Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Coming back into the living room I saw that the others had started cleaning up plates and getting jackets back on, shrugging my jacket on I sighed happily savoring the feel of the leather and it's soft lining before walking over to Eddie who was just devouring me with his eyes.

Setting his jacket and vest aside for him, I held out my hand to take the bow smirking wickedly as I took one of the bow slings and handed it to him in return knowing that once it was on he would be even more entranced. "Help me put this on? It's a bow sling to strap it on my back, gotta get used to wearing one for when we actually go murder things."

His brow raised as he took the leather strap that had a loop midway through and followed my instructions to fit it across my chest, he savored running his hands across my leather clad body to adjust the strap until I'd said it was the right fit.

Once it was on I worried my lip between my teeth as I took the bag that had been attached to the strap and held a metal rod and a band attached to it "wanna see how it works?" He nodded fervently, utterly curious. Undoing the strap I wrapped it around the bow a few inches below the area where I would knock the arrow fastening it tightly.

Stepping back I swung the bow over my shoulder and docked the metal rod into it's place on the strap and placed my hand on my lips striking a pose and twirling, the bow hung there perfectly "see, it holds the bow there for easy removal in case you need to shoot something, I'm glad Hop was able to grab this type of strap..I've only ever heard of them in video games-"

My words were cut off by his warm lips on mine swallowing my surprised moan as I grinned delighted in the effect I had on him.

Eddie's arms tangled around me avoiding the bow as he pulled me close, our lips parted for air and I nuzzled into his shoulder with a pleased sigh. "Glad you approve of my weaponry.. though if you pounce me like that every time I put it on it'll make fights more interesting..and risky. Maybe I'll wear it for you tonight..?"

The responding low growl and nip on my throat was all the answer I needed as I flushed hearing the soft cough I realized we weren't alone..glancing over my shoulder I saw that Joyce and Jim were still in the kitchen their brows high. "'ve got an audience.."

The flush on his cheeks as the two of us parted was perfect and I did all you could to memorize the mixture of desire and shy embarrassment as he hemmed and hawed at them "..sorry Mama Joyce.. Hopper..."

The two grinned nonplussed as they waved it off "it's just fine.." Joyce added with a giggle "trust me, not judging..I've watched Hop fighting a demogorgon with a had a similar affect.." looking at the clock on the wall she smirked "now I believe we had a deal?" She gestured towards the slightly ajar door where we could hear the others.

Giggling I nodded and moved to grab a case of arrows before grunting at just how much effort it took as I pulled the case into my arms "fuck...ok..definitely out of shape.." Eddie frowned seeing me struggle as I waived him off when he held out his hands to help. "You can get the door for me love, need to build up my muscles again, better start now."

Glancing back at Joyce and Jim who were already headed back to the bedrooms I giggled "have fun you two! Don't do anything I wouldn't do.." turning my attention back towards the cabin door I saw the utterly wicked look on Eddie's face and flushed. "Hush know what I meant.." I sputtered. He nodded, that smirk still firmly on his face as he finished shrugging his jacket and vest on once more looking like like a near copy of the outfit he'd worn when he'd captured my heart.

Looking down at my sock covered feet I remembered my boots, looking around and failing to find a decent place to set the case of arrows. I stepped into my boots and tried to think of a way to lace them before catching the intrigued gaze of my love, "Eddie love, would you help me get these boots laced? I didn't quite think this through.."

He chuckled and bowed low making my heart skip a beat as he knelt before me and laced my boots his curls falling forwards over his eyes just slightly. I was reminded of that day in the dilapidated cabin where I'd helped him with his shoes. "It really is a nice kneeling like that in front of me..."

His dark eyes locked onto my own through those beautiful lashes as he smirked wickedly "you like having me kneeling at your feet my fair princess..? And what would you desire me to do when you have me like this?" Biting my lip my grip slipped slightly on the case of arrows I sighed sufferingly "oh quite a few things my handsome prince.. but those will have to wait til later, we've gotta behave..for now."

Eddie nodded with a grin as he answered "yes ma'am" as much as he wanted nothing more than to continue teasing her he knew that she'd made a deal to give Jim and Joyce the house while they went out and sparred, and if the laughter and other noises he'd began to hear coming from the hallway was any indication the two of them really should get out of the cabin for now.

Finishing the laces, he tucked the ends in so she didn't get them caught up while she sparred, he slipped on his own boots and did the same for himself before bounding to his feet and leading her outside to the bustling noise of the teens who'd already started sparring.

My heart skipped several beats as I processed his simple reply "...ok.. so that's a kink.."

I was so focused on carrying the case of arrows and savoring the careful way he'd laced my boots and tucked everything in for me, that I missed the way his eyes lit up at my murmured remark.

My brows arched hearing the same noises that Eddie must have heard if his own shocked and bemused expression was any indication, clearly the lovers had no intention on waiting any longer.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now