Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I held Eddie in my arms refusing to let go as I breathed him in. The burnt creature smell and charred oil from his machete were hard to overlook but I managed to find his scent under it all and basked in it, the sound of his breath and heartbeat, everything gave all the proof I needed that he was alive. "That was too fucking close..." I murmured into his neck.

Eddie couldn't help but soak in how good it felt with how tightly Red held him, he felt her tears on his skin and he smiled kissing her neck and ear "yea, I'm here sweetheart...I'm ok..good shooting.."

I nodded kissing his neck hugging him tightly once more before pulling away just enough to look him over. He had a slight cut across his forehead that fortunately didn't appear to have cost him any hair. A bit of blood dripped from his nose from being slammed around but otherwise he was unscathed. His vest however showed where he hadn't quite dodged a few slashes and I was utterly grateful for thinking to bring them. "You did a damn good job baby, glad you were wearing that vest.."

His brows rose in confusion until he looked down to see the massive slashes in the Kevlar. "Fuck..damn good vest...might have to keep this somewhere cause DAMN."

I nodded stroking his cheek "it's like me with the purse I wore when I got hit by the car the first time, it landed under my head..if it hadn't I'd have died or had severe brain damage. I still have it back home."

His brows were high as he cupped Red's cheek in return, his heart had clenched tight at the thought of a world without her in it, where the two of them hadn't met.. "that's a damn good purse.."

Chuckling tearfully I nodded in agreement before a slight grunt in the back seat reminded me of those I'd done all of this for. Nudging Eddie "keep watch for me?" He nodded as I turned in the seat to check on Erica and Dmitri, they were bruised up and clearly worn out but otherwise looked relatively unharmed.

Sighing guiltily as I remembered the first impression I'd left wasn't a great one "..sorry for yelling, not really a great introduction. Names Tinuviel, but please call me Red. And this is my husband, Eddie Munson, I know you've met him Erica..or would you prefer Lady Applejack?"

Erica was still rather silent as she shrugged to my question, clearly regardless of all of her bravado she had her limits and I wouldn't blame her for them one bit, not with all that she had to have seen.

Eddie gave an idle wave to the both of them as he continued his watch making sure nothing made their way through the fire that Murray maintained.

Continuing I grabbed a ream of cloth from the box of gifts, I figured it was probably for Molotov's but with a careful sniff I found it was clean and not drenched in accelerants of any kind. Unfurling the cloth I tore it in half and handed it back "Here, if you have any open wounds apply this and tie it off the best you can, I'll take care of you better when we get back. Luckily for you I've got the medical training and we've got supplies to get you cleaned up and taken care of. I'm sure you've both seen some shit and I'm sorry for that..but you're safe now."

The two nodded numbly taking the bandages from me and applying pressure to their individual wounds. Dmitri appeared to have some slashes across his arms that he was bundling up as best he could while Erica wrapped her half around a nasty gash down her leg.

Spotting the depth of her wounds I grabbed another ream of cloth and checked it before tossing it back to her. "Here, Erica tie that off at the knee and elevate it if you can, it'l help the bleeding. Don't tie it too tight though, you don't want to cut off circulation completely." She nodded and did as instructed still silent, barely crying out as she bound her wounds.

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