Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The two stayed cuddled together still basking in the haze of pleasure like that for a bit on the blow up mattress, occasionally kissing enjoying the peace the soft light that the skylight gave. It was getting chilly especially without any blankets and being naked.

Shivering slightly I nuzzled under Eddie's chin before remembering just what was in the room with us. "I feel so have a hot tub in the room with us..we could be cozy in a hot tub right now"

Eddie chuckled shaking his head at himself for not thinking of it either, moving to stand he helped me up taking more than a bit of pleasure over my jellied legs as I leaned on him.

The two made a few stumbling steps towards the warm tub finally next to it Eddie reached down and scooped me up into his arms bridal style my eyes widened jaw on the floor as my arms wrapped around his neck to help him hold me. " aren't I too heavy? Don't want you to hurt yourself.."

Eddie shook his head kissing me softly "No, you aren't heavy..I'm stronger than I look..been lifting heavy music equipment for years plus shit for cars when I was younger.."

Anxiety placated for the moment I nuzzled into his neck unable to stop the smile spreading across my lips, it felt so nice to be carried and held like this. Unfortunately there weren't that many steps til the two of us reached the tub and I pouted as I saw it.

Ever the perceptive one Eddie had to ask,

"Hope you're not having regrets.." old fears still remained in the back of his mind of the few people he'd been with sexually and how quickly a romantic evening faded to rejection.

I shook my head so fast I nearly got whiplash as I cupped his cheek in my hand "gods nonot in a billion years would I regret this, it's a damn high point in my life Eddie, right up there next to the day I met my wife and married her and and the day I discovered red hair, that and of course the day I saw you on my TV and then saved your ass. I -don't- regret moments like this, I -do- regret that we're at the tub which means you'll probably set me down..and I really love being held like this, by's dumb but it makes me feel like a princess.."

The smile that replaced the worried expression on his face could've rivaled the sun as he processed all that Red had told him, his smile switched to his trademark smirk. "You like being held like a princess? My fierce warrior goddess likes to be held like a princess? Not gonna lie that's unexpected and kinda adorable."

Reaching down I swatted his chest playfully as my cheeks flushed over his teasing "I can't help it..I've always been tall and being picked up like this and not having to be the strong one in's kinda not been a thing.."

Shaking his head softly Eddie hugged Red tight before setting her down in front of him and pulling her close burrowing his face into her neck. "Well I'm here now, and you don't have to always be a warrior..I'll scoop you up and hold you all you want. I'll be your knight and keep you safe."

Tears in my eyes I hugged him back just as tightly unable to speak as I just -felt- his words, it was such a promise. Sure me and my wife always leaned on each other but I always felt like I had to look out for her, largely because I was taller and because of just who I was, that it was my job to be strong for her.

But this was different, I had someone who was stronger than me, who could help hold me together when I couldn't, sure he needed to be held too but then the three of us could hold each other together like trees.

Finally finding the words to express just how I felt I mumbled "thank you..I love you so much, my knight, my Eddie."

Chuckling at his title he kissed my neck before answering "mm.. love you too my fair princess Red"

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora