Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

The three of us sat on the porch trimming and cutting the leaves and bark off of the saplings. Eddie had already cut them down to a more manageable length of about 5 ft on average. Fortunately since the wood was still green and wet the bark stripped off easily with the three of us working away at them. Finally done I set them against the cabin to dry and moved to sit in between Eddie's knees with a yawn and a sigh.

Looking out into the yard the light had dimmed, the visibility limited and I could hear Demobats and Demodogs in the distance. "It's starting to look more and more like a fucking zombie apocalypse out there... really hope I can get my muscles back in shape soon cause I've seen too many movies to think we've got forever before things get worse.."

Pulling me closer, nestled close in the safety of his arms Eddie kissed the crown of my hair nodding absently his mind lost in thought. He didn't want to think about the fight that he knew was going to have to happen, to imagine the losses he knew could result.

But he knew that Vecna wasn't going to stop until they were dead or worse and he wasn't losing his wife or anyone else. If he had anything to say about it no one else was going to fall like Chrissy... or any of that sick bastards victims.

Dustin leaned against me where he sat beside us on the step and I grinned grateful that he wasn't upset with me any more. Reaching over to take his hand in mine I squeezed it tight as the three of us flinched at the echoing cry of a Demogorgon in the distance. "Hey, try not to worry..the barrier is fully intact...between the healing and Eddie's power boost it'l hold..and if it doesn't the traps will."

My heart raced at the thought of waking up to find the cabin swarming with all sorts of Vecna's creatures, shaking away the thoughts I swallowed down my fear I took a deep breath.

Fortunately Joyce chose that moment to announce that food was ready, tilting my head back in Eddie's embrace I kissed his neck " lets go sounds good and it's getting fucking creepy out here.."

Bouncing to his feet in that agility I envied, Eddie came around in front of us and offered his hand with a bow "shall we retire to the safety of the cabin my fair princess?" Taking his hand in mine I giggled with a flourish "but of course my handsome prince" as he pulled me into his arms once more holding me close.

Turning my attention back to the steps I offered a hand to Dustin as well "come along valiant knight sir Dusty Bun, we can't go without you to protect us." Shaking his head at my antics Dustin allowed me to pull him to his feet before quickly hugging the two of us and hurried inside.

Giggling as I pulled Eddie along to follow Dustin muttering as we went "guess we can't compare to Mama Joyces cooking.."

The warmth of the cabin felt wonderful and did a lot towards erasing the dread the outside world had left me with and I sighed allowing it to ease the tension in my shoulders.

Inhaling deeply I grinned, "it smells like pot pie..either turkey or chicken..not sure which.."

Eddie looked disappointed and I sighed shaking my head realizing he may have only had the frozen kind.

Cuddling up to his side "oh Eddie my both really haven't had good home cooking have me I know from the smell these ones are fresh baked, bet you haven't had that before..I know both you Uncle Wayne did the best you could...but just you wait..between Jin and I..we're gonna spoil you with home cooking."

Between the smell that was permeating the cabin and Red's description of a life with regular home cooking Eddie was nearly drooling. As the two of us walked further into the cabin, they were both surprised to see Murray was the one cooking.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now