Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Trying to compose myself as I was half in Eddie's lap his arms still held me close, clearly he felt safe with me but didn't recognize the person in front of us as he tensed up around me. My eyes widened as I reached a hand to push my glasses back into place as I studied the face of the young woman before me.

"Umm you're in my bedroom"

Jane Hoppers voice was exactly as I'd come to expect and my cheeks flushed at the position I was in, in her bedroom no less before reaching out a hand in greeting,

"Yea..uh sorry about that, was taking care of Eddie's wounds. You're Jane right? Or do you prefer Eleven?"

The shocked look on her face didn't last long as she looked me over, vague recognition clear somehow, she took my hand and nodded softly,

"It's Jane but you can call me Eleven, How do I know you? You look familiar somehow."

Thinking back to the dizzying day I've had after I'd left my reality I was about to come up with a lie that Dustin had mentioned her or something when I remembered the Void I was in at the beginning before I fell into the Upside Down. The Void that looked similar to the place Eleven would go to when she was traveling using her mind.

"The Void!" The two of us said simultaneously,

"I saw you there, when I was reaching out to Max, how were you there? How are you here? Who are you?!"

Nervously laughing I ran a hand through my curls as I struggled to think of a way to explain. Eddie adjusted me in his arms so he had his chin on my shoulder and held me closely giving me courage to speak further.

"If this is the super powered girl, I'd tell her.. she might be able to help"

He couldn't help the selfish hope that this girl still didn't have her powers because he wasn't ready to lose Red yet.

Nodding in agreement I squeezed his hands gently, leaning into his comfort before speaking.

"Could you shut the door? It's easier to explain this to you and not everyone all at once.."

Eleven nodded and moved to sit on the nightstand next to the two of you.

"Ok, I'll listen please explain"

Once more I told my story; who I was, where I'd come from and how I knew about Hawkins and what was happening in this world and what I remembered from The Void before I fell into the Upside Down.

Eleven took it fairly well in stride considering.

"One more thing, I don't think we should tell everyone this... I don't know if they could or how they would handle it... I mean I know friends don't lie... but I don't want them thinking I'm someone like One.. if you know what I mean, I'll leave it up to you... Eleven what do you think we should tell the others?"

Surprise was clear on her face as she reached out for hair that was much shorter than she'd gotten used to and fidgeted in her seat.

Waiting for her response I shook my head at myself, I'd almost forgotten to explain Eddie to her.

"Shit can't believe I forgot, this is Eddie... he was with the others fighting to stop One while you fought him in the void with Max, He's currently on the run because he's been framed for One's murders..."

Feeling his arms tense as he held me, I nuzzled into him as I played with the rings on his fingers. I knew it sounded so simple to describe the hell he'd been through going from a high school student that loved D&D, music and his friends who just wanted to graduate to being wanted for murder and fighting for his life in an Upside Down dimension.

Eddie wasn't sure what to say, finally in a safe location wrapped around Red's warmth, love and acceptance like a balm to his frazzled nerves; he was able to relax for the first time in he didn't remember how many days. Normally he was all mouth, telling the story especially as a DM, but he didn't know how long this peace would last so he chose to let go, trust his girl and relax.

Allowing the story that was too crazy -not- to be true to settle Jane smiled before reaching her hand out and responding to the earlier introduction,

"To answer you're earlier question yes my name is Jane but both you and Eddie can call me Eleven. I'm sorry I don't know how you managed to travel into the void and ended up here but I'll help you explain to the others, and yes we should tell them the truth. We don't have time for lies, One is weakened but not dead... and the Upside Down is -in- Hawkins"

At this Eddie's ringed hand detached from my embrace and shook Eleven's offered one,

"Nice to meet you lady Eleven, I've heard of your magic abilities, does the fact that you were -in- that Void place mean you're powered back up?"

An old coke can on the nearby dresser crushed itself into oblivion making the both of us jump

"Holy Shit! That was badass! I mean it's one thing to see it on a screen but damn!"

Eleven giggled, she couldn't help grinning at Red's reaction, Eddie nodded along in agreement

"That was definitely badass, anytime you'd like to join us in Hellfire Club we can create a character for you"

Eleven couldn't remember the last time someone who wasn't apart of the small found family or in the experiment that gave her these abilities reacting so welcoming to her after seeing her use them.

Nodding with a smile she agreed, she didn't quite understand what he'd meant as she still didn't fully understand D&D even after all this time, but his welcoming smile was infectious and she couldn't help returning it.

Standing up she opened the door and gestured ahead of her.

"May as well get it over with"

Detangling myself from Eddie's embrace I helped him up off of the bed noticing with a frown that he was struggling a little.

"Hey take it easy Eddie, lean on me and once we get into the other room we'll see if we can't find some pain pills since I doubt any of these kids have a joint we can smoke."

Leaning heavily on me, his arm draped across my shoulders he whispered in my ear as he nipped the lobe "you are just perfect my goddess, you didn't tell me you smoked too"

Cheeks scarlet I arched into his touch before remembering we were not alone, pulling away slightly I gave him a side-eyed look "Yes but not cigarettes those are disgusting, plus I have asthma so you're gonna have to get rid of that habit around me"

Raising a brow he smirked at my bossy tone before nodding in agreement as the two of us left the room

"As my lady commands"

He purred catching my ear once more in his teeth as a promise of things to come.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now