Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Jim and the others walked over and marveled at the spot that was still flaming on the ground. Realizing that the fire might spread, I cursed and quickly handed the crossbow over to Robin who'd gotten close enough before darting over and kicking dirt on the flaming ground.

Cheeks flushed I looked over at the group, " it's a bit potent..I won't shoot it at trees and stuff that could cause a forest fire..but still it should work on the demobats at least, and without summoning an entire fucking army of them."

Jim and the others nodded as he spoke up pride clear in his voice "No you're right that's a solid idea, how'd you make it?"

Shrugging nervously my eyes darted back and forth hearing the rebuke that might come from just idly playing with chemicals "eh..just had the idea and thought it might work? Can hear my old chemistry teacher screaming from here.. but its a 2 to 1 ratio of gunpowder to gasoline."

Dustin's mouth gaped sputtering at as he ran through the mental math "and you just tried this..on an hunch? Don't know if I'm terrified or impressed.."

I nodded tilting my head back and forth "yea..that's fair" as I made my way back over to Eddie's side stopping as I walked past Robin to grab my crossbow "thanks for holding that for me" she nodded still baffled at the situation.

Scooping up the Tupperware off the ground I snuggled back up to Eddie sighing as his arm came around my waist. Remembering that the others might get hit hard when our group left I called out to Jim. "..Hop pretty sure you know this but when we leave, shit might start hitting here, now the barriers strong for now but if it gets ugly enough on the road I may have to split my focus.."

He shook his head his resolve clear as he gestured to the group "Don't worry about it, you focus on your mission we've got this. Between all the traps and training we can handle it."

I nodded grateful when Eddie's hand that was around my waist took took my hand and squeezed it tight. My eyes met with Dustin, Mike and my other adopted kids saying what I couldn't put into words grateful when they smiled "go kick some ass dungeon Mama, and come back safe" nodding once more you locked eyes with Lucas "we're gonna get Erica and bring her back safe, don't you worry."

The trust that showed in his eyes as he nodded in agreement meant everything and I grinned suddenly feeling more confidence than I felt I had any right to have.

Turning to my side I saw Eddie nodding at Uncle Wayne who sat on a crate looking very at home with a rifle across his lap, the welding gear still nearby. "incredible work Uncle Wayne, couldn't have done it better myself...gonna have to bond over metalworking later cause I really wanted to help you with this.."

His brows arched clearly surprised and impressed "we definitely will darlin, you and my son be safe. Can't go losing my daughter-in-law..niece in know what I mean.."

Grinning through tears that gathered unbidden in my eyes at hearing my title I nodded and nudged Eddie's side with my own, smirking as he did the same

"Alright, let's do this before it gets too dark out. Murray you ready?" Looking around I giggled and pointed for Eddie to see that Murray definitely was ready, he'd already gotten into his box on the roof of the car and had a heavy duty jacket with hood that must be made of Kevlar on as well as what looked like a helmet with a headset visible, his flamethrower in hand. He waved at the two of us clearly eager to get this over with, not that either of us could blame him.

Both Eddie and I opened our respective doors gingerly, he slid into the drivers seat as I went to do the same in the passengers my eyes widened, clearly Uncle Wayne had taken the spikes idea to a whole new level, they covered the doors and the other sides of the car.

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