting them up on various surfaces in the hot tub shed and lighting them. It was now lit with a comfortable glow, he hoped that this might be enough to help with whatever had happened.

Making his way back towards the porch he walked carefully it was getting dark and he'd tripped twice. Spotting the two still sitting there "got it all taken care of for you...even brought in some of the candles we had cause there's no lights in there. Do you need anything else?" He was itching to ask for details to hear what happened but he knew it wouldn't help, both of his parents were too stubborn for that. When Eddie shook his head he sighed before reaching out to touch Dustin's arm "...if you need me or the others we're right inside.." it was stating the obvious but it made him feel better especially when Eddie nodded his understanding clear as he hurried back into the warmth inside.

Eddie looked down at Red as she trembled slightly in his arms, he didn't know if it was remnants from whatever had happened or the cold but either way he had plans to help. Reaching up he grabbed her watch and tucked it in his pocket before lifting her into his arms once more "alright sweetheart we're gonna go get cleaned up..get rid of this gunk."

My brows rose confused and exhausted, I didn't know how Eddie planned for us to get cleaned up without ruining either the hot tub or the shower especially since my idea to hose off in the yard didn't work out at all. The terror still sat in the back of my mind, those days playing like a horror movie even as I held the collar of Eddie's jacket in my hands trying to ground myself on the feel of the leather under my skin. I was so lost in my fears I barely noticed until I felt the warmer air and saw the flickering of candlelight that the two of us were in the hot tub shed now.

Eddie was impressed, once he'd opened the door he saw the candles carefully placed around the room out of the way of being tripped over but still there was plenty and they provided a soft glow that was easy to see by.

Looking down at Red his brows furrowed she was still clearly terrified of whatever was going on in her own mind. Now he knew it wasn't Vecna as the barrier still held firm, unfortunately that meant it was more than likely some trauma from her past and he knew that could be even worse since it wasn't so easily chased away.

Looking around he spotted a bench and walked over to it before sitting down with Red still held closely in his arms. Reaching down he stroked her cheek "Red..sweetheart..look at me..please?"

Blinking the fear away and clinging to the warmth in Eddie's voice I looked up to see his brown eyes shining so beautifully in the candlelight "hey.." I managed, my voice hoarse.

He nodded grateful that she'd responded, that she weren't entirely lost in what were clearly darker thoughts or memories. "That's my girl..Red, love..let's get these nasty clothes off of us and then we can relax in the hot's that sound?"

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