Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The two stayed out the porch until they were thoroughly chilled, between the ash clouds blocking the sun and the cooler spring weather it was brisk. Shivering in his arms my teeth chattered "think we might need to find a jacket or something, it's cold as shit out here"

Eddie nodded marching in place to warm up as he rubbed my arms trying to help me as well. Remembering the crystals he looked down and saw that I'd dropped them in the excitement. Reaching down he knelt to gather the quartz scattered on the porch, his deft fingers grabbing each piece and standing he held them out for me. "Think these are gonna help?"

Tilting my head thoughtfully I nodded "I really hope so, quartz can hold and magnify energy, they also have purification powers. Back home I had quartz at every entrance and window to keep the home safe. That and a bit of salt is a pretty standard witches blessing."

His eyes sparkled with curiosity, it was something else to see magic in real life..outside of D&D.

Seeing his interest and clear excitement I smiled softly an idea forming. "Do you wanna help me do this part of the spell? It's not super entertaining but it would go by faster with help...if you want"

Eddie nodded eagerly, the chance to cast actual magic even if it was just helping was too good an opportunity to pass up. "So what do we do exactly?"

His excitement was contagious as we split up the stones between the two of us as I explained. "It's about belief and intent, now we've got to scatter them of course at all the windows and doors but also at each of the corners of the perimeter; 1 crystal a place should be good. Then we gotta sprinkle salt around the border..wish we had sage to smudge as well..but this will'l help...and then we can plan our offense.." my eyes hardened as I thought of the day that I'd get to have a hand in kicking Vecna straight in his tentacled bits.

Eddie recognized that look from the day we'd met, sure he'd seen it through a haze of pain and bats but he knew rage and bloodlust when he saw it. He would be lying if he pretended that he didn't want revenge after what they'd done, he'd hoped this attempt would go better..because he couldn't stand any more losses.

Beginning our trek around the rough 1mile border around the cabin, guided by the cloud of smoke from the fireplace the two scattered a quartz crystal at each of the corners. The care that Eddie used placing each of the stones was clear, he wanted to make sure he didn't jeopardize the magic even though he didn't fully understand it. As the two of us finished I put the rest of the stones in my pockets, Eddie did so as well.

Taking his hand in mine and swaying it back and forth like teens at the mall I giggled "I like this, I've never been big on walking in the woods..cause of poison ivy risks but this is nice..if not a little chilly"

Eddie nodded, it was nice to have this time just the two of them in this peaceful area, even with the ash falling intermittently it was still beautiful.

Reaching the back of the cabin far enough away I saw what I'd thought was the generator shed and headed towards it. My brows rose in confusion, I couldn't see the cabin yet but were almost at the shed. "Umm Eddie..if this isn't the generator shed, then what is it?"

He shook his head "not a fuckin clue..I'm surprised we missed it..maybe it's an old outhouse?" He cringed at the thought.

Giggling I cringed as well "gods I hope not that would be disgusting."

Finally close enough we both were able to see that the shed was larger than expected, about the size of a small bedroom.

"Wonder if this is even for this cabin..I mean it's pretty damn close by so it probably is..but still"

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