Chapter 91

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Notes:Please leave comments and kudos, they really inspire me and give me the fuel to continue writing.

Chapter 91

Everyone had arranged themselves in various places as Uncle Wayne tucked the guitar back inside it's case. Murray headed to the kitchen volunteering to get started on a meal "everyone ok with taco salad while the lettuce is still good?" At the resounding yes's and eager nods he got to work.

Eddie looked over the group as they settled in taking note of their slightly dirty and worn faces and noticed Dustin and Dmitri wasn't with the group, the sound of at least one of the two of them tinkering on what must be the new cerebro on the roof was occasionally audible between footsteps and hammering. Mild concern on his face, he called out to nobody in particular "Where's Dmitri?"

Nancy waved him off as she settled herself quite comfortably between Steve and Jonathan, a soft smile crossed her lips when she saw Red dozing comfortably in Eddie's arms. Softening her voice in light of the sleeping woman in his arms she replied, "He's outside keeping watch for Dustin while he works on that tower of his. Don't want anyone going out there alone, not after this morning."

Robin added from where she'd sat on Steve's other side, "Good idea, do we know what he's building out there? It kinda looks like that radio tower in the field.."

Uncle Wayne chimed in with a smile "that's exactly what he's making. I helped him weld some of the pieces together. Said it's something to increase the strength of our radio signal."

"That's a good idea, with all these big battle plans we've got, being able to reach everybody wherever we are will certainly come in handy. Do we know if it works?" Murray asked from the kitchen between chopping ingredients and stirring ground beef.

Remembering when they'd stood on the hill about a year ago right before the Star Court mall fire Robin mused "If it's anything like the last one it should. Dustin was able to use it to call his girlfriend all the way in Utah."

Lucas was still sullen, he'd refused to meet anyone's gaze from where he sat alone on one of the mattresses. It wasn't long before not one but two crumpled pieces of paper were launched across the room, both of them hitting him square in the forehead, "The fuck was that for!?"

Eddie quickly sat back, an innocent smile across his lips, turning his attention to arranging the blanket around Red, feigning innocence as he shoved the notebook with missing pages aside.

Eleven subtly dabbed blood from her nose using the handkerchief Mike had found and given her from the crawlspace, before settling herself comfortably into Mikes arms. The aforementioned teen couldn't stop the proud smile creeping across his lips, knowing full well Lucas deserved the razzing after his attitude today.

Even Will who'd watched the situation from where he been sitting beside them shook his head, as much as he cared for his friend he couldn't support Lucas's behavior. Nobody deserved to be treated the way he'd treated Red, especially after all that she'd done for the group.

Erica snickered at the interaction, a smirk crossing her lips from where she sat on the couch nearer to the kitchen. She was all too familiar with Lucas's stubbornness and temper and knew that the fight was far from over. She'd kept a watchful eye on the situation until Lucas had hopped to his feet looking ready to retaliate, clearly having learned nothing from earlier. Rolling her eyes at her sibling's clear desire to dig himself deeper into a hole, she moved to stand, balling up her fist, getting ready to add another bruise to his face when Robin beat her to it.

Robin having seen the same thoughts crossing Lucas's face, had walked over and slapped him hard upside the head, the sound echoed throughout the room. "You idiot! Are you really not going to apologize for making a total ass of yourself earlier?! Instead what, you're going to go start shit with Eddie and El over a paper ball?"

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