Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

'Nothing special' those words played like a macabre echo in his mind. Sure the logical part of his mind knew Red was mostly talking about for this mission, and for this whole fight with Vecna and the mindflayer; but he also knew from everything he'd learned about her, that those words meant more for her and how she saw herself, than she'd said and he hated that.

He felt quite a bit better being reminded that nobody here aside from maybe Jim was trained for this shit so he didn't need special qualifications to stand by her side and fight. To be worthy of it.

His voice was low but firm when he finally broke the silence "you are special."

My begrudging smile and nod was a reflex that had him shaking his head as he moved to take my cheek in the palm of his hand pulling my gaze to meet his. This time his voice his mannerism reminded me of why he wore that bandanna in his pocket, of his dominant side. "Hey, you are special" I bit my lip nodding finally accepting the compliment a smirk crossed my lips, my cheeks flaming as he continued,

"I love you so goddamn much, for all that you are. Thank you for pulling me out of the spiral, this shit is just so completely fucking helps to remember that none of us are really prepared for it. Seeing you out there coming up with ideas, giving direction... looking so confident, it's easy to forget that you're just as scared and overwhelmed as I am."

Leaning into his palm with a smile I soaked up the warmth of his touch savoring the familiar feel of his rings a cool contrast to my flushed skin "yep we're all terrified, if it wasn't for you..for your arms to hide in when it becomes too much, for you holding me while I sleep at night.. believe you me I'd be a crying mess. Hell when all of this is done you and I both will need a damn vacation..but that's a problem for another day. For now I need you to help me 'Mad Max' that car up so we can survive out in that shit fest long enough to rescue those two."

His brows rose, eyes widening in pride and surprise that his support and presence brought Red this much calm and comfort, more than he'd even known. Hearing her talk about the mission again his thumb stroked her cheek, he chuckled hearing yet another movie reference, even one that he was familiar with and liked.

He would never failed to be surprised and impressed at her large collection of movie references, "so you've seen billions of horror movies, some obscure British comedy, Japanese movies or shows..and clearly some sci-fi thrillers, quite a collection"

I cackled and nodded at his accurate summary "yea..that's not even the half of it..just you wait once I get you back home we're going to watch so many movies and shows and just relax..I mean I have to work too..assuming I come back at the same time I left and haven't gotten fired..not really sure how inter-dimensional time travel will work.." I shook my head "nope not borrowing those problems...those are not for today.."

Eddie's brows rose, impressed with how quickly Red had avoided that anxiety spiral as he nodded in agreement, knowing how difficult it was to shove those fears away. "Exactly. No matter what happens it's going to be ok, the three of us will be just fine. I promise."

Standing up he pulled her along with him until she fell into his arms. Hugging her close avoiding the bow on her back as he did, he really loved the look of Red dressed like a rocker chick archer hybrid.

Hunching inward I burrowed my face into his shirt inhaling deeply, "you smell so fucking good..know it's random as fuck but I don't care...smokey, a little musk with a hint of leather and cinnamon and weed, makes me feel safe.. and loved.."

Pulling myself up in his embrace I burrowed into the crook of his neck kissing him as I soaked in all the comfort and closeness I could as I spoke against his skin savoring the resulting shiver as his hands clenched on my backside holding me close.

"Just want to curl up with you and a good book or play D&D and smoke some weed and listen to music when I think of it..which makes sense, you smell like the perfect cozy day together. Could stay like this all day if it wasn't for dumb responsibilities..I vote we go hide in the hot tub once we're done being heroes for the day. Pretty sure I pulled a few things sparring with Harrington..especially after all our activities last night and this morning.." I flushed as I'd admitted that the intense sparring had some repercussions, hoping as I worked out more I'd get stronger.

Leaning forward he kissed Red's hair and along the nape of her neck, stroking her back as he did, he wasn't too surprised that she'd overdone it. It was a lot of physical activity for anyone to do in less than a day. " soon as we get back we lock ourselves in the shed and soak for hours just the two of us...the hot spring water should help, right?"

Hugging him tighter I nodded kissing and nipping at his neck, I was proud that he'd remembered what I'd taught him about hot springs, it should help quite a bit for my sore muscles, especially if things went awry during the rescue later.

Processing the other things Red had said as he held her, he'd never known someone to notice so many details about him before meeting her. Listening to her description of how he smelled to her, it didn't seem bad at all even if he couldn't smell it himself, and the resulting image sounded wonderful. Someday he'd have that time with her, just music and D&D or a good book and relaxation and Delta 8 or some weed, the perfect day.

Inhaling as he kissed her nape he smiled against her skin, while he'd never given much thought to his own smell, he thought about how to describe her particular scent, "hmm, you smell like strawberries from the shampoo and conditioner we have, and your skin mmm it always smells like chocolate...but white chocolate..makes me think of a warm dessert.."

The low timber in his voice at the end made my heart race and sent a shiver down my spine as I purred out a reply in kind. "So I'm a dessert..explains why I have all these hickeys... you just can't resist taking a bite."

That growl of his was back and my breath caught in my throat as he continued, "it's because you are delicious..between this soft skin just perfect to bite..." I whimpered as he did just that nipping and sucking my neck before continuing "to kiss you..and hear how you moan for your wet and warm cunt that just drips all..for are the most wonderful thing I've ever tasted." He laved and kissed my neck as he finished his incredible description that was easily coming to fruition as I squirmed and moaned under his touch.

"Damnit..ok..we better go rescue them now before I lose my ability to give a shit and just lose myself to you..."

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