Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

Looking further down the couch I saw that Eleven was particularly quiet as she sat curled up beside Mike, his arms holding her close. I worried my lip between my teeth, knowing based off everything I'd seen so far that she was beating herself up once more over all that had happened since the gates opened.

Spotting one of the notepads and a pencil on the table I grabbed them, piquing Eddie's curiosity he nuzzled into the nape of my neck "whatcha doing sweetheart?" Tilting my head back to cuddle closer into him I whispered back "writing a note to Mike..for El..look at her she's letting her brain kick her ass.. I'd go over there but my legs have other plans."

Eddie nodded against her skin placing soft kisses there, he tried and failed to read her handwriting as she quickly scribbled on the page before balling it up and holding it up to him batting her lashes "babe.. could you toss this for me please?" He chuckled nodding knowing full well how much she loved watching him flick things at people, and he didn't mind it one bit. Flinging the balled up paper across the room it landed perfectly in Mike's hair much to his confusion.

Looking around Mike reached up and grabbed the paper and unraveled it, brows furrowed in confusion his eyes meeting Red's and Eddie's who held his hands up feigning innocence. Reading the note further he looked around the room and spotting little Ianna who was cleaning the leftovers off of plates on the coffee table. Sitting up he reached over and managed to scoop her into his arms as she mewed in complaint he gently handed her to Eleven who's face went from almost crying to lit up with a grin as she cuddled the kitten in her arms.

The change on Eleven's face was worth everything, reaching out I took Eddie's hands in mine and pulled them to my lips kissing them, each fingertip and ring as he chuckled whispering against my neck "you just love me for my hands don't you.." A wicked smirk crossed my lips as I nodded tilting my had back "yep suuuuuuuure that's alllll I love you dork you know better than that..I love every single part of you inside and out"

Even though it was all in good fun Eddie didn't mind hearing it spelled out as many times as he could, with a day like today he needed it even more. To feel loved, the constant adrenaline, terror and trauma of the day left him desperate to know just how much Red loved him and hold her close. Kissing his way along her cheek, neck down to her shoulder grinning over how she sighed and arched into his touch his voice a warm whisper against her skin "Love you too, all of you Red..with all I am"

Glancing down at her watch out of curiosity he cringed, 'fuck' it was nearly 2am. If the two of them didn't get to sleep soon they'd pass out right here and considering how many had to sleep out here in the living room as it was, that wasn't fair to them. Flexing his legs he tested his muscles grateful when they still responded despite the day. Placing another soft kiss on Red's neck he called out to her softly "c'mon my sleepy Red, let's go to bed...we both know how much we need some sleep."

I nodded drowsily as I yawned, my body clearly in firm agreement to the idea of sleep. Eddie once more blowing me away with his stamina, managed to stand with me in his arms, I laced my arms around his neck helping him carry me as best as I could. Looking around the room at the other exhausted expressions we called out our good nights, "guess we're going to bed, try to get some sleep everyone if you can...we all need it after a day like today.." The warm security of being carried in Eddie's arms and the promise of sleep had my eyes sliding closed even as the room echoed in soft goodnights.

Smirking at Red's already sleeping face Eddie made the slow careful walk towards the bedroom the two of them share. Turning slightly he managed to grab and turn the knob to open the door, kicking it shut once inside.

I blinked groggily at the sound of the door slamming and remembered where I was, giggling I shook my head even as I snuggled closer into his chest "fuck..didn't mean to fall asleep already.." Eddie shook his head as he sat me down on the edge of the bed "hey, nothing wrong with falling asleep..we're both exhausted..we both overdid it today..and even that's an understatement."

I nodded as I began the arduous process of trying to get undressed, everything felt like I was moving in slow motion. I managed my shirt before fighting with my bra for a few moments when Eddie reached out to help me undo it, his ringed fingers cool against my skin. Easing the straps down my shoulder I let it slide to the floor before carefully standing, I wobbled a fair bit as I undid my pants and let their weight take them to the floor, my underwear following as I finally sank back onto the bed. Normally either of us might've taken the time to stare or appreciate the sight of one another but between the cooler air of the bedroom on our exposed skin and the exhaustion, sleep was all the both of us could think about.

Eddie gently scooped me into his arms once more after he'd finished undressing, reaching down to pull the blankets and sheets back he laid me down and quickly followed. Once under the covers he wrapped himself snugly around me, sighing happily when I twined my body around his in return, arms and legs tangling together. Using his last bit of energy and brainpower he took my glasses off and set them aside before kissing my forehead, "love you so much Red.." I placed an answering kiss against his chest where his necklace sat, my voice slurred in sleep as I managed a reply "love you too..Eddie"

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