Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I cackled at his flustered stammering, earning myself a swat on the ass as he scooped me into his arms and carried the both of us to the bathroom. With a mumbled goodnight to the others.

Once he'd gotten the both of us inside he all but pinned me against the door with a kiss that left me in flames. He nipped my lips as I whimpered opening to him his tongue took, not demanded as it tangled and danced with mine his hands quickly slid my jacket from my shoulders wandering along my covered skin before grabbing my ass and he pulled me even closer to grind against my throbbing center the friction amazing but not enough.

Finally separating for air he rested his forehead against mine panting his pupils blown, his own eyes were wide as I tried to catch my breath, my blood pounded in my ears as I reached out to stroke his cheek "you keep kissing me like that and I'll have to tease you more often.." I purred enjoying the way his hands flexed on my hips.

His heart skipped a beat as he asked hesitantly his voice low " you didn't mean what you said?..tell me...please..what is it that you want?" He knew she loved him and loved having sex with him, but this had felt different more like it could lead a more passion filled..raw space maybe even bdsm, he needed to be sure.

Hearing the hesitation in his voice I wrapped my arms around his slim waist pulling him closer to me, shaking my head slowly I beamed at him "Hey, I meant every word. I want all of you Eddie Munson, in and out of the bedroom...I have dirty thoughts about you...and..uspretty much all the inspire me...I've got all sorts of ideas.."

I giggled as he smirked his brow arched in reply before continuing "when I said tease I meant riling you up, you looked like you were going to burst out there..the thought of being wicked like that..saying those front of everyone when you couldn't do anything about it in return.. that and knowing we'll have the cabin to ourselves tomorrow morning makes me incredibly hot and bothered."

He nearly growled with want pulling me in for another kiss swallowing my moans with his lips as I pulled him closer my hands slipping inside his jacket to run my nails across his shirt covered back. His kisses continued a path along my cheek, up my jaw and my neck nipping and laving on my skin as he went, I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out his name.

The sounds of movement and dishes clanking in the other room pulled my mind away from the pleasure filled abyss Eddie's kisses had been pulling me towards. Remembering the conversation I needed to have I kissed Eddie's neck softly calling his name " you know I love when you do that but we gotta shower and then we need to talk...before.."

Pulling away from the new collection of hickies on Red's neck his eyes met her, pleasure blown pupils, kiss swollen lips it was impossibly hard to hold onto a train of thought as his brows rose in confusion. " look so fucking good like this love..believe me when I say I don't want you to stop..but we really do need to shower and talk about something before we get too carried away..ok?"

Eddie nodded as he took of his own jacket and vest, grabbing her jacket he made them into a pile in the corner. He was moving on autopilot as he continued to undress, taking care not to hurt himself as he removed his pants around an impressive erection, curiosity about what Red needed to talk about before sex was on the forefront of his thoughts but he wasn't going to rush her.

He would've helped her undress but he didn't trust himself with how close he was to losing it and having her right up against the bathroom door.

If I wasn't already utterly in love with Eddie the fact that he could put his entire libido on hold as close as he was to losing it just because I asked him to..that was beyond incredible. I really were one of the luckiest women in the world, well both my wife and I. Taking his cue I undressed myself as well, cheeks flushing when I saw just how rock hard he was as he managed to get out of his pants, not that I was much better thighs were drenched.

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