Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

The sounds of metal banging against metal echoing in the distance cut through the peaceful atmosphere and I sighed "well, looks like they're playing our song..shall we go and be heroes my love? You and me against the world?, me and Murray.. but still."

Eddie nodded taking my hand in his lacing our fingers together "yep, we can do this...together."

I heard the hesitation and sighed squeezing our joined hands tightly "it's not that day Eddie...we're going to drive to the cabin, rescue our friends and then drive back. If things get hairy we're going to light bitches on fire and still rescue our friends and come back safe. And when the big scary day comes to fight the Cthulhu-Esque bastard..I've got a few ideas involving cars and explosives.. so no matter what we are making it out of this. We've got the rest of our lives to look forward to, so we're going to be just fine. No casualties. You hear me?"

He chuckled unable to sit in the fear that had tried claiming him when Red had that determined tone in her voice, that and describing the weaponry and explosives she had planned. He was too proud and eager to see her in battle to be afraid.

Taking their joined hands to his lips he kissed them and nodded "yea..I hear you my beautiful artificer..fucking love when you talk about explosives and fire.. can't wait til we can play D&D..."

I giggled and nodded tugging him along with me towards the door knowing if I didn't go now I never would. "I can't wait either, though I hope I get decent dice rolls, cause the ones at that last session of hellfire would have had me putting my dice in fucking jail as bad as they were."

He chuckled warmly, as he smiled remembering that day, he'd wondered which time Red had seen him DM'ing a session and now it was clear. He was glad she'd gotten to see that game, it was a good one.

The sound of our joint laughter echoing in the hallway as the both of us continued towards the door, spotting a leftover waffle that was cool to the touch but not fossilized yet I grabbed it and took a bite before ripping it in half and handing the remainder to Eddie "here, have some fuel."

He opened his mouth and I grinned placing the waffle inside laughing as he ate the large bite whole. Shaking my head I finished off my half of the waffle nearly as fast before grabbing a water bottle and tucking it in my pocket before leading the two of us the rest of the way to the door.

Stepping outside in the cooler air I was suddenly grateful for my jacket once more as the afternoon had cooled off significantly. Eddie's arms gathered around me gently from behind mindful of the bow still hanging there, I tilted my head back and smiled.

Remembering that I couldn't use my bow for this mission, "baby could you help me take my bow and bow sling off for me please? Won't be able to ride in the car with it, was actually going to bring a crossbow instead cause we can fit that more easily in the car."

He nodded and I smiled as he gently unhooked the bow removing the sling as well placed my bow aside on the porch with the sling tucked beside it. Looking around I realized there weren't any crossbows or bolts out there.

"Shit.. actually forgot to grab a crossbow and bolts. Kinda important to have a weapon if you plan to use it.." I muttered to myself shaking my head. Turning to stroke his hair and cup his cheek in my hand running my thumb across his jaw. "Ok Eddie my love, can you see if they got the car ready and I'll run back in and get the weapons I need? Gonna also get us something to use as shields in case our spikes fail us."

Eddie nodded reaching over to pull me into a kiss before giving me a gentle shove towards the door slapping my ass as I went. Flushing and smirking even as I narrowed my eyes at him I went inside and gathered what I needed.

Going over to the weapons cabinet I looked around and found what amounted to a quiver and I filled it to the brim with crossbow bolts, grateful that they appeared to be heavy duty carbon just like the arrows, made for piercing and distance.

Glancing around I'd spotted the fixings for Molotov cocktails, and some gunpowder presumably for making rounds and an idea struck. Grabbing a standard orange Tupperware bowl, "so typically 80's" I muttered to myself with a laugh. Choosing gasoline as my flammable liquid I filled it with a 2 to 1 ratio of the gunpowder and gasoline and mixed it to make a thick paste. Shoving the spoon I'd used inside I sealed it and looked over the shelf, remembering that if shit does go awry it wouldn't hurt to have melee option so I grabbed a machete and anchored it in my belt loop before grabbing a second for Eddie and finally a crossbow.

The crossbow was a little heavy but it felt right in my hands, studying how it cranked, it was a simple lever powered contraption. Taking the quiver and slipping it's strap over my arm I grabbed 2 of what looked like kevlar vests and tucked them under my other arm.

Carefully heading back outside I called on my years past experience of being a waitress carrying a dozen plates of food and managed to get out to the porch without dropping any of it. Holding out the vests I called over to Eddie who stood beside what used to be a sedan but now more closely resembled a tank.

Uncle Wayne had done an incredible job with it, the hood was covered in spikes over several inches tall that while they wouldn't obstruct the view they would slow down any attackers. The windshield had been removed and part of the metal box overhung a few inches in front of the opening giving them some protection without affecting visibility.

Coming back over towards me Eddie's brows arched at the interesting assortment of objects I carried, he saw the vest and crossbow with bolts and machete's those made sense. However the bright Orange Tupperware did not "umm I have questions.." giggling I nodded before sighing gratefully as he took the vests and second machete from my hands.

"So it's not food, it's for the's a nice little explosive paste that will explode on contact. Not on us..but when I shoot them" his brows went to his hairline as he took a careful step back from the Tupperware "I promise it's not going to blow up without fire or being hit by high impact.. it's completely safe."

The skeptical look still clear on his face I sighed knowing proof was required. Opening the lid I spread a bit on the tip of one of the bolts before closing it once more and setting the Tupperware on the ground and loading the bolt into the crossbow and firing it into the clearing within the barrier but away from the others who appeared to be loading weapons preparing for a siege.

The bolt stuck into the ground and as it hit it exploded into a fireball leaving a burning patch on the ground. A chorus of 'holy shit' and 'what the fuck was that' echoed through the group as Eddie blinked his jaw dropped a smile spreading across his face, "goddamn..that is badass Red..'just tech support' my beautiful love are deadly."

I cackled, the sound echoing in the yard as I nodded biting my lip I couldn't help the proud smile that crossed my lips "yea, this is what happens to nerds who spend too much time in customer service, we become artificers.."

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