Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Ah I see, you did have to change the tire, good job! We're gonna see if there's a generator out here cause there's no power right now without one."

Dustin rolled the tire the rest of the way til it landed under the porch before leaning on the spear.

"Lead the way Dungeon Mama and Dungeon Master"

Shaking my head at the adorable theatrics we led the group, Eddie attached at my hip as we reached the back of the large cabin we found a shed. Grabbing my shotgun once more I moved to open the shed. Fortunately it like the cabin was empty except for a large generator.

"Damn must've stepped in a four leafed clover or something to get this luck, now lets see if we can get this sucker started." Stopping I turned to Dustin remembering his engineering skills

"Hey Dustin you know how to build pretty much anything right? Think you can get this started?"

His grin could've lit the area he was so excited to be recognized and appreciated for his skill. Walking over he studied the generator flipping a few switches he found the pull start and gave it a strong pull, a few sputters later it roared to life.

"Holy shit you got it! Great job Dusty Bun!"

Mike chimed in, he and Eleven patting Dustin on the back as the group celebrated

Nodding with a relieved smile I looked around in the shed and grabbed a flashlight on the shelf, flipping the switch I was overjoyed to see it work. Aiming it at the generator I looked at the tank with a smile

"Well it looks pretty full, but it wouldn't hurt to have more fuel. Dustin can you use the walkie to call Hop's group to ask if they can bring any gas for the generator?"

Nodding he grabbed it from his belt loop and called over to the weapons group.

"Homecoming committee calling the firing squad, come in Firing squad, over"

A static filled chuckle was heard before Jim responded

"Firing squad here, over. How's the homecoming committee holding up, over?"

Giggling you covered my mouth to suppress the laughter as you and Eddie leaned against the porch waiting for the next reply

Dustin couldn't help his own laughter, he'd chosen the group names and the puns were just too perfect.

"Homecoming committee is well lit and hydrated and the dance floor is perfect, we could use some fuel for the lights though, over"

Jim's crackled reply was quick "Gotcha we'll bring some fuel for the lights, how's the pizza party doing, over?"

Joyces tired voice came through clear as a bell over the whispers of her crew working together to grab provisions

"Pizza party is a go, we found another guest for the party, the one who came back with us from out of town. He's bringing snacks, over"

Brows raised in confusion as the group puzzled over their reply until it clicked, Murray.

He hadn't been with the group when both Eddie and I had awoke from our nap and I'd figured he'd left with the Russians.

Replying to both teams as the group headed back into the warmth of the cabin, the night had started cooling down

"Always glad to have another guest at the homecoming, be safe and watch out for party crashers, see you soon over and out"

Spotting a folded tarp on the porch an idea came to mind, grabbing it I called to the group who had started to head inside

"Alright one more task before we head in to relax, lets cover the car with this tarp, it might have some creepy crawlies in it so if you all can help me it'll be a bit safer... I hate spiders"

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