Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Heading back inside the cabin my heart and mind raced as I formulated a plan. Breathing steadily as I knew to do when in pain or stressed I walked over to Eddie who stood up from where he'd been playing with the kitten his brows arched walking towards me as he noticed the fear in my eyes.

His unspoken question of 'what's wrong' hung in the air, taking his hand in mine squeezing it grateful for the grounding comfort he provided I walked over to Jim, "Hey Hop could we talk for a moment? Wanted to show you something.." I kept my voice low and calm trying not to gather the attention of the teens eating waffles.

Both Jim and Eddie followed, I hadn't asked but my ever perceptive metalhead wasn't leaving my side, and I loved that about him.

The porch door shut behind me, Jim looked around confusion and suspicion clear in his eyes. Sitting down shakily on the porch Eddie at my side his arm around my shoulders.

Taking a steadying breath I began pointing behind me. "So... the Demobats are out of the Upside Down..I saw one flying above the smoke a little bit ago.."

Eddie's grip on Red's shoulders tightened he didn't want to have to worry about this yet..the group was nowhere near ready. He could feel the fear and anxiety coming off of her and that wasn't helping at all. He breathed a bit easier as she laced her fingers with his reminding him that they were together so somehow it would be ok.

Sighing at what I knew I had to say, it was a long shot but I knew it couldn't hurt. "So...I have a plan and I figure between the two of us we can keep that fucker from seeing us..I don't know if those bats can be used as his eyes like the Crebain from the Lord Of The Rings or not but I'm not taking any chances, this cabin has to stay hidden."

The two nodded, Eddie smirking at the reference; He loved just how nerdy Red was.

Taking a deep breath, "So I'm going to try a variation of the spell I use for protection, if we can get a few things to reinforce it then it should hold and.."

Turning to Jim who looked completely lost "with your help we can make some solid traps.. I'd say in a perimeter about 1 mile in across minimum. No surprises."

Jim nodded still looking confused "why did we have to discuss this out here?"

Nodding my head "that's a fair question, one part is I don't know if my spell will work on the Demobats..I've used it against dark energy and evil intent..but never tried it on physical threats before..and I don't want to worry the kids about something they can't do anything about..they've had to be too grown up for too long..lets get them ready...let them have a safe space while we train them before we add to the trauma.."

His brows rose as Jim studied Red, impressed that she worried about traumatizing the kids even after everything they'd already survived. He could tell that she knew about trauma both from her desire to protect them and from what he'd heard from the kids, vague descriptions of what she'd already lived through.

"We can do that, what do you need from me for your..spell?" He stumbled over the words still not used to magic being real, and he wasn't sure he believed in it even now.

Breathing deeply I sighed, listing off ingredients to a spell to Jim Hopper is not something I thought I'd ever be doing.

Leaning into Eddie, who kissed the crown of my head, support and love radiating from him and his touch. "Well, a border of salt as basic as it is won't hurt so we'll need that, some quartz stones can enhance magic as well as we can put some of crystals of it at the points of this perimeter. And then the final bit is harder..we need belief...magic is at it's core fueled by belief and intention, I believe in it, but the more we all do the better off we'll be."

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