Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

I couldn't agree more about his assessment of the kids that I'd tried to care for but had lost, and I couldn't be more grateful and slightly guilty that he saw how much I loved and cared for the hellfire club as if they were my own kids. I hated that unless some miracle happened I'd have to say goodbye to all of my new found family except for Eddie of course and that at least was a fact I couldn't be more grateful for.

Hearing him mention the pets I grinned just picturing how wonderful it would be to introduce him to them.

Pulling back slightly from his embrace so I could see him I kissed his lips softly savoring the way he melted easily into my kiss his arms settled around my waist.

Slowly detaching from his lips as addictive as they were I kissed his nose before remembering what I'd planned to say, "I can't..well I can believe that I haven't told you all about the fur babies from back home with everything that's happened since I arrived.."

Eddie nodded in agreement thinking how it was a wonder that the two had managed to talk and learn as much as they had about one another with all that was going on.

"But before I tell you about the other furbabies, I thought of a name for the that means a lot to me..see when I was a kid I got this gift don't even remember who from but it was a certificate that gave me the right to name one constellation in the sky. I don't even remember where it is but I did name it, was for if I ever have a's an odd name that apparently has a biblical meaning not that I care but I thought of it so I chose it.. so I figured since we don't know if we'll ever have kids of the non furry or adopted sheep variety..we could name the kitten Ianna."

Nodding thoughtfully as he repeated the name in his head 'Ianna'. The name was different he had to agree but not so much so that it couldn't be spelled or would lead to a life of torture by other kids if it had been given to a daughter. It was a beautiful name, especially with as much as it clearly meant to Red. Thinking of the tiny gray fur-ball he agreed, "that's a beautiful name, I think it's perfect for the kitten."

Grinning I nodded before flushing deeply as I remembered the second half of my conversation I had to have with him.

Eddie's brows rose confusion clear on his face, reaching up he stroked my cheek "hey what's going on in that head of yours..wait didn't you say you had two things to talk about? Alright whats the second thing..whatever it is I'm here to listen"

Sputtering a bit I took a steadying breath "so yea..this is more of you're going to enjoy it..I mean I will...oh fuck...I'll just say it.."

Thoroughly amused Eddie pulled me closer stroking my back as I continued to stammer, "come on Red..tell me.."

Just the hint of command in his voice reminded me of the desire from earlier and I tried to cling to that little bit of insanity to give me courage to have this conversation. "Ok..well..about yea...I asked Mama Joyce to get everyone out of the cabin for a few hours around 8am so we can have some time for have sex..."

His earlier suspicions confirmed, Eddie nodded chuckling as Red started to hide her face once more in the crook of his neck. " you arranged for us to have a morning for sex.."

Taking a deep breath I continued "so...our first time together was you hopefully know..well...with this time us not being overheard...or rushed and having an actual bedroom...I was brainstorming and have some ideas..not all for tomorrow but..I try some things..?"

The desire and excitement that Eddie had shoved into the box earlier was coming back full force, he knew that Red had interests in trying things but he didn't know when or what she'd want to try first. He was proud of her for not only having set something like this up but for having the courage to talk about it, it wasn't easy. Stroking her back slowly he grabbed her ass his fingertips digging into the soft flesh pulling her against his erection to remind her just how he felt about the subject before replying "yes it was amazing..did you have any idea what you want to try? You can tell me anything.."

My cheeks flamed and I couldn't help the whimpered moan as I felt his length still hard from earlier brush against me, sputtering even more I tried to get the words out, " thing...I would really like to see if you can..shit..we can...?..not sure how to say it..was wondering if you could tie me up somehow and make me orgasm until I can't handle it...? I think it's overstimulation.. and if it was done with the whole...'dungeon master' or even just 'master.'.. dynamic?"

Afraid if I stopped speaking I'd lose my courage entirely I continued grateful that he didn't interrupt, "I'd like to try being in charge at some point as well..I have a few fantasy's of what it would be like when we get back home..and tying you up like a present to look at while I work...and...of sometime...riding your face though I'm terrified that I'll crush you.."

I squeaked the last word out earning a warm chuckle as Eddie kissed my shoulder in reply. Taking another breath I managed to speak further, "I even thought..for the whole dom sub me..or order me..teach me how to masturbate...teach me how to enjoy that without electronics..and actually be able to cum..if it's even possible.. and keep in mind these are ideas..we don't even have to do them..cause I know some require things we don't have access we have to be able to move after so we can spar...also still don't know what I'd use as a safe word..fuck sorry for rambling it all out again..."

Eddie couldn't really describe how he felt hearing all of this, it was incredibly hot and he was more than a little impressed at the list of things Red had thought up even knowing that she'd read about a lot of sexual things, he was about to speak up to stop her backpedaling, when she muttered something else inaudible against his skin. Kissing his way along her neck and shoulder he spoke softly "I didn't catch that sweetheart, try again?"

Sighing my cheeks were once again flaming as I sputtered "was also wondering if you could wake me up with sex at some point? Always wanted to try that..."

Smirking he couldn't help the pride at just how kinky Red was. Here he thought he'd have to ease her into things outside of vanilla sex; but her suggestions were impressive and well thought out, that part wasn't a big surprise he knew when it came to being worried about something she planned it out.

Knowing that his silence was not doing her any favors he kissed her neck as his hands stroked down her sides and back as he spoke against her skin enjoying the way she shivered and arched into his kisses "that's a very good list, and you're right we don't have the supplies to try all of them and I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be able to move afterwards if we did all of that tomorrow."

He chuckled as he savored the image of the two of us so utterly blissed out and exhausted from pleasure that we lay boneless unable to move only breathe.

Pushing that lovely image aside he continued "all the ideas are good ones I'll tell you that, tying you down and making you cum until you can't anymore is a beautiful idea that we can explore to an extent but once again it may not happen quite like that tomorrow, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun with this little wish list."

"As far as the safe words you can go with red, yellow and green like stop's a classic and we can work out non verbal signals too like 3 taps could mean check in or even stop. One thing people tend to forget when it comes to dom and sub is it's the dom's job to check in and see how the sub is doing as much as it's the subs job to communicate. It's a balance, and so far you've got the communication part down."

A wicked grin crossed his lips as he nuzzled against her neck "Oh..almost forgot the face riding, that would be...fuck that would be incredible..and no you wouldn't crush didn't crush me when you rode my cock the other day." the sound of his palm slapped against her ass echoed in the room for emphasis as he nipped her ear trying to help her get out of her head.

"So when you ride my face, your weight goes on your knees or I can help you with my arms either way you wont crush me..though what a way to die.." he growled a moan into her neck at that, just the thought of being smothered by her pussy too beautiful not to savor.

Managing to reign in his libido he remembered Red's interest in being a dom "as far as tying me up like a present that sounds very interesting and I'm intrigued, it would be incredible to watch you try to focus on work with me as a distraction; however we don't have the tools for that one currently. Now for the masturbation teaching that sounds powerful and definitely important and I already had planned to help you with that, I don't think we would necessarily go the dom route with that but we can play around and figure it out together."

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