Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Pulling away from Eddie's lips the both of our heads perked up at the obvious fear in Dustin's voice, a queasy film of fear settled in the pit of my stomach. I was detangled and off the bed with Eddie close at my heels his hand in mine. Opening the door my heart broke seeing the obvious fear and guilt on Dustins face, I pulled him into my arms without a thought hugging him tight, his arms tentatively hugged me back.

Eddie stepped into the hallway his worried gaze going between the living room filled with panicked and fearful chatter and Dustin who clung to Red as she stroked his haphazard curls. Her eyes met his, the question clear 'what the fuck had happened to scare him like this'.

After several moments Dustin pulled back, tears shimmering in his blue eyes as he stammered a bit "I uh..we..uh..we think Lucas..maybe.." he couldn't bring himself to say what he thought might have happened.

Neither Eddie nor I pushed him further as the 3 of us slowly made my way back to the living room. The others made room and the group sat on the couch, the walkie from earlier was given a wide berth.

Steve was the first one to speak, his voice was lower filled with anger and guilt. "We uh..we got a call on the Walkie earlier..from Lucas..we thought it was just an update or maybe the isolation was getting to him..until we noticed that he sounded different..and he forgot his call sign.."

Robin shivered her hand finding Steves to hold, the tension was getting to her as she started rocking back and forth where she sat. "He started asking about you Red..saying things Lucas wouldn't that you were in a relationship with Eddie and saying that he thought you were working with Vecna because of how you 'dropped in'"

Dustin had finally found his voice, shaking as it was "and I tried to remind him that it wasn't a secure line by saying that I didn't know who he was talking about..and then he changed.. it was like his voice dropped and he said your first name Red.. and we didn't mention it, none of us. We wouldn't have a reason to, you're Red or Dungeon Mama...but he insisted about the 'redhead named Tinuviel'...we didn't hear anything after that and didn't say anything.."

I was nearly vibrating with rage at the situation, hands clenching, my nails dug into my palms leaving little cuts behind. Before anyone could notice or stop me, I grabbed the walkie. Closing my eyes I crossed my legs and centered myself I muttered my protection spell until the very air was humming and shimmering with it and pressed the button to talk.

"Hi, Lucas..I heard you were asking about me?"

Eddie was nearly grinding his teeth to stop himself from taking the walkie and tossing it into the fireplace or getting in the car to go get Lucas himself. He was more than done with running away and he was so furious that this kid was having to deal with this shit alone. As he watched what could only be described as Red charging up with energy his brows rose his expression a mix of pride and concern.

It didn't take long for the crackle to come back and a voice that clearly did not belong to Lucas came through, the venom of it clear. "Hello Tinuviel, welcome to my world..tell me..just what do you think you're going to do here? Do you think you're the hero? You've already failed 2 people..poor Max..all alone in the dark..and now Lucas..he's been so lonely here.."

I steadied my breath, violent thoughts running rampant in contrast with my response, pulling forth 15 years of customer service experience into mind; after all of that I wasn't really rattled by much.

My voice was an eerily calm, so much so that the group cringed and their hairs stood on end. "Ah, I see his sliminess has decided to pay me the honor of a call, gonna need to take a shower after this to get the stench off. So first you're turning teenagers who were victims of domestic violence into marionettes and now you're resorting to threatening kids isn't that adorable. You know you didn't have to go through all this just to get me to come and kick your ass. I'd do that for free Henry."

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